Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1044: kill the devil


The demon violently screams, and the demon's fork in his hand carries a rush of killing, directly stabbing the body of Ye Chenfeng.


The field of the sword that Ye Chenfeng opened up was instantly broken, and the terrible demon's fork sparkled the light of death, directly blasting Ye Chenfeng's body.

And at the moment when Ye Chenfeng’s body exploded, the evil spirits and the phoenix gods both played an invincible blow. The extremely tacit attack attacked the devil and stabbed his eyes.


The scorpion was attacked, the devil sent a painful mourning, and a large amount of blood flowed out uncontrollably.

"Don't die!"

When the demon scorpion was injured, Ye Chenfeng, who was stabbed by the devil's fork, suddenly exerted his unrelenting power and quickly repaired the body.

The next moment, he melted a large number of the blood of the life into two virtual swords, playing the way of the royal device, controlling the two virtual swords to the devil's head.

The injury of the double scorpion, greatly reduced the reaction of the demon. When he felt the danger, the instinct was dodged, and the two sacred swords with the rules of time slammed on his head.


The devil's body is almost invincible, but his head is indeed a weak place. He is attacked by two virtual swords. His head immediately cracks the crack of the road, and the soul is injured by two virtual swords.

"The soul-sucking brain!"

The devil's head is cracked, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summons the last soul-souling brain and throws it at the devil's head, letting it erode the devil's soul sea and eroding his soul.

Although Ye Chenfeng knows that this sub-brain is not enough to control the demon, the attack of the sub-brain can greatly weaken the devil's combat power and create the best chance for himself to finally kill him.

"We shot!"

Showing the undead, repairing the exploding body, Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God, the evil spirits continue to attack the devil who is roaring in pain.

After being eroded by the soul-sucking brain, the devil had to disperse a lot of energy to attack the brain, causing his combat power to drop drastically, and the three offensives were completely suppressed by Ye Chenfeng.

"Demon field, destroy!"

Unable to resist the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng, the head injury is getting heavier and heavier, the crazy demon bursts a lot of blood of the life, and the power of the demon field is raised to the extreme, fully resisting the three people of Ye Chenfeng. A flood of attacks.

When the devil opened the demon field, Ye Chenfeng three people simultaneously opened up the field and slammed up.


The four major fields collided together, and the area where the three mornings of Ye Chenfeng opened up exploded at the same time. The force of the explosion generated a large number of cracks in the demon field and was fragmented.

"Hundreds of evil soldiers, hey!"

The devil's field ruptured, and the evil spirits squandered the blood of the sinister soldiers in disregard of the field, stimulating the gods of the sects, and turned into a tens of thousands of invincible sacred soldiers. In the field of broken demons, the demon field was broken in one fell swoop, and the devil who roared in pain was turned.


After being attacked by a hundred evil soldiers, the demon's huge body constantly retreated, and a deep blood mark ran through his body, retreating his shackles.

"Nirvana Power!"

The demon was repulsed by the evil spirits. The phoenix **** immediately provoked the strongest nirvana power, attacked the demon, and continued to attack his head. As long as he smashed his head and smashed his soul, he could finally Kill him.

The fierce battle is getting worse.

Ye Chenfeng three people constantly stimulate their potential, continue to cast a thrilling killing, constantly attacking the soul to be encroached, the painful roaring demon, cracking his incomparably hard head, further destroying the devil.

"Ye brother, you are careful!"

Suddenly, Mu Linger, who was hiding in the distance, changed his face slightly and shouted at the three people of Ye Chenfeng.

Mu Linger’s voice just fell, and the power of the invincible blood broke out in the demon body, such as the erupting volcano, bursting out of his body, and nearly hitting the Ye Chenfeng three.

Although Ye Chenfeng heard Mu Linger reminding him to dodge in time, the blood of the demon erupted was too horrible, and the coverage was too wide to be able to dodge.

In a critical moment, the evil spirits used their own bodies to block the front of Ye Chenfeng, and they were hard enough to kill the blood of the late God.


The body of the evil spirit is once again blown up.

And hiding behind the evil spirits, Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God desperately defended, but they escaped.

Showing a **** blow, the demon's body instantly becomes weak, and the combat power drops again.


When the evil spirits provoke undead blood and force the body to be repaired, Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God continue to cast a thrilling attack, continuously attacking the weak demons.

"Black gold chains, bound!"

When the Devil's Day retreats, Ye Chenfeng summons the killing cockroach, and the black gold chain that is comparable in hardness to the virtual artifact is bound to the demon.

The devil's injury is too heavy, and the blood red flesh is almost smashed. It can't escape the black gold chain and is bound to the body.


The body is bound, and the devil makes an angry roar, desperately resisting, wanting to tear the black gold chain.

But his injury is too serious, and the blood of his body is seriously deficient, and he can't break the black gold chain.

Grasping the opportunity of the demon to attack the black gold chain, Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God attacked its broken head and attacked his hard head.


The devil's head exploded, his soul accompanied the soul-sucking brain, and was smashed by Ye Chenfeng and the phoenix god. His strong body fell heavily in the pool of blood, and the vitality in the body was rapid. disappear.

"Huh, finally kill him!"

Although killing the devil and wasting the last soul-splitting brain, it's all worth it.

Ye Chenfeng not only found the second key in the demon, but also got the demon fork of the virtual artifact level and gave it to the **** Hengu.

"The candle dragon predecessor, this demon flesh is given to you, refining his body, you should have the opportunity to step into the virtual state!"

Ye Chenfeng took the demon's body into the Qiankun, and gave him to the candle dragon who had cultivated to the level of the five-level Tao.

A battle with the devil, Ye Chenfeng, evil spirits, the phoenix **** is extremely injured, especially the evil spirits, and the devil smashed the flesh again and again, seriously overdrafting the undead blood, and must be deeply healed for a while.

And Ye Chenfeng also intends to accelerate the fusion of the ancestor's sword spirit and the red sword soul. He decided to squat for a few days in the 50-time time flow space of Qiankun.

Time has passed.

For the past three days, the past 150 years have passed.

In this one hundred and fifty days, the ancestral swordsman successfully merged with the red sword soul to complete the qualitative transformation, a red light emerged on the surface of the new sword soul, and the power of the sword soul also broke the ancestor. Extremely extreme, reaching the level of virtual artifacts.

"Linger, take me to the third tomb!"

Ye Chenfeng, who basically recovered his injuries, left the Qiankun area alone and followed Mu Linger to leave the tomb of the demon and went to the third tomb.

But this time, they were not lucky. They found two tombs in succession. They were all opened by the ancients. They were empty and there were no old books and keys.

When they carefully walked through the graveyard of death, when they came outside the fifth tomb, in the fifth tomb, they felt the breath of two virtual gods, one of which was a virtual god. It is the horror of the late gods.

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