Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1046: Stop the horror goddess

"How are you!"

Looking at the sudden emergence of Ye Chenfeng, the phoenix **** and the evil spirits, the whole heart of the horror demon fell into the trough. He did not expect that Ye Chenfeng and others would be encountered at this festival.

After being seriously injured, he lost the biggest cuddling and many cards. The goddess knows that he is not an opponent of Ye Chenfeng and others.

"How scared?" Phoenix looked fiercely at him and said, "When you kill my phoenix, you should think that you will have this day."

"You don't want to be arrogant, the prince of the gods, the prince of the royal family is nearby, even if you eventually kill me, I don't want to leave!"

Knowing that the horror of the infatuated **** did not ask for mercy, he quickly took a large number of Zu Dan, forcibly suppressed the body injury, and said hard.


When he spoke, the chaotic beast that was smothered by the nine demon gods flew over and screamed at the angry screams of Ye Chenfeng and others.

"Chaos, speed out!"

Ye Chenfeng let God Henggu give the heart stone to the chaotic beast, summon it from the Qiankun environment, and resist the Dacheng chaos.

The two chaos are coming together and they are stunned.

"Chaos, there is chaos in this universe!" Dacheng Chaos beast saw chaos, and there was a hint of excitement in the round eyes. It did not expect to see his own people while he was still alive.

Chaos is also in a state of excitement. Since his parents died, he was the first to see a chaotic beast.

"Phoenix God, evil spirits, now kills the gods!"

When the two chaos gods and gods are sacred, Ye Chenfeng three people attacked the **** of the gods, and wanted to take this opportunity to kill him as soon as possible.

"Blood, life, burning!"

Life hangs on the line, and the horror of the gods burns the power of life and the blood of the whole body at any cost, forcibly suppressing the body injury, holding the shocking long Ge, and fighting with the three people of Ye Chenfeng.

The horror of the goddess is the third master of the Mozu, but the phoenix **** and the evil spirit both step into the late stage of the virtual god, and the strength is not weaker than him.

With Ye Chenfeng holding two virtual swords, the offensive of the stunned **** was instantly suppressed and retreated.

When Ye Chenfeng and the three men joined forces to kill the **** of the gods, the two chaotic beasts exchanged ideas with the gods.

At the time of communication, the hostility in the eyes of Dacheng Chaos is getting weaker and weaker.

"After the younger generation, I can still see you before I die. It is not thin to wait for me to go to heaven. Let me send you a big chance before I die!" Dacheng Chaos has a decisive color in his eyes. Road.

"No, my ancestors, you will not die, I will be able to save you and let you be born again!" Chaos shook his head and said.

"Useless!" Dacheng Chaos beast shook his head and said: "My life has already come to an end. Unless it is God, no one can save me."

"Okay, don't say more, I am now integrating the blood of my body into your body, inspiring your potential and helping you step into the virtual world!"

Speaking, Dacheng Chaos is obsessed with chaos, exerting the mysterious magical power of the Chaos, forcing the blood of the whole body into the chaotic body.

"No, my ancestors, I don't want your blood!" Chaos said.

But the Dacheng Chaos Beast is unmoved, constantly merging the strongest chaotic blood into the chaotic body, inspiring its potential and rapidly improving its strength.

With a large amount of blood loss, the huge body of Dacheng Chaos Beast began to wither and its strength became weaker.

The chaos that incorporates a lot of chaotic blood, but it has crossed the half-step virtual god, and once again hit the virtual realm.

Yu Guang discovered the behavior of Dacheng Chaos Beast. Ye Chenfeng completely let go of his heart, inspiring the invincible sword body, blending the field of swords, and attacking the gods.

With the Excalibur swallowing the sky, the sword of all things fell at the same time, and the **** of the gods was swept away by the two virtual swords. Two deep sword marks remained on his body, almost smashing his body.

Ye Chenfeng hits a stunned demon god, the demon **** clock, and the hundred evil soldiers simultaneously smashed and bombarded the body of the stunned demon god, continuing to aggravate his physical injury, blurring the flesh and blood of his powerful demon **** .

The eye-catching demon **** was killed by Ye Chenfeng three people. Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng felt that his own stone outside the tomb of the tomb was trembling. A highly horrible master is attacking the outer stone.

"Tai Huang Tian!"

Through the mark on the stone outside the domain, Ye Chenfeng feels that it is Taihuangtian that attacks the outer stone.

"Phoenix God, evil spirits, the emperor is coming, we are all fighting to kill the gods!"

Ye Chenfeng immediately voiced the news that Taihuangtian appeared to tell the Phoenix God two people, constantly improving their attack power and attacking the gods.

At this time, chaos combines the power of all the blood of Dacheng Chaos, and breaks through the virtual reality of the lower level, and its body is also under the chaos of blood, a qualitative leap occurs, and the physical strength reaches six. Trillion pounds, far beyond Ye Chenfeng.

"The younger generation, this key and this chaotic **** axe will be given to you. I hope that your destiny will not be as tragic as I am. I hope that one day, you will cultivate to the extreme of the universe and recover my chaotic family!" The blood is integrated into the chaotic body, and the body is thin and the chaotic beast is weak.

"The ancestors rest assured, I swear that I will recover my chaotic family!" Chaos changed into an adult shape, respectfully respecting the impending degenerate Dacheng chaos beast and respectfully bowed three times, promised.

"Well, I believe in you!" Dacheng Chaos beast reveals a rare smile.


Suddenly, a deafening sound of blasting sounded outside the tomb, and the Shenshi outside the field could not withstand the attack of the Emperor, and it was broken.

When you heard the sound of blasting, the stunned gods who saw the line of life saw the hope of life, and continued to burn their lives at all costs, and fully resisted the attack of Ye Chenfeng.

"Stunning, whoever is useless, you will die!"

The Phoenix God suddenly inspired a powerful Nirvana power, and the attack turned to the **** of the gods.

Ye Chenfeng, the evil spirit is also at this moment, the most aggressive killings are cast, and the attack is to the **** of the gods.

For a time, the space in front of the stunned gods violently rolled up, and the power of horror seemed to destroy the entire space and directly engulf him.


The strongest attack by the three people of Ye Chenfeng, the defense of the stunned **** is immediately broken, and the terrible attack directly smashes his half body and slams him to the ground, blood squirting.

"Chaotic God Wood, Devouring!"

When the **** of the gods used powerful power to forcibly repair the broken body, Ye Chenfeng summoned the chaotic method, and the control law changed into a tall chaotic god, extending tens of thousands of five-color roots. Rooted in the body of the **** of the gods, madly swallowed.


There was a scream of Chaos God Wood, screaming at the fear of the gods, mobilizing powerful power and struggling to resist.

But under the suppression of the phoenix **** and the evil spirits, the resilience of the stunned gods became weaker and weaker, and eventually they were suppressed by the two, allowing the chaotic gods to swallow and the body became more and more withered.

When the **** of the gods is about to be swallowed up by the Chaos God Wood, when the life is lost, the power is terrifying, and the imperial **** invincible in the virtual world appears.

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