Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1052: God's game

Time goes by.

The Phoenix God has served two chaotic gods in a row, and fully attacked the late Dacheng of the virtual god.

And Ye Chenfeng refining a chaotic **** with its own source of power, but he can never break the bottleneck of the realm, and stepping into the virtual world beyond the last step.

"Hey, it seems that my pre-training speed is too fast, leaving a lot of hidden diseases. It is almost hopeless to break through the virtual state in a short time!"

The chaotic gods that contain the source can't make Ye Chenfeng enter the virtual state for a short time. He can only think of other ways to improve his strength.

"Linger, you come with me, let's hunt and kill Jiuyuan Shenzun!"

The realm of its own cannot be broken. Ye Chenfeng can only find a way to make the chaotic method break through the realm. If the chaotic method can break through to the late stage of the virtual god, it can greatly enhance his combat power.


Without cultivation, Mu Linger, who has been silently aware of the rules of the universe, opened his eyes and followed Ye Chenfeng to fly away from this meteorite, looking for Jiuyuan Shenzun in the sky.

There are a lot of Jiuyuan Shenzun hidden in the sky, Ye Chenfeng and Mu Linger, who flew to the strange east for a long time, and suffered the interception of three Jiuyuan gods.

With Mu Linger's perception of the rules of the universe deeper and deeper, the power of her condensation rule chain is getting bigger and bigger.

Under the binding of a series of rules, Jiuyuan Shenzun could not exert its due strength and was completely passive.

About three days or so, Ye Chenfeng, who fought **** battles, successfully killed the three major Jiuyuan gods, letting Chaos Shenmu swallow them.

"According to this development, Chaos Shenmu will devour ten or so Jiuyuan Shenzun, and should be able to complete the breakthrough in strength!"

Feeling that Chaos Shenmu swallowed up the three major Jiu Shen Shenzun, the level of chaos that was born was raised again, and the distance between the law and the break became closer to the late stage of the virtual god. Ye Chenfeng quickly recovered the body injury, and Mu Ling Children continue to look for Jiuyuan Shenzun in the sky.

Soon, one month passed.

In this month, Ye Chenfeng and Mu Linger teamed up to kill thirteen Jiuyuan Shenzun, condensing thirteen chaotic gods, plus the chaotic goddess of the previous chaos He now has a total of twenty chaotic gods with the origin of the source, enough for him to let the ancestors enter the virtual state.

And Chaos Shenmu swallowed up these thirteen Jiuyuan gods, and also completed the final transformation, so that the chaotic law stepped into the late stage of the virtual god, the original Taoist heart is more powerful.

The chaos method broke through, Ye Chenfeng did not delay the time, and Mu Linger flew back to the rock, and found that the Phoenix God still fell into cultivation.

The refining of two chaotic gods, the phoenix god's strength is obviously improved, and the phoenix fire that burns on her body is more powerful enough to melt the ancestors.

Ye Chenfeng while practicing while waiting for the fifth day, the phoenix gods fired from the phoenix **** suddenly multiplied the amplitude, burning the meteorite under her body constantly melting, the space was distorted.

The refining of two chaotic gods and the red heart of the gods, the phoenix **** finally reached the late stage of the virtual god.

"Let's go, let's challenge the black man. If we can't beat him with our current strength, then the big chance in the main tomb of the wilderness is probably not with us!"

Ye Chenfeng three people adjusted their own state to the best, and flew to the distant star.

"You finally have the courage to challenge the deity!"

Looking at the flying star's Ye Chenfeng three people, wearing black armor, holding a black dragon gun, like an invincible **** of war, Jiuyuan Shenzun opened his eyes, shimmering and glaring at Ye Chenfeng III humane.

When he saw wearing a white dress, the temperament was elegant, like a fairy, Mu Linger, the indifferent eyes reveal a different color.

"Do you surname Chu or surname Mu?" The black-skinned man stared at Mu Linger for a while.

"The younger brother Mu Linger, see the predecessors!" Mu Linger screamed at the black man.

"Mu Linger...It turned out to be a descendant of God!" The black-skinned man's tone of voice eased the three-pointer: "Beat me, you can not only get a treasure as a reward, but also see Hong, If the Lord of the Wasteland fails, look at the future generations of God, I will spare you not to die, and send you away."

"Predecessors, I have a question I want to ask you?"

Ye Chenfeng did not expect that Mu Linger’s background was so large, and asked her for her identity.

"You say!"

The black man turned his gaze to Ye Chenfeng and asked in a low voice.

"The power of the predecessors, why are you trapped here, who is the tomb of the wilderness!" Ye Chenfeng said the doubts in his heart.

"For her sake, I will answer your question!" The black man said with a meditation: "Whether it is me, or Hong, the wasteland, I am willing to stay here, and the tomb of the wilderness is God." The chance to stay is also a game of God."

"God's game!"

Ye Chenfeng’s heart picked up a big wave, and I didn’t expect the tomb of the wilderness to be related to God.

And this god, obviously not the **** of his own universe, but the **** of the alien universe, and then associates with the words that Mu Linger said at the beginning, Ye Chenfeng guessed that the tomb of the wilderness may come from the universe of Mu Linger.

"Predecessors, the strength of Hong, the shortage is compared with you, who is strong and who is weak!" Ye Chenfeng continued to ask according to the shock of his heart.

"Hong, the wild is the strongest of their universe. When they failed, they should have died, but God did not kill them, let them guard the tomb of the wild, and their strength is far more than me!" The man meditated for a moment and still said it.

"That said, the most precious opportunity of the tomb of the wilderness, has nothing to do with the wild, but the treasure left by God!" Ye Chenfeng suddenly jumped wildly.

If he can get the treasures left by God, his chances of vying for this world will be greater than others!

"You have too many questions. Many answers still need to be answered by yourself. But before you do, you need to beat me first. If I can't beat them, you can talk about how to challenge Hong and the wild." There is no answer to the question of Ye Chenfeng.

"Okay, then fight!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and burned the blood of Hongmeng, blending the heart of the gods and the chaotic law of the late virtual gods, and elevated his own strength to the late Dacheng of the virtual god, which is equivalent to the phoenix god.

And the Phoenix God also burned a powerful phoenix fire, and the change became the strongest form of combat. With a demon clock, holding a bronze ancient sword, he was ready to attack the black man.

"Strong is OK, but I want to beat me, or worse!" The black man said indifferently.

He stepped out in one step, and the whole star circle swung up. Hundreds of stars sparkled with glaring white light, reflecting the entire starry sky.

The next moment, the black man spurred a shot at the three mornings of Ye Chenfeng.

A shot pierced, instantly blending the power of hundreds of millions of stars, the unmatched gun mans like a silver dragon, piercing Ye Chenfeng.

In the face of this gun, Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God have a feeling of nowhere to dodge, and immediately control their virtual artifacts to defend their defense.

But the power of this gun is too great, completely beyond the imagination of Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God, and the four virtual artifacts can't resist.


A mouthful of blood spewed out among their two populations.

The black man only stabbed a shot and stabbed Ye Chenfeng seriously, and flew more than a thousand meters away.

ps: fourth! Let's help with the advertising! ! ! ! ! !

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