Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1059: Break the flood, the wildness

"The spear of the rule, through the flood!"

Mu Linger threw out the spears of the rules that have been condensed by countless rules and chains. The hole penetrated into the flood and the wasteland.


The sound of the tremors resounded through the nine days, and a spear penetrated the three circles and six roads.

Where the spears of the two rules go, the stars are directly blasted and smashed.

Feeling that the two rules of the spear completely locked themselves, the flood and the ruin face changed slightly, both of which gave up attacking the morning wind, holding the dragon rifle and the snake head spear to defend.


The spear of the rule and the dragon-shaped lance, when the snake head spears collided together, the sound of the road ruptured.

The spear of the horrible rules shattered the power of the two great gods above the virtual artifact.

The next moment, the two rules of the spear thrown by Mu Linger burst a lot of regular light, passing through the dragon-shaped rifle and the snake-head spear, and the hole penetrated the flood and the desert, directly breaking their The body defenses, piercing their bodies and piercing their hearts.

The heart was pierced by a regular spear. The flood and the wildness were immediately hit hard. The power in the body was completely out of control, tearing through the meridians of their bodies and breaking their strong flesh, causing their strength to drop rapidly.

"Ye Gege, Phoenix God, Hong. The waste is handed over to you."

Injecting the spears of the two rules, Mu Linger’s face became pale, and the whole person seemed to have taken all the power of the whole body, the weak voice.


Ye Chenfeng and the phoenix **** each cut a chaotic **** fruit, while recovering the body injury, while being pierced into the heart, the painful roaring flood and the wild attack.


Ye Chenfeng blasted, and the fist of more than 10 trillion pounds of force collided with the fist of the size of a water tank, suddenly bursting power, and the chaotic void shattered the road crack.

There was a hard punch, and Ye Chenfeng retired a little more than ten meters to stabilize his body shape, and let the innocent voice fall back three steps.

"It’s just that you’ve just played very well, now it’s my turn to attack!”

A fist knocked back the three steps, and Ye Chenfeng’s heart was set, and a long, whistling sound was heard. He held two deadly swords to launch a deadly attack on the desert, and he was fiercely killed under the stars. .

The heart is pierced, and the power of the wilderness is drastically reduced. It is only a few more powerful than Ye Chenfeng. In addition, he needs to constantly suppress the uncontrollable power of the body, resulting in a great reduction in combat power, facing the tide of Ye Chenfeng. Offensive, retreat.

The Phoenix God and Hong are also fiercely fierce, but Hong is more terrible than the invincible wilderness. Although his power has plummeted, he has a deep control over the power of the rules, plus he has a strong grasp. The sacred fire of the wild has created a lot of trouble for the phoenix god.

"There is a fire, melting!"

Hong, regardless of his own injuries, forcibly and speeding to fly, the phoenix **** running through the starry sky, a hard blow, a steady stream of spit out of the wild fire, formed a fire pool, directly engulfed the phoenix **** in the khaki fire Tanzhong, the burning phoenix god, wants to melt it.


The phoenix fire that was burned by the phoenix **** was instantly suppressed, and the hot energy rushed into the body of the phoenix god, constantly melting her body.

"Eight Nirvana!"

Unable to withstand the floods and fires, the phoenix **** suddenly madly swallowed the burning fire of the flesh into the body, and then she inspired a powerful eight-fold nirvana, reborn by the power of Nirvana.


The phoenix nirvana can be invincible in the world nine times, but the phoenix **** Nirvana eight times, the power contained in the body almost reached the extreme of the virtual world, the horrible nirvana power constantly devours the wild fire, borrowing the huge power of the wild fire, Let the phoenix **** nirvana.

When the phoenix **** Nirvana, Hong disregarded the physical injury, and merged with the powerful rules of the stars, inspiring the dragon-shaped rifle to spur the Phoenix god, and a shot of Nirvana's phoenix **** was worn.

The heart has been pierced, and the power of Hong has plummeted. The power of this gun cannot make the Phoenix **** deadly.


Along with a high phoenix sounds.

The phoenix **** borrowed the power of eight nirvana to suppress the fire of the wilderness, and the fire was reborn, and the fierce counterattack against the slightly changed face.

The power of the eight-fold nirvana is fully activated, greatly affecting the power of the phoenix god. The magical pattern in the demon god's bell is also fully activated at this moment, suppressing one side of the world, weakening Hong's control over the rules of the starry sky. Suppress his fighting power.

The phoenix **** borrowed the power of eight nirvana and gradually suppressed Hong, and the collision between Ye Chenfeng and the wilderness also fought to the stage of white heat.

Ye Chenfeng intentionally attacked the heart of the wilderness and aggravated his heart injury, which made the waste have to be distracted and defense, causing his combat power to decline again.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

"Heavenly Promise!"


When the defense was full of defense, Ye Chenfeng also displayed the three supernatural powers at the same time, and the bombardment of the saga was smashed into the wilderness. The supreme power of horror constantly broke his body and flew him out.

But the absurdity is greatly reduced, but his body is still horrible, and the deadly attack launched by Ye Chenfeng can't smash his powerful body.

Time goes by!

Ye Chenfeng, the battle between Phoenix God and Hong and Wasteland lasted for three days and three nights.

As time passed, the flood and the wildness of the heart were getting heavier and heavier, but Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God could not finally defeat him.

But after more than three days of recovery, completely integrated with the stars, the erratic Mu Linger gradually recovered the consumption, and a large number of rules force madly integrated into her body.

Feeling that there are more and more rules for the collection of Mu Linger floating in the sky, Hong and the desert are immediately distracted. They want to give up and kill with Ye Chenfeng, and attack Mu Linger. Give her the opportunity to launch a regular spear.

"The gods are destroyed, the gods are robbery!"

At the time of the breakout, Ye Chenfeng, who seized the opportunity, displayed a speeding deduction of the brain, and the gods who had never launched it.

One hit and blast, the invincible rhythm erupted, the power of horror to destroy God is unbreakable, everything is destroyed, all living creatures are destroyed, and the space of stars is destroyed by this attack, just like the end of the world, the heavens and the earth Turn into chaos.

Although Ye Chenfeng has the blood of Hongmeng, but he exerts a destructive blow, he feels that his whole body's divine power is completely exhausted, and he is extremely weak, even if the powerful blood of Hongmeng cannot recover.


There is no reason to think that Ye Chenfeng can display such a devastating blow, instinctively want to dodge.

But the devastating **** swallowed up the tens of miles of starry sky, the wildness could not be dodged, and only the full defense, the moment of being destroyed by the power of the gods instantly annihilated.

The ridiculousness in the power of destroying God, Hong successfully escaped the phoenix **** and launched an attack on the erratic Mu Linger.

"Hong, wasteland, do you want to fight again?"

Hong Fei is close, and Mu Linger not only does not hide, but reveals the true body.

And the moment she revealed, the two more horrible, the more powerful rule spear appeared on her head, locked in Hong, and the wolf smashed out the devastating blow, the serious injury.

"You don't admit defeat!"

Mu Linger exposed the overbearing side, looking at the huge changes in his face, the wild, only I asked alone.

"I, we admit defeat!"

Feeling the destructive power revealed by the spears of the rules, the floods looked at each other, lowered the noble head, and finally conceded.

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