Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1062: One mind, the truth


Mu Linger left, a crack in the mysterious space broke through, revealing a powerful force of transmission, and sent Ye Chenfeng to the mysterious space and returned to the Hongyin Temple.

"You are finally out!"

Feeling strong transmission fluctuations, guarding the long-time gods, Taihuangtian opened the closed eyes, and saw Ye Chenfeng, the Phoenix God came out from the space crack and immediately released a powerful soul. Locked them up.

"That God, Tai Huangtian, let the gods teach you the strength today!"

The enemies meet each other and look red, look at the gods, the emperor, the eyes of the phoenix gods become blood red, can not wait to kill these two behind-the-scenes black hands, revenge for the dead Phoenix people.

"Well, the **** of illusion is complete!"

Feeling the strength of the Phoenix God, Taishentian, Taihuangtian revealed the color of the accident.

They are very clear that the more they practice till the end, the more difficult it is to practice. If you want to practice from the middle of the virtual **** to the fulfillment of the virtual god, you will not only need countless years, but also a big chance and a talent and effort beyond the ordinary people.

"Phoenix, I don't know what chance you got, let you break through to the virtual world, but you still are not our opponents." Taishen's eyes are getting colder and colder, and the horrible doctrine is forbidden. The entire space, so that Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God could not leave.


Phoenix God wants to know that he has broken through to the virtual gods, and the difference in strength between Taishentian and Taihuangtian, instantly burning the phoenix fire, changing into the strongest fighting form, launching them attack.

The Phoenix God took the hot phoenix fire, and the Emperor’s forehead immediately cracked the horrible eyes of the killing, and the killing of the light came out and attacked the Phoenix God.

"The demon **** clock!"

Seeing the killing of the light hit the phoenix god, the demon **** clock broke her body, flashing the mysterious light, resisting the attack of killing the light.

Then, the phoenix fire that burned everything spurted out of the body of the phoenix god, like an angry fire dragon, attacking the emperor.

"Tai Huang Tian Dao, Huang Tian Promise!"

The phoenix **** fire evolved with the phoenix **** again and again, and became very powerful. Taihuangtian did not dare to let the phoenix fire close, immediately deducing a strong morality, forming a powerless force, hard to resist the phoenix fire.

"Space is broken!"

When the Phoenix God and Taiwangtian fought fiercely, Taishen’s smash hit the entire space, forming a large number of black holes in the space, madly engulfing the phoenix fire.


The phoenix fire was swallowed up by the black hole in the space, and the power plummeted. The phoenix **** immediately issued an angry phoenix sound, which instantly morphed into a few phoenix virtual shadows, hitting the space black hole, and the hard life will evolve too much. The black hole in the space crashed.

"The Wheel of Heaven, Hey!"

Tian Shentian did not expect that the phoenix god’s combat power has increased so much, and the thoughts have moved, summoning the treasures of the gods and the tribes of the gods, the power to reach the ultimate wheel of the virtual artifact, and the skyfall that suppresses the void , turned to the Phoenix God.


Under the attack of the Wheel of Heaven, the demon **** clock that shines in the gods is directly flung out, and it is impossible to stop the round of Heaven.

"Nirvana Power!"

The Heavenly Wheel’s unrelenting attack, the Phoenix God inspired a powerful Nirvana power, constantly attacking the wheel of heaven that smashed the space.

But the power of the Wheel of Heaven is too horrible, and the power of Nirvana by the Phoenix God cannot be resisted.

Looking at the phoenix god, the body of the heavenly wheel, the statue of the **** standing in the flooded temple has a finger without a sign, pointing to the wheel of heaven.


In the sound of a broken road, the power of the heavenly wheel that reached the limit of the virtual artifact was pointed out by the stone, and one finger collapsed and flew out.


Tai Shen Tian, ​​too Emperor Tianmei's double-headed one, and turned his gaze to the image of the gods, revealing the dignified color in the deep sea.

"One mind, interesting!"

When the gods stared at the gods, there was a thick voice in the statue that spread in space for a long time.

The thick voice just fell, too god, too emperor's face changed greatly, they did not expect, seemingly inanimate gods actually said their secrets.

"I don't want to interfere with your universe, but they inherited everything in the tomb of the wild, you can't hurt them here!" Mysterious voice said: "Now, you can leave."

"If we don't leave?"

Although the mysterious gods make the gods of the gods have scruples, they will never allow Ye Chenfeng, and the phoenix **** will take away the big chance in the tomb of the wilderness, and say hard.

"Don't go? This is not for you!"

Speaking, the mysterious stone figure points out another finger.

Although this finger seems to be incomparably slow, but too god, too emperor seems to be petrified, standing still in the same place, letting their body in this direction break their body defense, will They flew out with a finger.

"Time is still, this is the third time rule time is still!"

Time rules are three days, time is accelerating, time is slowing, time is still.

Time is still the most mysterious and the most difficult to master. No one in the whole virtual world has mastered the time and stillness. A statue has mastered the time and stillness, which makes Ye Chenfeng see the horror of God.


Tai Shen Tian, ​​Tai Huangtian squirted two blood, and flew out, hitting the hard wall of the temple, and was hit hard.

Teaching the horror of the gods, the gods and gods still did not give up, they looked at each other and merged the energy in their bodies, condensing a stalwart figure shrouded in dark golden light, attacking To the gods.

"Summon the truth?" Mysterious statue said: "Even if you are in this body, the gods are not afraid, let alone a small truth."

Speaking, the mysterious **** pointed out another finger, pointing to the stalwart figure shrouded in dark golden light.

The **** statue is pointing, the truth sends out a cloud-like sound, mobilizing the power of the whole body to fight.

This phase is a blow, far beyond the gods, too imperial, even if the wheel of heaven can not be compared, the entire space is seriously destroyed.

But when the bombardment is on the god's finger, it is broken like a broken glass, and it can't hurt the gods.

A finger pointing to the original attack, the horror refers to the mans as a broken bamboo into the dark golden light, under the horror of the eyes of the gods, the one finger breaks the truth.


This phase is broken, too God, too, the Emperor and the Emperor are both affected by the opposite, a lot of blood is sprayed in their mouths, and the injury is serious.

"I give you the last chance. If you don't roll again, you will be blamed for the blame!" The voice in the image gradually turned cold.

Teaching to the horror of the gods, too God, the Emperor did not dare to stay for a long time, unwillingly glanced at the Ye Chenfeng two, and the wolf escaped from the Hongyin Temple.

"Okay, there is no chance in the tomb of the wilderness, and it will be shattered here. Now I will send you away!" Mysterious voice.

"Predecessors, I want to ask you a question before leaving. Just two people are not one person, what is the truth!" Ye Chenfeng asked.

"Okay!" mysterious voice said: "They are just two incarnations, the truth is their true master."

"Avatar...Too God, Taihuangtian is just an avatar!"

Not only is the leaf morning wind stupid, the Phoenix God was also shocked by this news.

Tai Shentian, Taihuangtian is the strongest person in the virtual world. The two terrible existences are just incarnations. The strength of their masters is not good enough.

"Okay, you don't have to be too surprised. In order to be a god, many people hide their strength until the moment they fight for God. But the juniors, you got the spirit of my gods, destined not ordinary. , the road to God, you have already walked in front of them."

After finishing, there was a huge transmission light array in the flooded temple, which shrouded Ye Chenfeng, and directly transmitted them out of the flooded temple, appearing outside the sea, and on the other side of the demon sea.

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