Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1075: Emperor Valley

The Liyang Valley is located in the depths of the Liyang Mountain in the south of the virtual gods. It is one of the three most dangerous places in the virtual world. Even if it is a god-level master, it is difficult to adapt to the high temperature in the Liyang Valley.

Because of the special geographical environment of the Liyang Mountain Range, coupled with the inaccessibility, a kind of spiritual plant called Liyang Flower grows on the edge of the mountain. It is one of the main materials for refining Tongtian Shengdan. It is extremely valuable and attractive. Many people risked a great deal and went to the Liyang Mountain Range to pick up the yang.

But no matter what the master, or the powerful monster in the Liyang Mountain Range, they dare not enter the Liyang Valley, and no one dares to approach.

Because there is a person living in the Valley of the Ghost, a person who is too god-like and too impossible to kill.

"It’s the Liyang Mountain Range!"

A small spiritual boat appeared outside the Lieyang Mountain Range, wearing a pink robes, a bow on the beard, a pale powder on his face, and a purple dress on the face. Pointing to the Liyang Mountain Road, which is covered by a red cloud.

"Zi Lin, you said that you are an old man, why dress up like this!"

If it wasn’t for Zilin who had been practicing in the Lieyang Mountains for a while and was familiar with the Yeongyang Mountains, Ye Chenfeng was really reluctant to bring Zilin to her side, because she dressed the ancestors of Qiankun to be too enchanting. Too charming and too weird.

"This is not to blame you, not to find a new body for the aging mother, every bath, it is my nightmare." Purple Lin grinds silver teeth, angry and angry.


"Well, a lot of bans!"

Into the Liyang Mountain Range, Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the detonation of the brain, and wanted to directly lock the location of the Liyang Valley, but was heavily banned.

"This Liyang Mountain Range has been touched by people. When I was practicing here, there was not so much prohibition!" Zilin retracted the soul of the release and said slowly.

"I didn't think that the day was still a master of the law, Zilin, Lieyang Valley in what direction!" Ye Chenfeng looked unchanged, faintly asked.

"If I remember correctly, the Liyang Valley should be in the south of the Lieyang Mountain Range!" Zilin identified the direction and pointed to the South.

"Go, let's go directly to the Valley of the Sun!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng and Zilin flew to the south of Lieyang Valley. The strong prohibition in the mountains could not stop them. The two were like a broken bamboo, smashing a strong ban, and soon entered the Liyang. Deep in the mountains.

"Stay in, the front is the forbidden place in the Liyang Mountain Range, no one can step in!"

Ye Chenfeng's two people flew very fast for a long time, blocked by a strong prohibition, and outside the ban, sitting on the knees with two huge stone people, I felt that Ye Chenfeng was close. The two stone men woke up in their sleep and said with a hoarse voice.

"Stone people!"

Looking at the stone people in front of him, Ye Chenfeng immediately recognized them. They are the stone people who are extremely rare in the virtual world.

"I came to find the day!"

Ye Chenfeng carried his hands on his face and said the surface.

"The host doesn't see anyone, go back!"

Two stone people masters glanced at Ye Chenfeng, shook their heads and said indifferently.

"I don't see the sky, I won't leave!" Ye Chenfeng, slowly walked to the two stone people.

"Looking for death!"

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng did not listen to dissuasion, insisted on coming, the two stone people masters were furious, grabbed the two giant stone soldiers placed beside them, and slammed into Ye Chenfeng.


The tens of billions of pounds of stone soldiers are coming, Ye Chenfeng does not evade, seeing the two stone soldiers in the middle of the morning breeze head, a powerful force burst out in the body of Ye Chenfeng, directly shattered Two stone soldiers.

"Let's go, if you let go, don't blame me for killing you!"

Ye Chenfeng stared at the two great stone people who were shocked and could not resist the warning.

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng took a step. The power of terror directly tore a hard ground to tear a gap, hitting the sky-like ban, directly smashing a powerful ban into a huge gap.

"Good, great power!"

The two stone people masters know the power of the ban, and it is not easy for the ancestral martial arts to break open. Ye Chenfeng just stepped out and cracked the ban, which made them dare not let go. , quickly hid on the side.

"Heavenly, come and visit, please show up!"

One foot shattered the ban, and Ye Chenfeng did not break in, but stood outside the ban, and said with a loud voice.

About ten breaths, a horrible and low voice came out in the ban.

"If you want to see the old man, come in yourself, and you will see me under the old law. You can see me naturally!"

"Okay, then offended!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and left Zilin out, walking alone into the cracked ban.


Ye Chenfeng entered the ban, immediately ignited the power of the ban, a large number of black killings from all directions, attacked Ye Chenfeng.

The power of black killing is very great. Generally, the masters of the ancestors are hard to resist, but Ye Chenfeng has the roots of the wild, letting the black killing attack, not flashing.

"The door is there!"

Under the black killing attack, Ye Chenfeng controlled the rapid development of the brain, and soon found the position of the forbidden gate, flying very fast.


Before the birth gate, Ye Chenfeng’s attack was even more fierce, and the tidal black killing directly annihilated him.

"Virtual Spirit Soul, Hey!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and the virtual swordsman flew out of his soul sea, and a sword smashed the black killing pattern that swept him.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng violently exerted his strength, such as a moving mountain, smashing the broken black killing pattern, rushing out of the gate, and came to the outside of the Liyang Valley, which was covered by a heavy ban.

"This is... Huang Quan kills!"

Looking at the ban in the Liyang Valley like a rolling giant, Ye Chenfeng immediately recognized that this is the legendary Huang Quan killing, and the **** of the brain happens to have the method of Huang Quan.

When you want to break the yellow spring to kill, you must first find the three big hearts of Huang Quan to kill, and then crush it at the same time, in order to break Huang Quan to kill!

Although the difficulty of breaking the battle is not small, but Ye Chenfeng still turned into Huang Quan killing.


Into the killing of Huang Quan, the scene in front of Ye Chenfeng immediately changed. A huge river of Huangquan tumbling, with the power of 100 billion jin, instantly annihilated Ye Chenfeng.

And in the river of Huangquan, there are a large number of long-nosed evil spirits, headless ghosts, all kinds of face-to-face ghosts, and the stern picture makes people shudder.

"Invincible sword body!"

After being attacked by Huang Quan, Ye Chenfeng inspired the invincible sword body, and the whole body became an invincible sword. It stood still in the river of Huangquan, and the large number of ghosts in Huangquan’s murder was not close. His body was smashed by the invincible swordsman. Even the horror, the river of Huangquan, who could instantly smash the masters of the ancestors, could not get close to his body.

"The heart is there!"

Ye Chenfeng is familiar with Huang Quan’s method of killing and breaking the battle. He controls the speeding of the brain and the speed of the brain. It is easy to find the position of Huang Quan’s three big hearts.

The next moment, tens of thousands of invincible swords broke his body, turned into three swords, directly tore the river of Huangquan, smashing the yellow springs, attacking the three major hearts.

"Hey!" with three broken sounds.

Ye Chenfeng casts a sword to return to the ancestor, directly smashing the three great hardships of the Huangquan River, breaking the yellow spring killing, entering the extremely high temperature, all over the red flame, flint, flowing magma, The temperature is enough to melt the gods in the Valley of the Sun.

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