Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1077: 天残(下)

"Good poison!"

Looking at the sky and the real body of the stone house, Ye Chenfeng’s brow wrinkled. He didn’t expect Tianrun’s body to be filled with such a strong poison.

"Peace, die!"

There is a slap in the sky, a long handle, a thick blade, and a giant knife with a dragon pattern that appears to be a disfigured body. The whole space is split into two halves, the horrible knife It is difficult for Ye Chenfeng to breathe instantly.

"All Mother Sword!"

In the face of the wreckage, Ye Chenfeng did not dare to care about it. He immediately summoned the master sword of the evolution of the originator of the devouring device, and blocked it in front of him, forcibly breaking the power of the wreck.

"Hmm...what is the sword of all things, how can the sword of all things be in your hands, and who is God Henggu?"

Looking at the sword of all things summoned by Ye Chenfeng, Tian Muring revealed the color of the accident, no further attacks, cold and cold questioning.

"Predecessors know Henggu seniors?"

Looking at the unpredictable eyes of Tian Zai, Ye Chenfeng asked unexpectedly and had speculation about his identity.

"Is it..."

Suddenly, thinking of the death and hatred of the Tianshou and the Tianzu time, Ye Chenfeng’s mind moved, and the gods were imaginary, and God Henggu was summoned from the Qiankun environment.

"Dao, Henggu..."

Looking at the sudden emergence of the sacredness of God, God Henggu, the shackles of the dying of the sky, revealed a strong mood swing.

And through the clear fluctuations of the wreckage, Ye Chenfeng is basically affirmed, the Tianshou and the sacredness of the gods, like the gods of the ancients, is the protoss undead power.

"Hello is..."

Although the appearance of the wreckage is very strange, but the gods are imaginary, God Henggu has captured a familiar feeling from his eyes.

"I am chasing the sun!"

The day of the wreckage is filled with the excitement of the heart, and the voice tells the sacred two people.

"Follow the sun, you are chasing the sun, you are not dead!"

In that year, the Protoss had eight great kings, and the Eight Great Kings were the mainstay of the Protoss. The Chasing God was one of the eight kings of the Protoss.

"Dao, Henggu, can this son trust?" Tian Zao did not understand Ye Chenfeng, and asked the voice.

"Chasing the sun god, the morning wind is the son of Yaotian, is a person who can be completely trusted." Shen Dao tells Tian Chenfeng the identity of Tian Chenfeng.

"Yao Tian's son... Is Yaotian not dead?" Knowing the identity of Ye Chenfeng, the eyes of the gods looking at Ye Chenfeng have changed greatly.

Shen Yaotian is a protoss of the Protoss, and has a close relationship with the Eight Great Gods.

"Come, come with me, let's go into the house!"

The killing of Tiandeng disappeared instantly, and Ye Chenfeng three people shouted into the stone house, and was killed by Ye Chenfeng, who almost broke the wreckage and guarded the stone house.

"Mustard Space!"

When you walked into the stone house, the scene in front of Ye Chenfeng found great changes. He found himself in a beautiful mountain, and in the deepest part of the mountain, there was a water pool floating in the deep poisonous gas. The poison gas in the water is too strong, resulting in no one in the pool around the pool.

"Is the light still alive?"

Ye Chenfeng and his group of people sat on the tree bench, and Tianren looked at Ye Chenfeng’s slightly familiar face and asked in a low voice.

"My mother will soon be resurrected." Ye Chenfeng vaguely guessed the identity of the disabled, truthfully said.

"Ye Wuji's means is really powerful, your mother did not marry the wrong person!" Tianre showed a rare smile.

"Predecessors, who are you?" Ye Chenfeng wants to know the true identity of the disabled.

"My name is Chasing the Sun. It is one of the eight kings of the Protoss. I have a half-master relationship with your mother!" Tian Zhan told Ye Chenfeng his true identity.

"The fate of the half division!"

Under the identity of the disabled, Ye Chenfeng immediately stood up and slammed into the sky.

"Well, child, you please come out of the mountain, really want to deal with the Tianzu?" With the three ears of Ye Chenfeng, the smile on Tianshou’s face was thicker, whispered.

"Well, too God, Tai Huangtian used my wife to force me to show up, I can't escape!" Ye Chenfeng nodded, and told the Tianshou in the future.

"You actually took away the opportunity in the tomb of the wilderness from Taishentian, Taihuangtian, it is not easy!" Tianzao said with approval: "But it’s too god, the strength of Taiwangtian is terrible, and they The people behind it are even more terrifying."

"Predecessors, I don't know too god, who is the person behind Taihuangtian?" Ye Chenfeng wanted to know, the behind-the-scenes of the Tianzu.

"The man claimed to be a god, I have only seen him. If it was not for him, he would kill the Emperor, and my Protoss would not perish!"

But although the emperor is awkward, the last strike he made was a heavy blow to the gods. I don’t know how many years have passed. Has he recovered his injuries?” Tian Zhan fell into deep memory and will The matter and the people behind the scenes of the Tianzu told Ye Chenfeng.

"Shen Huang...predecessors, how is the strength of Shenhuang?" Ye Chenfeng continued to ask.

"My Protoss is a virtual **** to great power, and Shenhuang can kill his majesty. The strength must have reached the limit of imaginary gods, and countless years have passed. No one knows what his current strength is!" The sky shook his head and shook his head.

"The predecessors, if Shenhuang recovers the injury, can anyone in the whole virtual world fight against him?" Knowing the strength of Shenhuang, Ye Chenfeng felt tremendous pressure and took a deep breath and asked.

"The imaginary **** Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I don't know if there is still a virtual **** to be able to exist." Tian Zun said with a meditation: "But your father got a big chance in the Shenxu market for so many years. In the past, there may be strength to counter the gods."

"My father..."

"Well, Ye Wuji is the most horrible person I have ever seen. If Shenhuang wants to be a god, your father is definitely his biggest competitor!" Tianshou nodded and said: "Let's go, let's go. The feathering palace grabs the pro."

"Wait for the predecessors, I still have a question to ask you? The predecessors used poisonous refining, do you want to use the ancient poison, to complete your cultivation to the disabled, and then step into the peak of the virtual god!" At the time of his speech, Ye Chenfeng always controlled the body of the gods and peeped into the body of the disabled, and vaguely discovered his body secret.

"Yes, I want to make up the road with poison, but I was hurt too much in the past, which led to the destruction of the road. I have been ruined for more than 100,000 years. I can't make up for it!" Unexpectedly, I took a look at Ye Chenfeng and nodded.

"Predecessors, if you believe me, maybe I have a way to complete your way!" Ye Chenfeng meditated and said.

"Really..." Tian Zong suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Ye Chenfeng with a look of shock.

"Yeah!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Predecessors, what do you think is this?"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took out the chaotic gods that contained the source.

"Chaos God Fruit!" Heaven has lived for countless years, how old the eyes are, and it is the chaotic gods that recognizes Ye Chenfeng’s hands at a glance.

"Well, this chaotic **** contains the origin of the outer universe. If the predecessors refining it, there is a chance to make up the road. If a chaotic **** is not enough, I still have to make the predecessor complete. The road, in the lifetime, has the opportunity to step into the peak of the virtual god." Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"哎...If I didn't practice the ancient poison before surgery, maybe this chaotic **** has the opportunity to make up for it, but now I am being eroded by the ancient poison, and I am afraid of my current physical condition. There is no chance to make up the road!" Tian Zai sighed deeply, regretted.

"Reassure to the predecessors, the poison in your body, I will help you clear it. As for the serious flesh that you are eroded by the poison, I also have the spiritual repair!" Said, Ye Chenfeng will get the poor from the tomb of the wilderness. Qishu summoned it out.

"Poor tree..."

Looking at the ancient wood in front of you, the inner core of Tianrui Gujing has set off a big wave, and the whole person is caught in a huge surprise.

The poor tree is the most top-class quenching **** in the virtual world. Tianren believes that as long as the toxins in the body are removed and the poor trees are refining, the body will be repaired!

"Morning wind, whether it is success or failure, the old man's life is sold to you, waiting for me to make up the road, will fight with you side by side, and that too god, the emperor fights!" Take a breath, press the inner surprise, and promise in public.

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