Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1079: You won't be me

"Ye Ming..."

Looking at the white robe, the figure is tall and straight, and the drow is not in the group. Yue Yeming, who strolls at the gate of the Feather Palace, leaves the corner of Ye Chenfeng unconsciously.

Ye Chenfeng’s trip to the feathering palace, the most worrying is two people, one is his wife’s moon, and the other is his son Yue Yeming.

"You are..."

I heard the familiar voice in the ear, and Mooneye looked over.

At this time, the power of the illusion on Ye Chenfeng disappeared, allowing Yue Yeming to see his appearance.

"Ye brother..." Yue Yeming looked awkward and revealed a hint of unexpected color. Without much thought, he immediately came over and said, "Are you also coming to the marriage ceremony?"

"No!" Looking at Yue Yeming, Ye Chenfeng couldn't help but smile. He shook his head gently: "I came to mention the relatives."

"Recommended? Who are you watching?" Yue Yeming was even more surprised. The accident Ye Chenfeng came to raise his face at this festival.

"Yuyue Shengde!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said without losing his warmth.

"Who..." Yue Yeming’s voice suddenly increased and his face changed: "Ye brother, I want you to be a brother, but you want to marry my mother..."

叶晨风: "..."

"Ye Ming, can't you guess who I am?" Ye Chenfeng had a black line, and some said silently: "Your mother did not tell you, my identity?"

"You and you..." Ye Chenfeng said that when he thought of the moon, he had an inconceivable thought in his mind. His eyes were round and he could not help but stutter: "You will not be me." Hey."

"What do you say? If I am not you, will I come to like you at this time?" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"You, how can you be me!" Yue Yeming said in a messy way: "You are not a Ye brother."

But in the end, he did not dare to say it. Through numerous indications, Ye Chenfeng may indeed be his embarrassment.

"Let's go, we are going into the mountains, it is to break the sky, I will definitely take your mother away!"

Looking at the one-and-a-half-year-old Yue Yeming, who can’t accept the facts, Ye Chenfeng reveals the hegemonic side, who said who I am.

" Wait, wait! You can't go, now the feathering palace is laid down in the sky, waiting for you to enter, you can't live out once you step into the feathering palace!" After thinking of this conspiracy, Yue Yeming pulled Ye Chenfeng's arm road.

"Do not worry, this time I will set off the feathering palace, let the heavens, the demons pay the price!"

"Let's go!"

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng and his party slowly walked toward the heavily guarded feathering palace.

"Stay, do you have invitations? If there are no invitations, no one can enter."

Looking at Ye Chenfeng's group of people walking, the six powerful disciples who guarded the feather gate of the palace immediately intercepted them, and the poor tone asked.

"Who dares to intercept my Lord and kill innocents!"

Not waiting for Ye Chenfeng to speak, Tianjianhuang, Xuanjianhuang filled the sky with swordsmanship, stirring the void, the horrible atmosphere locked the six Yuhuagong disciples, let their legs tremble, scared Almost fell to the ground.


With the Tianjian Emperor bursting out, the six feathered disciples who were scared by the swordsman spurted a blood and flew out.

And Ye Chenfeng did not stop, stepped on the ladder formed by the Yuhua Palace with clear jade, and walked step by step to the feathering palace located in the foothills of the mountains.

"That...hey, when are you the master of the swordfield!"

Ye Yeming, who has been following Ye Chenfeng and slowly accepting this fact, said with a shocked face.

Be aware that being the master of a domain, in addition to having the strength of the sky, you also need to have a terrifying means, not to mention, when he first encountered Ye Chenfeng, Ye Chenfeng’s strength was not strong.

"After a while, waiting for our family reunion, I will tell you slowly!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"Bold, who are you, why are you hurting my palace disciples, and are good at feathering the palace."

When Ye Chenfeng’s pedestrians walked toward the feathering palace very fast, an angry scream sounded, four hairs were white, wearing a cloud-shaped robes, and the body was full of enthusiasm. More than 20 disciples of the Yuhua Palace intercepted Ye Chenfeng and his party.

"This is the owner of the sword field, especially to the goddess of the moon!"

Tianjianhuang stepped forward, exuding a daunting sword, and he said overbearingly.

"I see you are messing up!"

Under the knowledge of Ye Chenfeng and his entourage, the four elders of the five-star ancestral temple were suddenly angry. The four mysterious battles emerged from their bodies and melted into the void, forming an extremely mysterious kill. Array.

"Be careful, that's a thousand feathers, it's powerful enough to threaten a half-step god!"

Looking at the huge array of scattered lines in the void, Yue Yeming immediately told Ye Chenfeng about the virtual reality.

"Hey, the district is small, and I want to stop my Lord!"

Tianjianhuang, Xuanjianhuang coldly screamed, the two scorpions of the best ancestral sword broke their bodies, swirling over their heads, releasing a piercing sword.

Refining the chaotic goddess that Ye Chenfeng gave, Tianjianhuang, Xuanjianhuang’s comprehension of the domain surpassed the general half-step virtual god, and because of the main kendo, their combat power is stronger, plus two The stalk is the best artifact, and the two join hands, enough to counter the general subordinate god.

"Wan Jian!"

Tianjianhuang, Xuanjianhuang at the same time, the speed of deduction into the two swords of the best ancestral sword, instantly illusion of the sword, cover up the entire void, attack to kill thousands of feathers, and kill thousands of feathers The evolution of the light plume is fiercely repelled in midair.

Thousands of killings are amazing, but they can't resist the battle of Tianjianhuang and Xuanjianhuang.

In a series of densely broken sounds, Tianjianhuang and Xuanjianhuang once again took out their swords and took out two swords that could cut off the mountains and rivers. It was like a backward waterfall, and opened a thousand feathers. Killing.

Thousands of feathers were broken, and the four elders of the Feather Palace changed their faces. They immediately shot with their disciples and controlled their strongest sacred patriarchs. The ancestors attacked Tianjianhuang and Xuanjianhuang.

But their strength is far from that of Tianjianhuang. With the simultaneous execution of Tianjianhuang, the smashing swordsman instantly tore the attack of the masters of the feathering palace and flew them out.


The whole body is blood, and the four elders of the feathering palace are squirting a blood at the same time. They fly out and break off a root of ancient wood, which can no longer climb.

"When you are a human being, I will spare you a life, I hope you will not provoke me again, or kill innocent!"

Ye Chenfeng indifferently looked at the four elders who were not hurt, and the disciples of the Yuhua Palace, who were deeply shocked and retreating, said indifferently.

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng and his party continued to climb.

This time, no one dares to block Ye Chenfeng and his party, but the news of the sword field suddenly smashing the palace, but it has spread throughout the feathering palace, alarming the feathering **** who is planning the project in the feathering palace, and hidden in The Tianzu near the Feather Palace, the Mozu is powerful.

Soon, Ye Chenfeng and his entourage came to the building of the mountains and built the quaint and magnificent, just like the palace of the feathers.

At this time, Sword God stepped forward and issued a sound like Hong Zhong Da Lu: "The Lord of the Sword Field came to the Feast of the Feather of the Moon..."

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