Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1105: Heaven and Earth Fruits

"Who are you, why are you killing my ram family!"

Looking at the three mornings of Ye Chenfeng who suddenly came in, one was wearing a black robe, and the left arm was lined with a demon sheep, with a white beard, and the body was filled with death, the five-star demon The old man in the realm walked slowly through the void, and said coldly.

"If you kill, you will kill, do you still need a reason!"

The war demon who concealed the true strength glanced at the black robe old man, the overbearing memory.

"Hmm... It seems that you didn't put my ram family in the eye!" The old man in the black robe was sinking, said Senran.

"How far do you go to me, and don't blame me for twisting your neck!" The war demon was somewhat impatient.

"Well, the old man wants to see, how are you..."

The voice of the old man in the black robe has not yet fallen. He suddenly feels a flower in front of him, and the magical monster appears in front of his eyes, and he buckles his neck.


A creepy break of the gods sounded.

The right hand of the war demon was slightly exerted, and under the watchful eyes of a pair of eyes, he broke his neck.

Next, the war demon opened his mouth and released a powerful swallowing power, swallowing the soul of the old man in the black robe.


When you witnessed the magical moment, you broke the five-star magical ancestor's neck and swallowed the soul. The masters of the great demon showed a shocking color, and his gaze changed greatly.

"Is this person a great ancestor?"

Many people in their hearts guess the true combat power of the war.

But with the lessons of the previous car, no one dares to provoke the three people of Ye Chenfeng, acquiescing their existence, quietly waiting for the vision disappeared.

The vision of the tomb of the tomb is fascinating day and night and gradually disappears.

A bottomless black hole appeared in front of everyone, looking at the black hole in front of him. The masters of the great devils did not hesitate to fly into the black hole and wanted to compete for the treasures in the black hole.

"Morning wind, we want to go down and grab the treasures inside!"

Zi Lin looked at the air in the air, and did not move Ye Chenfeng, asked.

"No hurry!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "When they broke the prohibition inside, it is not too late for us to go in."

In addition to Ye Chenfeng's three people, there are four high-powered tycoons who stand in the air and do not rush into the black hole of the grave.

Although the four people concealed the breath, but under the perceptual brain-sensing of the speedy deduction, Ye Chenfeng felt that these four people should all be subordinate virtual gods.

Ye Chenfeng looked at four people in secret, and the four great gods also looked at Ye Chenfeng three people. When they felt that Zilin was only half-step virtual god, Ye Chenfeng, the strength of the war demon is equivalent to that of Zilin. They lost interest.

Ye Chenfeng three people stand in the air, quietly waiting for more than two days, feeling the time is ripe, immediately with purple, the war magic into the black hole of the grave.

Looking at the three mornings of Ye Chenfeng entering the black hole of the tomb, the four virtual gods can summon a number of ancestral flags and ban the entire hole to prevent someone from getting a treasure to escape.

Because most of the ban in the tomb was broken, Ye Chenfeng almost did not encounter any trouble, and came to the depths of the tomb.

"My guess is not wrong, here should be one of the inheritance of the demon family!"

The three of them came to a yin temple built underground. Looking at an ancient pattern portrayed on the wall of the temple, the war demon is basically affirmed. This is the site of the Tianmo people.

"Staying, this channel has been occupied by my ram family and demons, you can go for a channel!"

When Ye Chenfeng came to the passage in the center of the Yin Hall, four powerful ancestors could immediately intercept them, and said coldly.

"If you don't want to die, give me away, otherwise the magic will tear you up!" The war demon tiger stunned, the murderous warning.

"Don't think that you have killed a five-star demon ancestor, you are invincible in the world, my ghosts are not what you can provoke!"

At this moment, a feminine voice rang in the passage.

A man wearing a big red robe with a light cream on his face, red lips, and long black nails, looks very enchanting, and the man who is half-stepped in the realm of the gods walks out of the black passage. , glanced at the three morning leaves, the soft warning.

"Zi Lin, this should suit your taste, just give it to you!" Ye Chenfeng glanced at the feminine man and smiled and said.

"Go to death!" Zilin Bai took a look at Ye Chenfeng: "You like the dead demon."

Zi Lin’s words, like a knife, pierced the heart of a feminine man, igniting the killing in his heart. He sighed and summoned a long dragon that reached the top grade of the top grade. Layers of whip shadows, attacked Zilin.

"Dare to start with the old lady, I killed you this dead man!"

The dragon-like whip hits, and Zilin immediately summoned the best artifact to return to the Yuanzu hammer. The speed of the deduction is a powerful idea, like a mountain that shakes a mountain, and a hammer breaks the heavy whip. A fierce battle with the feminine man.

The two are the same half-step virtual god, the fighting power is almost equal, but because the essence of Zilin is far stronger than the feminine man, less than ten breaths, Zilin has occupied an absolute advantage, gradually suppressed the feminine offensive .

Zhenlin and the feminine man fought a battle, the war magic printed a palm, the horrible big handprint instantly locked the four ram family masters, shattered the attack of four people, crushed them four Meatloaf, killed on the spot.

"Zi Lin, don't delay time, quick fix!"

Ye Chenfeng pressed the sound into a line and passed it into Zilin’s ear, urging the road.

"Space Black Hole!"

Zi Lin’s pupils shrank and showed her bottom card at the bottom of the box, mobilizing the powerful space to form a space black hole, swallowing to a feminine man.

"The seventh change in space rules!"

The feminine man did not expect that Zilin’s understanding of the space rules was so deep, the decisive change, the attack turned to the space black hole, and did not give him the opportunity to swallow himself.

"Space destruction!"

When the black hole in the space was forcibly broken by the feminine man, Zilin displayed the eighth change of the space rule and launched a fatal blow to the feminine man.

After being attacked by the power of the ruined space, the body of the feminine man was instantly broken, and the whole body became bloody.

"Going to the Yuanzu hammer, destroy!"

When the feminine man was severely wounded by Zilin, Zilin's whole body was merged with the Yuanzuzu hammer, like a mountain of falling dust, squatting on the body of a feminine man.


With a scream of screaming.

The feminine man was smashed by Zilin, and the soul failed to escape and died on the spot.

"Go, let's go in!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved and took away the relics of the feminine man. With the demon, Zilin walked into the middle passage.

Not long after, the four subordinates who followed them all chose the middle channel and walked to the deepest part of the tomb.

Walking and walking, Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul perception is at the end of the passage, and he perceives fierce fighting and screams of pain.

"It seems that we are still early!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled and did not slow down the pace. With the two demons, the speed passed through the passage very quickly. He came to the tomb of the tomb in the deepest part of the tomb and saw dozens of demons. With three konjac wearing dark gold robes, eyes hollow, as if to die for a long time.

"Well, that's..."

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the tomb hall and found three ancient plaques, one sealed in the center of the temple, but the one that attracted the most of the morning glory was shrouded in a ban, more than three meters. High, the crown is lush, the trees are attracted by the strange trees of blue, red and purple, and the three-color tree is condensed with eight tri-colors, like the heart of the heart.

"This, is this the legendary world of heaven and earth!"

Feeling the power of the heavens and the earth and the power of creation in the eight tri-color fruits, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes widened, revealing a deep surprise.

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