Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1107: Xuantian Shensu


Drinking back the power of the demons, Ye Chenfeng came to the ancient plaque, relying on strong strength, torn the ancient ban, and lifted the tens of billions of pounds of cover.

"Not good!"

At the moment when the lid was opened, Ye Chenfeng’s keen sense suddenly felt dangerous.

An extremely sharp magic light flew out of the ancient scorpion, hitting the body of Ye Chenfeng very fast, leaving a shallow blood mark on the wilderness of the virtual artifact.

The next moment, a rush of magic in the ancient scorpion, this magical power, instantly blackened the entire space, evolved a variety of forms of the magic face, directed at the Ye Chenfeng three screams.

"Heavenly Emperor, he is one of the four elders of the Heavenly Devils!"

Looking up and sitting up slowly, wearing a black magic dragon trench, the eyes are sprayed with thick magic light, the fierce and sinister man, the war demon recognizes at a glance, he is the four elders of the Tianmo First, the demon king of the late realm of the virtual god.

However, the demon king in the eyes has already died, and the three faces of Ye Chenfeng are just the konjac refining the body of the demon.

"Well, you two are not my devil!"

The demon emperor's eyes with the magic light glanced at Ye Chenfeng and Zilin, and they perceive their blood heritage, and said fiercely.

"What about it? Just rely on a dead person and want to protect the treasures in your body!"

There is no horror in the front of the body, but there is no danger to Ye Chenfeng. In his body, Ye Chenfeng clearly feels that the seal is very powerful. Energy, and this energy is very likely to be the treasure of his guardian countless years.


The magic light in the eyes of the Emperor of the Devil suddenly became fierce. He screamed and held a sword and a sword. He took out a sword like a waterfall and slammed it into Ye Chenfeng.

"The blood of Hongmeng, burning!"

In the face of a sword like a waterfall, Ye Chenfeng instantly burned the blood of Hongmeng and rushed up. He punched the sword and mans, and fought with the demon.

"Warcraft, Zilin, speedy view, look at other treasures here?" In addition to the fierce battle, Ye Chenfeng gave the war magic and purple Lin.


War of war, Zilin nodded and continually shattered a dragon's pillar and looked for other treasures.

"The Devil's Field!"

A fierce battle for a while, Tianmohuang could not resist the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng, immediately opened up the field of the demon, and wanted to use the power of the field to reinvent Ye Chenfeng.

"I didn't expect you still have the power of the field?"

After being attacked by the demon field, Ye Chenfeng was quite surprised. However, he burned the blood of Hongmeng. His physical strength was nearly 50 trillion kilograms. He ignored the attack in the field of the demon, constantly tearing the power of the field and continuing to attack. Heavenly Emperor.

The Tianmo Emperor flew again and again, adding to his physical injuries.

"The Devil's Octopus!"

The sky magic field can't restrain Ye Chenfeng, the demon emperor casts a big killing trick, instantly splits the shadow of the eight great devils, blocks all the space around Ye Chenfeng's body, and simultaneously displays the Tianmo family's inheritance and launches to Ye Chenfeng. A fatal blow.

"A wilderness area!"

After being attacked by the demon emperor, Ye Chenfeng immediately opened up the wilderness field and shrouded the shadow of the eight great devils who launched a deadly attack.

With the improvement of Ye Chenfeng's strength, the power of the wilderness field has also been upgraded at any time. It has been attacked by the power of the tens of millions of pounds of power. The shadows of the Eight Great Devils have not yet attacked Ye Chenfeng, and they have been broken.


Broken the Devil's Eight-Pole, Ye Chenfeng controlled the wilderness field into the body, and smashed the chaos, attacked the Emperor, and destroyed the body of the Emperor.

"What energy is this!"

The Devil's body is broken, and Ye Chenfeng finds a seal of energy in his body. When he breaks the seal, a powerful power is filled.

"Xuantian Shensu, this seems to be the legendary mysterious god!"

I just got a piece of Shenyu from a dragon stone pillar, and felt the powerful power fluctuations. I immediately flew over. When she saw the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the whole body was dark gold, very sticky, like bone marrow. In general energy, the whole person is caught in a surprise.

"Xuantian Shensu!"

Ye Chenfeng also heard the mysterious gods, knowing that the mysterious mind is the energy that has been nurtured through countless years, and the value of each drop is immeasurable.

And such a large group of mysterious gods, I am afraid that they can all be converted into artifacts.

"The world can make and refine the gods, this mysterious **** should be able to refine the gods!" Ye Chenfeng did not expect this demon world to have such gains, immediately summoned a very high value of warmth Jade bottle, the Xuantian **** into the jade bottle.


When the mysterious **** enters the warm jade bottle, the jade bottle can not withstand the weight of the mysterious **** suddenly broken, and it is a last resort, Ye Chenfeng can only control the Qiankun environment to take it away, sealed in the territory of Qiankun.

"Oh, maybe I really shouldn't let those people go!" Ye Chenfeng didn't think that the treasures in the Tian Mozu ruins were so precious, and some regretted letting the demons of the great devils take the treasures of the ancient ancestors to leave.

"Let's go, let's get out of here and continue to rush to the Thousands of Magic Mountains!"

Searching for other treasures in the tomb hall, Ye Chenfeng did not stay for a long time, immediately took the war magic, Zilin left, and flew directly to Qianzhang Moshan.

Approximately seven days or so, Ye Chenfeng and his party flew to the swallow's sphere of influence. From a distance, they saw a magical mountain like a sky-like wall, covering the tens of thousands of miles.

Under the tall and tall, the cloudless magic mountain that has not entered the cloud, there is a city with a very large area and a very prosperous city.

The sky is getting late, and Ye Chenfeng decided to rest in the city for one night. The next day, he entered the Qianzhang Mountain and swallowed the Mozu.

"Ah, a lot of beautiful heads, beads, you wait for me, I will buy a few!"

Walking in the bustling streets of Qianmo City, Zilin found a stall full of head lice, beads and other jewelry, and suddenly eyes glow.

"Zi Lin, have you forgotten your own feelings, you are now an old man, what is the old man's head, what is the bead flower!" Ye Chenfeng said somewhat silently.

"Hey, what's wrong with the old man, I am the old man, the girl's heart, I am willing!" Zilin gave Ye Chenfeng a big white eye, came to the booth, and looked at the strange eyes of the stall owner. The head of your favorite, beaded.

"No, don't, beg you to let me go, I am still small..."

When Ye Chenfeng and the war devil were helpless, a scream of screams passed into the ears of Ye Chenfeng. Through the sound, Ye Chenfeng saw a serious broken clothes, messy hair, and crying pear flowers. With the rain, the young and beautiful woman fell to the ground and struggled while shouting.

"Mom, the Rams look at you, it is your blessing!" A burly man shouted: "If you don't come again, believe it or not, I am now killing you."

"I still can't get up with us, wait for the Gongzi son, have your benefits! If the service is not good, hey, your family will wait to meet in Huangquan!"

"The ram..."

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the ram family turned out to be a family of thousands of magical cities. He thought that the treasures of the three ancient ancestors in the Temple of the Tomb of the Devil were most likely to be obtained by the Ram family. He decided to go to the ram family. turn.

Under the threat of the burly man, the woman was desperate and afraid. In the end, she decided to climb up on the ground, like a walking dead, and followed the burly man to the ram family.

ps: Everyone is coming to the WeChat public account to do the voting on the new book! Public address: ylty83

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