Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 600: 绝路

"Mom, the red thunderball was taken away by him again!"

Seeing the quasi-daobao red mine beaded by the leaves of the morning wind, confessing to the Lord, and accepting the scene of the body, stealing the chicken does not eclipse the rice in the middle of the moon, the roots of the devil's hatred are itchy, just want to vomit blood.

They didn't expect that all their efforts made a wedding dress for Ye Chenfeng, helping him to recognize the Red Pearl.

"The space crack is so close!"

After harvesting a big chance of Ye Chenfeng, I found that the space crack across the void is very close to myself. I quickly said: "Everyone follows me, we move on."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng left a footprint on the ground in accordance with the route deduced by the brain, and took everyone away from the end of the valley full of cracks, and quickly marched to the distance, trying to get rid of that pursuit. Remaining space cracks.

"Well, what's in front?"

Ye Chenfeng, a group of people, is like a serpent. He traveled for a long time in Longyuan. He can see the space cracks that are constantly approaching. Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng discovered that his soul was blocked by a large piece of things. Stayed, could not extend out, his face changed slightly.

"Don't you have a road ahead?"

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Chenfeng’s heart was the first to feel uneasy, slightly speeding up the pace, with everyone piercing the red fog, and came to a mountain standing under the mountain like a pillar of heaven.


The road that saw the front was blocked by a steep mountain. The faces of the people changed and they turned their eyes to Ye Chenfeng.

"Ye Chenfeng, this is the way you lead, you are going to kill us!" The middle of the day, the snarl of anger and anger.

If you can't find other roads before the space cracks close, they will all die here.

"We fly up!"

The situation was urgent. Ye Chenfeng ignored the screaming in the middle of the moon. He looked up and looked at the red peaks that were covered by the red mist. He did not know how many meters high, and immediately made a decision.

Although everyone knows that blindly flying above the sky will be closer to the space cracks, making them more dangerous, but at this moment they have no choice but to continue to follow Ye Chenfeng and try to leap this seat. The mountain that blocks the road.


When Ye Chenfeng’s adventures flew into the air, a sharp scream sounded, three wings stretched up to ten meters, the whole body was painted black, and the black eagle flashing in the eyes appeared. Stocks were violent, and they attacked Ye Chenfeng and others.

"The Seventh Heavenly Beast!"

Looking at the three black eagle flying at speed, Ye Chenfeng and others changed his face slightly.

Although their strength, the seven-day beast is not enough, but the three black eagle are extremely fast, want to kill all, one and a half will be difficult to do.

And if you kill three Blackhawks and spend too much time, once the horrible space cracks appear, they are in danger.

"A quick fix, the three black hawks were resolved as soon as possible."

Ye Chenfeng took the initiative and rushed up against the three black hawks. When he approached three black hawks, he burned the blood of the dragon, increasing the soul by three times, and changed into a battle pattern of half-human and half-beast.

The situation is urgent, the middle of the moon, the moon and the rain, there is no Tibetan mastiff, and they have changed into the form of the beast, and the devil is innocent, and the black stone and other people also exert their own efforts to attack, and want to gather the power of everyone. Killing three black hawks with all their strength.

A fierce attack by Ye Chenfeng and others, the three black hawks were immediately injured, and large black feathers were turned into pieces.

The body was injured and did not scare off the three fierce black hawks. They constantly relied on absolute speed to counterattack and wanted to devour their flesh and blood.

"Two poles of ancient water, ice!"

When the battle was anxious, Ye Chenfeng seized the opportunity and blew out the two poles of ancient water, hitting a **** black eagle, and instantly frozen its huge body.

"Ghosts and Claws!"

The moment when the black eagle was frozen, the moon and ice rain immediately shot, and the soul of the rolling and the darkness of the mind merged together, condensing a ghost of green oil, directly grabbed it, and shattered the black eagle to be frozen. The body has ended its life.

Ye Chenfeng and Moonlight Rain combined to kill a black eagle with a seven-level beast. The pressure on the crowds plummeted. Just as they continued to shoot, killing the remaining two black hawks, one let They feel the breath of suffocation and fear.

"No, the crack in the space has appeared so fast!"

Looking at the emptiness of the space, the space cracking the power of destruction, the heart of Ye Chenfeng and others trembled.

There were two scarred black hawks, which were frightened when space cracks appeared. They gave up attacking Ye Chenfeng and others, quickly pulled up the body and wanted to escape.

But as they continue to pull up the body, the sound of the crack in the space cracks, the endless waves and waves rushing out in the cracks in the space, like the rushing tide, surging in the void, not close to the two black eagle, They shattered their powerful bodies, and even the hard demon dan was not spared and blasted directly.

"Stop flight, speed down!"

Two black hawks were smashed by the devastating force swept away by the space cracks. Ye Chenfeng’s keen sense of smell smelled a strong danger, and he did not hesitate to fall to the ground with the moon and the sky.

"What to do, Ye Chenfeng, what better way do you have?"

There are no retreating people who are seeing more and more space cracks, showing a hint of despair, anxiously asking.


Think of the terrible crack in this space, Ye Chenfeng will not think of a good way to get out of trouble.

"Ye Chenfeng, how do you become dumb, are you not very powerful? You are not saying, can you take us away?" In the middle of the day, I watched the silence of Ye Chenfeng, and the anger in my heart was completely Exploding, snarling into anger.

"Midday, you better figure out, I am not forcing you to follow me, but you are asking me to bring you."

"And, if you don't want to die, give me a little quiet, otherwise I don't mind sending you to **** first."

Ye Chenfeng was watching indifferently in the middle of the sky, and the cold warning.

"Mom, at this time you dare to threaten me, today I will not die with you!"

The anger and blood surge, the inner desperate mid-day can not control the anger of the heart, want to calculate the general ledger before the death and Ye Chenfeng.

"Wait for heaven, calm down, don't be impulsive!"

At this time, the moon ice rain appeared in the middle of the raging moon, holding his shoulder with one hand, trying to calm him down.

"Calm, this is the time you make me calm!"

"With the speed of the crack in the space, it will not take long for you and me to die here, and all this is thanks to him." The middle of the day shouted loudly.

"Death? Not at the last moment, I will never accept my life." Ye Chenfeng said Zhuo Zhuo.

"Ye Chenfeng, you really have a way!"

Mid-day and other people are looking at him, although they hate Ye Chenfeng, but they know that Ye Chenfeng is also their only life-saving straw.

"No way!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said, "But I believe I can find a way."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng ignored everyone, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and controlling the power of the brain to completely radiate out, blending into the void, and scrambling to find ways to get rid of the difficulties.

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