Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 806: Blood sacrifice, break the battle

"Big Array! In this fierce array of attacks, the morning breeze has had time to lay down the battlefield, resisting the formation attacks, and his rumors of the law are so deep."

Looking at the sudden appearance, covering the body of the morning wind, against the tens of thousands of attacks, Bai Feng, Jiang Xingchen and others could not help but **** a cold breath.

They can't imagine how Ye Chenfeng practiced these years. He is all well-versed and has a high degree of accomplishment.

The collision between the big array and the big array was earth-shattering, and the terrible power shook the trepidation of the jasper fairy mountain.

When Ye Chenfeng used the protection of the hundred killings to promote the battle of the big battle, the three true demon masters appeared outside the Jasper Palace, staring at the violent vibration of the big array.

"The Great Devil, the Gorefiend, the squad of this squad is extremely high, and I even thought of breaking my three-turn squad with the squad. As the lining of today’s squad is obviously consumed, This development continues, and the three-turned scorpion that I laid down will be broken sooner or later."

Wearing a red-blooded robes, with long white robes, the old man with gold-rimmed glasses felt the change of the three-turned scorpion array, revealing a dignified color.

"Is there a way to improve the power of the three-turn Scorpio?"

The body is burly, with a dark green hair, and the real demon in the strong body exudes a hegemonic spirit, causing fierce light in his eyes, whispering.

"Yes!" The old man in the blood robes nodded and said ruthlessly: "The blood sacrifices to the disciples of the Jasper Palace, using their flesh and blood to enhance the power of the three turns of the Scorpio, as long as the power of the three turns of the Scorpio is raised to the peak, I can control the big squad to live and ruin them."

"This is simple!" The Great Devil said with a cruel smile: "The blood master, I don't know how many people will be raised to the peak of the three-turned scorpion, how many people need blood sacrifices?"

"At least three hundred people!"

"Three hundred people are too few, to grab four hundred Jasper Palace disciples." The big devil makes the cold and ruthless command.

After a while, four hundred people were injured, and the disciples of the Jade Palace, who were afraid of mourning, were crushed by the big flowers and thrown on the cold ground.

"One does not stay, all kill, and then throw their bodies into the three-turned scorpion." The **** old man's fierce command.

"No, don't kill us!"

After hearing the orders of the old man of the blood robes, one by one, the disciples of the Jasper Palace were desperate, desperately struggling to mourn.

But the real demon masters are merciless, constantly smashing their heads, harvesting their lives, and throwing their bodies into the three-turn scorpion.

A moment, crying, desperate sounds intertwined, circling in the mountains of Jasper, it makes people shudder.

The three-turned celestial array merged with the blood of the Jasper Palace disciples, and the arrogance became stronger and stronger. The attacking lines became blood red, like the raging wave, hitting the killing.

"What sound!"

I heard the painful mourning from the Jasper Palace, and the face of Zeng Biyue and others waiting for Ye Chenfeng to break down slightly changed.

"The murder of the true devil, I will not kill you, you will not be a human."

The ear screams and screams, watching the three turns of the scorpion into a blood red, Zeng Biyue immediately guessed that the true Mozu people are afraid to kill their own Jasper Palace disciples, completely into the madness, thick The thick suffocating air is like a volcanic eruption, bursting out in her body.

She was slightly flashed, and despite her own safety, she rushed into the three-turned scorpion array. She wanted to help Ye Chenfeng to forcibly break into the battle and rush into the Jasper Palace to save people.

But the three-turned scorpion array merged with the blood of the 400-year-old Jasper Palace disciples, and the power reached an extremely terrible level. The blood in the array was thick and sticky, bound to Zeng Biyue’s body and eroded. Her body weakened her attack.

Just Biyue held the cold Wuqi, shaking the space, tearing and rolling thick blood, crazy attack, dozens of blood snake-like patterns smashed and strangled her.

"Chen Wutian attack!"

Zeng Biyue quickly shakes the Hanwuqi, condenses a terrible cold, and smashes dozens of lines.

But after dozens of lines, there are a lot of squadrons coming and going. It is necessary to kill Zeng Biyue, who is good at three turns.

Zeng Biyue was in danger, Jiang Xingchen, Bai Feng, Bai Qingtian, Jiang Yiqiu also broke into the three-turned scorpion, appeared in Zeng Biyue, attacked with her, smashed Come and attack the formation.

"Five seniors, don't do fearless consumption, come to me quickly."

Controlling Ye Chenfeng, who is in the heart of the brain, and noticed that Zeng Biyue and Jiang Xingchen broke into the three-turned scorpion array and immediately gave them a voice, guiding them into the squad. In the area.

"Morning wind, my Jasper Palace disciple is in danger, can you speed up the break?"

The eyes are red, and Zeng Biyue, who is bleeding in his heart, strongly restrains the suffocation in his heart and anxiously urges the Tao.

"Predecessors, the power of this array suddenly increased, making the difficulty of the attack increase, but give me a fragrant time, I should be able to find the position of the heart, the big battle will be broken."

Ye Chenfeng, who is also under tremendous pressure, took a deep breath and said.

"A scent!"

Zeng Biyue bit his silver teeth and was in a hurry.

"The big devil makes it, and some people enter the battle. From the strength of the five people, it should be Jiang Xingchen, Bai Feng, Zeng Biyue." The knees floating in the air, the hands of the **** robe of the complex handprints suddenly Open your eyes and say.

"Great, they finally entered the battle." The big devil showed a fierce smile and said: "The blood master, continue to increase the power of the three turns of the scorpio, and smelt them in the battle, If the blood is not enough, we will continue to kill."


The old man of the blood robes nodded, quickly hitting a handprint, blending into the three-turned scorpion array, igniting the viscous blood in the three-turned scorpion array, and boosting the power of the blood-colored front to the limit. Attacked the killings of Ye Chenfeng.

Under the strongest attack of the three-turned scorpion squad, the attack of the squadron was hard-pressed, and the flag of the nearly thousand faces surrounded by the squadron continued to burst.

I feel that the killings will be broken, and Ye Chenfeng, who is in the heart of the line, is not panicked. He has removed all the distracting thoughts and controlled the position of the three-turned scorpion.

"The heart is there!"

When the five hundred-faced best flag was broken, and the hundred killings were shattered by the blood-colored patterns, the brains of the brain finally pushed the position of the three-turned scorpion.

"Five seniors, I have found the heart, we shot." Ye Chenfeng told Jiang Xingchen five humanity in the position of three turns.


Jing Xingchen, Zeng Biyue and others have sacrificed their own treasures, ready to launch a fatal blow.

"Hundreds of kills, kill one hundred!"

Ye Chenfeng slammed and screamed, and controlled the fragmented squad, forming a hundred killing lights, and attacking the three-turned scorpion.

And at the moment of the killing attack, Ye Chenfeng and other six people have their own control of the Taobao, bombardment to the heart.


The blasting sounds of earth-shattering sounded.

The attack launched by the people together annihilated everything, destroying the three-turned scorpion, and breaking the heart in one fell swoop.

The heart was broken, and the three-turned scorpion that merged with the blood of the 400-year-old Jasper Palace was bursting at any time. The towering, towering, and **** Jasper Palace appeared in front of everyone.

When Zeng Biyue saw under the Jasper Palace, a name lost his blood, became a corpse, and the life of the Jasper Palace disciple, the eyes suddenly turned into blood red, sending out an uncontrollable scream. Shake the cold Wuqi and kill it.


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