Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 814: Regeneration failure

"Strong, too strong, the king of the three most terrible killers in Xingluo Tiancheng was actually beaten by Ye Chenfeng. What is the magical function of Ye Chenfeng's display, it is so powerful."

"Yes, his secret magical power is too overbearing, and his combat power at this time is probably beyond us."

Seeing the three shadow killers of Ye Chenfeng flying, the amazing strength of the show, even Jiang Xingchen, Bai Feng and others have been deeply shocked, can not imagine the most fierce killer of the Star Luo Tiancheng, the three killers The king will be damaged in the hands of Ye Chenfeng.

"Star King, do you know the identity background of this leaf morning wind?"

Bai Feng took a deep breath and asked for the shock of his heart.

"He said that he is a mess, no door and no pie." Jiang Xingchen smiled.

"This is impossible."

Bai Feng and Zeng Biyue looked at each other and saw the horror and doubt in each other's eyes.

"The Sword of the King, the Emperor's Sword!"

Three shadow killers were smashed, and Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps followed closely. The four roads meant that 70 million pounds of power broke out completely, and the swords of the kings were continuously displayed. Kill the three shadow killers who attacked themselves.

With Ye Chenfeng’s offensive becoming more and more fierce, the sword of the king and the emperor’s swords are in harmony. The three kings of the killers have suffered tremendous pressure, but the three of them are also shocking talents. After reaching the fifth-level beast, the three changed into the form of the beast, and after the strength of the sky, they resisted the attack of Ye Chenfeng.

And the entire void is devastated by their fierce attacks, fragmented.

"Dragon Heart, Power Out!"

When the king of the three killers began to counterattack, Ye Chenfeng completely burned the dragon heart, and the force of blood and blood poured his whole body in an instant, once again amplitude his strength.


A dragon humming sound trembled in the heavens and the earth, Ye Chenfeng instantly merged with the Emperor Sword, rolled the void, blended with the Tao, like a star falling into the ground, falling to a shocking shadow Killer.


Positive confrontation, rolling sense and power madness poured into his body, shocked him to vomit blood, and the assassination sword in the lower grade of the class appeared a crack in the road, and the right arm was even fleshy. Exposed the white bones of the Senran.

Human unity hits a shadow killer, Ye Chenfeng does not give him the opportunity to escape, the footsteps approached him, and the continuous burst of morality and more than 70 million forces, opened and closed, full attack, It is necessary to kill him.


At the time of Ye Chenfeng’s full attack, the two shadow killers attacked the left and right, and the assassination sword in his hand swallowed the peerless killing. The thunder attacked Ye Chenfeng’s body and wanted to interrupt his offensive. .

For the two-person attack, Ye Chenfeng did not evade, letting the peers kill the light and hit the body of the Chinese style, and attacked the shadow killer who was **** and defeated.

"Blood burning!"

The offensive was completely suppressed by Ye Chenfeng, and the shadow killer who was in danger of danger burned the power of blood at the cost, maximizing his strength and fighting for it.

But Chen Chenfeng reported that he would kill him. The destruction of Jianshan was fierce, constantly destroying him and aggravating his physical injuries.

When Ye Chenfeng continuously smashed twenty-eight swords, his arms were fiercely smashed by Ye Chenfeng, and they became two **** fogs filled in the void.

Seeing that his companion is in danger, the two shadow killers are desperately fighting. The two swords are stabbed out, and everything is gone. The swordsman, full of loneliness, stabbed the temple of Ye Chenfeng.


In a critical moment, Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps, swords and swords, attacked the two, and appeared behind the shadow killer who opened his arms and launched a fatal blow to him.

And Ye Chenfeng stepped out of this step, and completely had the charm and speed into the micro-environment.

"The emperor is shocking!"

The sword of the invincible sword descended from the sky, blending with the power of the emperor, squatting on the body of the shadowy killer who had been hit hard, broke his body defense, and turned him from head to toe into two halves. Commandment.

"Strong, too strong! The king of a killer in Xingluo Tiancheng was killed by Ye Chenfeng."

"Hearing that the Shadow Killer has never lost, but now it has been killed, and this record is enough to shock the mainland."

"I don't know how to let the world know, they are shocked by the news that the big killer shadow killer of the mainland has been killed, will it be violently thundering!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng's strong killing of the Shadow Killer, everyone present has a feeling of heart-breaking, Ye Chenfeng's overbearing, strong posture is deeply imprinted in the depths of their minds.

Strongly killing a shadow killer, the blood of the morning wind burst into a blast, and before the power of life has subsided, launch a deadly attack on the other two shadow killers, and want to double-click them.

Ye Chenfeng attacked at full speed, and the two kings of the killers both burned the power of blood and smacked. When the three men were killed by blood, suddenly, a stunned resurrection, cracked the void, and stabbed Ye Chenfeng. .

"Sure enough, there are people in the dark!"

Ye Chenfeng has never used the big killer of Jiulong Yuxi, which is to guard against the peerless masters who may be hidden in the dark.

"Kowloon Jade, kill!"

The peerless murder came, Ye Chenfeng continuously injected soul power into the Kowloon jade, a fangs and claws, and the devastating dragon of the gods flew out of the Kowloon Jade, stirring the world and changing the world. Light, the attack turned to a ghost face woman who suddenly appeared.

Feeling the terrible of the Kowloon Jade, the assassination of the defeated ghost face woman's repeated moves, dodge the attack, attacking the mad dragon.

Now, the Kowloon Jade is the best holy treasure, although Ye Chenfeng can only play the power of one in two, not that she can compete.

When her attack was completely shattered by the Shenwei mad dragon, she was hit by a huge stone inscription on the verge of death and death, blocking her attack against the Kowloon Jade.


The giant stone inscriptions are strikingly defensive, but they still can't resist the attack of Jiulong Yuxi, and they are crushed by the sacred dragons.

And the devastating attack by Jiulong Yuxi once again shocked everyone present, making them feel the trembling of the soul, and many people’s bodies trembled.

"Let's go!"

Using giant stone carvings to resist the moment, the sudden appearance of the mysterious woman decisively pulled out and broke out with two shadow killers.

"Where to go!"

Jing Xingchen, Bai Feng, Zeng Biyue and others screamed and held a powerful device, and Daobao blocked it all, trying to intercept them.

But the sudden appearance of the mysterious woman is too terrible, but the means are amazing, coupled with the shadow assassination of two shadow killers, quickly broke through the injury, the consumption of serious Jiang Xingchen and others' defense, broke out Go out.

"Several seniors, don't chase!"

Although Ye Chenfeng’s heart was unwilling, but using the Jiulong jade attack, Ye Chenfeng’s body showed a serious sense of weakness, and the burning power of life began to subside. In desperation, he shouted Jiang Xingchen. Waiting, let the mysterious woman save two shadow killers and disappear into the sky.


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