Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 823: 星罗天壁(上)

In the morning, a soft sun punctured the dark night sky, across the boundless sea of ​​clouds, spilling over the entire world, awakening the ancient city with a long history.

In the early morning, after a rest, the spirited Ye Chenfeng appeared in the ban, and walked down the ladder of Dengtian Road in the clouds, preparing to climb the ancient sacred ladder.

"Big brother, that kid, that is, he used the thunder to hurt me!"

Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded, and the black man who was hit by Ye Chenfeng with the help of the ancient tianlei was on the ladder of Dengtian Road, glaring at Ye Chenfeng.

"You are the genius of that power, why is it innocent to hurt my brother."

A burly body, covered with thick black hair, giving a feeling of fierceness, the man of the six-level king of the Beastmaster looked coldly at Ye Chenfeng, asked loudly.

"Go, we are on the road."

Ye Chenfeng ignored the question of the burly man, and his body flashed into the sky, and began to climb the ancient heavenly order with increasing space pressure.

"Mom, find death!"

Seeing Ye Chenfeng directly ignores himself, the burly man’s face suddenly sinks, and the fists are squeaky, and the eyes reveal a strong killing.

"Go, let's keep up with them, wait until we enter Star City, and we will solve them again."

The burly man said with sorrow, and followed by Ye Chenfeng, four people began to climb the road to the sky, and constantly plan to revenge Ye Chenfeng in their hearts.

As the height climbs, the pressure on the space that fills the sky is getting bigger and bigger, but this pressure has no effect on Ye Chenfeng.

"Three, let's separate here, take care."

Xing Yuanfeng three people climbed Dengtian Road too slowly, Ye Chenfeng did not wait for them, leaving a sentence to speed up the climbing speed, and when climbing, the control of the magical pattern again changed the body shape appearance.

In the crisis of the stars, Luo Tiancheng, Ye Chenfeng also had to be careful.

Soon, ignoring the pressure of prohibition, Ye Chenfeng, who is getting faster and faster, has appeared in the body, galloping on the road, and the amazing speed of climbing makes the star Yuan Feng three petrified.

It’s even more frightening to let the burly men who want to avenge him.

Less than half a column of incense time, the speed of the amazing Ye Chenfeng climbed tens of thousands of meters, placed in the forbidden clouds, a thunderous sound in the forbidden clouds.

Feeling that the thunder in the cloud is just an ordinary thunder, not a heavenly thunder, Ye Chenfeng reveals a disappointing color, does not slow down, and continues to speed up the climb.

And Ye Chenfeng's amazing speed of climbing, detonated the banned thunder in the sea of ​​clouds, intertwined with a thundering net, blocking the road ahead of Ye Chenfeng, bombarding his body.

"Nine transformations, change, devour!"

After a large number of thunder attacks, Ye Chenfeng immediately turned nine transformations, transforming the thunder that was drilled into the body into the foot of the spring, and changed the spirit beads in the Yongquan.

"Well, someone in front!"

When he climbed on Ye Chenfeng and refining and attacking his thunder, his powerful soul perceives a good atmosphere in the space ahead.

He found this powerful atmosphere, and every time he climbed, he could tear the thunder of the sky, and the terrible attack completely exceeded the limit of the realm of the Beastmaster.

"I didn't expect to have a genius in Dengtian Road."

Ye Chenfeng’s mouth is slightly upturned, does not slow down the climbing speed, and draws a little closer to the genius in front.

Feeling that Ye Chenfeng is getting closer and closer to himself, this tearing thunder, the fast-climbing man in the robe reveals a suspicious color, and when he looks down at the ladder behind him, he is even more shocked. .

Because he found that Ye Chenfeng, who was chasing him closely, was not tearing the thunder, but was swallowing the thunder.

Just as he was secretly surprised, the speed of the morning, Ye Chenfeng, who had turned into a shadow, flashed in front of his eyes and quickly disappeared into the endless thunder attack.

"Who is this person, why is there such an amazing speed!"

When the man in the robe was shocked, his eyes showed a strong sense of warfare, constantly improving his strength, like a sword that tore the sky, and chasing Ye Chenfeng.

"The front prohibition is weird!"

Ye Chenfeng rushed to the moment of a fragrant incense, and gradually approached the top of Dengtian Road. When he saw his head, there was a group of illusory, dreamlike pattern bans.

"Is this the starry sky that can temper the soul beast?"

Thinking about the star language, the unique Star Luotian City in the Tiantian Road is banned, and has the magical ability to temper the soul beast. You can receive the heavenly baptism by summoning the soul beast, and the time of baptism Long, the soul of the beast is more refined.

"I hope that this starry sky does not disappoint me."

The light flashes at the foot of Ye Chenfeng, the swords are all in one, tearing the heavy thunder and forbidding the heavy pressure, crossing the domain with more than ten steps, directly rushing into the starry sky.

"Fire Sea!"

Crashing into the Starry Sky City, Ye Chenfeng found himself entering a burning sea of ​​fire, and the hot flame constantly burned his body, trying to burn him to ashes.

However, how strong is Ye Chenfeng, the flame of the sea formed by the starry sky has no threat to him. He runs the nine transformational transformations, refining the flame power into the Yongquan cave, and summoning the blood dragon emperor. , appeared in the hot sea of ​​fire.

The blood dragon emperor has undergone two transformations, and the soul power contained in it is extremely terrifying. When it is in the sea of ​​fire and violently rolling, the terrible vision of the sea of ​​fire can not withstand the soul force released by the blood dragon, and there is a road crack.

With less than ten breaths, the Fire Sea vision was torn by the Blood Dragon Emperor, but the horrible Blood Dragon King did not get a trace of hardening.

"Hey, it seems that the blood dragon is too powerful, and this star is not helpful to it."

Ye Chenfeng sighed softly and took back the blood dragon emperor. His body flashed through the sea of ​​fire and entered a world of ice and snow. A cold and chilly wind swept over him.

The power of the ice and snow vision is clearly stronger than the fire of the sea, but it still poses no threat to Ye Chenfeng. Soon, the ice and snow vision was torn by Ye Chenfeng, and he entered Lei Ze.

But regardless of the vision of Lei Ze, the desert vision, or the last wooden robbery vision, they were torn by Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps.

"Hey, this star is not too weak for the ban on the sky."

With less than twenty breaths, Ye Chenfeng rips the five stars, Luo Tianxiang, and rushes to the top of the road.

And Ye Chenfeng's scene of continuous tearing of the starry sky, was followed by the man in the robe to the eye.

Soon, all the way to gallop, the speed of the unconstrained Ye Chenfeng climbed to the end of Dengtian Road at a record speed, saw the end of Dengtian Road, stood a virtual reality, up to ten feet, engraved The name of the monument.

And this monument is the world-famous star of the sky, only to cultivate the genius of less than 50 years before you can enter it and leave a name on it.

The rumor, the genius disciple who can be named in the four-footed sacred wall of the Tianluo can break through the limit of the Beastmaster and become the strong emperor.

In the millions of rivers that existed in Xingluo Tiancheng, only one person was engraved with his own name at the top of the star-shaped sky wall.

And that person is the legend of the legend of the mainland, the first strongest star.


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