Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 825: More and more difficult tests


Under the attack of the sword of the sword that Ye Chenfeng continuously launched, the testers of the two first-class beasts of the beasts had no power to fight, and they were worn by the sharp swords and disappeared in the quadruple In space.

Strongly killing two testers, Ye Chenfeng waved his attack, and the forty swords of the swords were combined into a light sword, tearing the space wall and entering the five-fold space.

"Sure enough, the tester of the fifth space has reached the level of the second-class beastmaster."

Looking like a meteorite, sitting cross-legged in the starry sky, the two testers of the second-level beastly kingdom, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes shot a strong war, stepping on a heavy pace, one step Steps approached them.

When Ye Chenfeng approached their three-meter distance, the two testers opened their eyes at the same time. A starlight shot in their deep sea-like scorpion, locked Ye Chenfeng.

The next moment, the two of them squirted a terrible knife in their bodies, and the two opened and closed together. The knives like the big waves broke out of their bodies and turned to Ye Chenfeng.


Two kinds of knives like mercury and diarrhea smashed down, and the 50 lines of the sword were sprayed out of the body of the morning wind, turning into a boundless sword rain, and directly smashing the two knives.

Next, Ye Chenfeng stepped on the sword step, and instantly appeared in front of them, and the texture of the sword was intertwined with the brush and sprayed out, attacking the bodies of both of them.

After being attacked by the sword, two powerful testers raised the attack power to the limit, and used the knife to make a fierce battle. They wanted to push Ye Chenfeng back.

"Five lines of big hands!"

When the two of them joined forces to resist the Jianbu attack, Ye Chenfeng smashed the destructive five-way ideology and turned into two big five-handed hands, slamming the pressure on their bodies and forcing them to resist. .


A very fine, but condensed to the extreme Jianguang with the right hand of Ye Chenfeng sliding out, not waiting for the two testers to make a second reaction, they broke their body defense, they will be two The human head has fallen.


The head was smashed by the sword of the morning breeze, and the terrible five elements were crushed down, and the two of them were crushed and dissipated in the sky.

"Next, I have to accept the test of the three-level beastmaster."

The difficulty of the test is getting bigger and bigger, Ye Chenfeng does not dare to care about it. In the five-fold space, the simple adjustment of interest rate has been restored, and then the space wall is torn open and enters the sixth heavy space.

"Good black, this six-fold space is black."

Into the six-story space, Ye Chenfeng found that the six-fold space was dark and the fingers were gone, and all the light was swallowed up by a strange force.

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng’s keen sense of perceivation was dangerous. A very fast sword mangling flashed in front of his eyes and stabbed his head.


Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrank, and the footsteps immediately counterattacked. The whole body was shot at the moment of the smashing, and the seventy-swords of the swords flew out. The attack was melted into the night, and the attack speed was amazing. By.

"Well, dodge!"

Ye Chenfeng’s brows, I didn’t expect to step on the sword, and the attack that was close at hand could not hit the tester hiding in the dark space.

At the time of his suspicion, he felt dangerous on his head, and a fierce swordman shrouded his body and wanted to smash his head.

"The Lion King!"

What is the terrible defense of Ye Chenfeng, ignoring the attacking and fierce swordsmanship, a powerful whistle is released in his mouth, like a lion, arrogant, earth-shattering, bombardment to the top of the head.

After being attacked by a griffin, the tester in the dark space could not hide from the body and flew out.


Ye Chenfeng's powerful soul instantly locked him, and his backhand was straightforward, and a few long swords slammed up.

Looking at the giant sword-like sword in his body, the body of the tester who was smashed by the lion king moved slightly into the black space and disappeared.

"There are only one tester in this six-story space, but the difficulty of the test is not comparable to the first five layers. This strange speed is really amazing."

Understanding the unpredictable speed of the six-space tester, Ye Chenfeng was slightly surprised. The pattern of the eighty swords was completely sprayed out of his body. He was ready to launch a fierce attack and defeat the tester in one fell swoop. .

"Come on!"

When the sword's pattern is completely released, Ye Chenfeng's keen sense of perceives that the danger is close, and the sword is continuously smashed, the sharp swords are criss-crossed, the space is cut, and the tester is stabbed. A strange sword, shrouded him.

The sneak attack failed, and the tester with amazing speed immediately evaded, but when Ye Chenfeng raised the sword step into the micro-environment, the speed of the movement soared several times and surpassed him.


A piece of cloth was torn apart, and a sword filled with 80 lines of swords slammed into his body, breaking his body defense and flying him away. Go out.

Next, Ye Chenfeng stepped on his footsteps and approached him. He gathered five days of devils to block the space he had evaded.


Limiting the test of the six-fold space, Ye Chenfeng used his hand to transform the sword, broke out the swordsmanship, shattered the space, and took a long and narrow sword mark in the black space, and turned his seriously injured body into two halves. , passed the six-space test.

"I don't know how difficult it is to test the seventh space!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and sat down in the black space to adjust his interest rate. He was ready to enter the seven-space space for the best test.

At the same time, the amazingly amazing spirit fish has entered the desert-like seven-fold space, with a body that is more than three meters tall, the bronze body is like a steel cast, holding a pair of heavy axe, the amazing four-level beastmaster The testers fought together.

"Golden blood, blood, burning."

The time of a fierce battle, the spirit fish found that he could not suppress the tester, he did not hesitate to burn the power of the blood, greatly enhanced the attack power, broke out the power of earth-shattering, forcibly suppressed the tester.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng broke through the tough space wall and entered the seven-fold space. He was in a fierce battle with the tester who was equally strong and armed with a double axe.

"God's blood, burning!"

Unable to use the Taoist, Daobao, Ye Chenfeng, who was suppressed by the offensive, did not hesitate to burn the blood of the gods, and hardened his strength to 65 million kilograms, and he fought fiercely in the seven-space.

"The Five Elements of the Road, the meaning of life and death, heaven and earth!"

Rely on the absolute strength, the hard-pressed seven-space tester, the three major fusions in the body of Ye Chenfeng broke out, turned into a terrible Daoist, continuous suppression, hard to test the double in the hands of the tester The axe flew out.

"Water ban three, magic dragon water shadow!"

The tester lost the double axe, and Ye Chenfeng immediately merged the three avenues into a water shadow like a real dragon, twisting the space of the sky, carrying amazing destructive power and bombarding him. on.


The tester’s strong body trembled and was shattered by the terrible attack power of the Dragon Water Shadow. The whole body was completely out of control and flew out.

Catch the time of the tester's physical injury, Ye Chenfeng will use the three roads to the fullest, fierce attack, not giving him a chance to breathe.

Under a tide of water-like road bombardment, the test of the seven-fold space was smashed by Ye Chenfeng.


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