Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 828: The last test

"Basic Shurao Gong!"

The threat of the flame of war is too great. In desperation, Ye Chenfeng can only take the risk of smashing the eight killing apertures outside the Star Luotian City, increasing the power of eight times and killing them.

The power of killing and killing, blending with the four-way meaning, seven times the soul force, turned into an invincible sword, and turned to the flames of war.


When the flames of warfare waved the faucet and slashed the invincible sword of the morning wind, Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps suddenly appeared behind him, condensing seven devils, blocking the space around his body. .

"The Wrath of God!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, summoning the three great spirits, and compressing them to the extreme, turning them into a three-color bovine fine needle, bombarding the flames of God of War.


When the flames of the goddess of war are on the wrath of God's wrath, they detonate the wrath of God's punishment, forming the energy of a volcanic eruption, madly venting the destructive power, swallowing the flames of war, destroying his body.

But the strength of the flame **** of war is too terrible, relying on the flame armor to withstand the attack of the wrath of the gods, waving the leading knives to break the storm.

"I would like to see how many times you can resist the wrath of God."

There is no entanglement of fire dragons, and Ye Chenfeng can attack without any scruples. He pedals his swords and steps away from the leading swords of the flames of God, and controls the three great spirits to merge into a terrible god. Penalties, continuous bombardment of the flames of God of War, weakened his defense.

As time passed, the flames of God, who had been attacked hundreds of times of wrath, were finally wounded, and the flame armor worn was covered with criss-cross cracks.

"Fei Xian Yi Jian!"

When the flames of war are wounded, the texture of the kendo at the foot of Ye Chenfeng is instantly blended together, and a sword is thrown out. A long sword is separated from the sky, blending with the power of force and the power of the road. The speed is amazing. The shackles are on the chest of the flames of God.


The Flame Warrior's cracked flame armor was pierced by a flying fairy, and the terrible doctrine and the power of killing broke out in his body, shattering his body.

"Day Devil!"

Ye Chenfeng does not give the flames of war a breather, condense the devil to help him, the footsteps quickly approach, swinging the destructive fist, continuous bombardment of the flames of war, and me close combat.


The two fiercely fight, smugly fight, to fasten fast, strong and strong, the terrible sound formed by the two people constantly swaying between the heavens and the earth, the space is constantly distorted.

In order to aggravate the physical wounds of the flames of God of War, he destroyed him in one fell swoop. Ye Chenfeng did not retreat, and his teeth were subjected to the devastating attack of the flames of God, and he was hard-hitting.

After more than an hour, the two men who were fighting each other were hit hard, and the tragic attack made people shudder.

But in order to keep the blood of the gods and bloods to maintain the strongest strength, Ye Chenfeng clings to the hardships of the teeth, does not burn the blood of the gods, and does not display his strongest trick, and continues with the unyielding belief. attack.

Ye Chenfeng punched and flamed the **** of war with a punch.

He has an unparalleled power in every punch, attacking the Tao, rolling the soul, and the power of killing is constantly erupting, and the flame armor worn by the flame warrior is smashed.

The flame armor was lost, and the defensive power of the flame goddess was greatly reduced. Gradually, the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng could not be resisted, and the body covered with cracks was defeated.

"Xuan Mingji!"

"Fantasy Dragon Shadow!"

Seeing the flames of God of War can not support, Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, regardless of physical injuries, the left hand blasted the illusory power of the river, the right hand played a dragon-like technique, and successively bombarded On the body of the flame of war, he flew out.

"The ruling of the Seven Swords, the ruling!"

Beyond the flames of God of War, the body is steady, and Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps, the volley leaps, the horrible way to swallow the world, and locks the flames of the body that is out of control.


Ye Chenfeng slammed the arm of a nearly comparable medium. The horrible sword of the ruling seemed to destroy this space, cut off all obstacles, and turned to the flames of war.

In the face of Ye Chenfeng, this powerful sword, the flame warrior smelled a strong dangerous atmosphere, but he could not dodge if he was out of control, and he could only force the knives to defend himself.


The faucet knife in the hands of the flame warrior trembled fiercely. The power of the horrible ruling rushed into his arm through the big knives and shook his arm.

"The emperor is shocking!"

When the flames of war are almost unable to hold the leading knives, Ye Chenfeng will use the power of comprehension to the extreme, deducing the trajectory of the avenue, and smashing the sword of the emperor’s power, driving the world’s general trend. He was kneeling in the right hand of the flames of God of War holding the faucet, and his arm was smashed down.

"Tiandao ruthless!"

The arm was smashed, and the ten lines of the heavenly spurt sprayed out the body of the morning wind, turning into a whistling Tianwei, and slamming it on the head of the flame warrior.


The flames of God, who could not dodge, were smashed by the lines of the heavens. His strong body finally fell and turned into dust and disappeared.

"Call, finally killed him."

People with pale face and severely injured Ye Chenfeng knees with both hands, gasping for a big mouth, quickly sitting on the floor with his knees, and controlling the lines of life to heal serious injuries.

At this time, it has been more than a day.

But in this day, not only did the people waiting outside the wall of the stars grow, but they continued to increase. Even the owner of the Star City, wearing a white long skirt, bathed in the blue light of the water, revealing The sacred atmosphere, the charming and touching ice clouds appear under the stars.

"The Great Elder, do you say that the person can pass the final test and leave a name on the Jiuzhang Tianbi?"

The scorpion-like scorpion glanced at the knees and sat down, closing his eyes and adjusting the spirit fish. The voice was flat and asked, and it was impossible to speculate on what she thought.


Thinking of the test of Jiuzhang Tianbi, the star of the Tiancheng Great Elders, Shuai, shook his head and said without a doubt.

"Can't you?"

The brows of the ice cloud are slightly wrinkled, thoughtful.

"The ability to be named in Bazhang Tianbi has been superb. I will never believe that he can reach the level of the Emperor, and the result of the final test will only be a failure." Shu Renjie said.

"The Great Elder, you said that the Emperor's Mausoleum is now open, and this person appears so suddenly, will he have a relationship with the Emperor."

Thinking of the tester of the Jiuzhang Tianbi, the brows of the ice cloud are unconsciously wrinkled together, and there is a somewhat absurd thought in his mind.

"The city owner is saying"

"This is just my guess. We are still waiting patiently. If he really left his name in Jiuzhang Tianbi, then this person must be eradicated."

The sound of the ice cloud is plain, but when she spoke, her beautiful voice flashed a cold edge, and the Queen’s breath was revealed.

The time passes by one minute and one second. Ye Chenfeng is like a sculpture. He constantly controls the way of life to heal the body and adjust his own state.

About a day or so, Ye Chenfeng completely recovered his physical injury. He did not delay the time. The control of the sword's road pattern tore the space wall and entered the last space of the star-shaped sky wall and accepted the final test.


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