Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 833: Shame shame ice cloud

"God, Jiuzhang Tianbi really has a new name, and that person really passed all the tests."

"When did I have such a shocking talent in the mainland, he came from that power."

"Sword God is the title of God, the man is so arrogant, wants to surpass the Emperor."

Looking at the title written by Ye Chenfeng on the wall of Jiuzhang, the star was blasted under the wall of the sky. A pair of looking eyes looked at the star of the sky and wanted to see the style of Ye Chenfeng. Many people were dissatisfied with the title he had engraved.

"Free people, etc., leave quickly, not allowed to stay here!"

After receiving the frosty ice cloud command, several Star Luo Tiancheng masters appeared in midair, and could not resist the command.

"Why, why let us leave at this time, I want to see the majestic swordsman." Many masters protested loudly.

"I count to ten, whoever doesn't leave, let's leave it."

Wearing a black martial arts suit, the white long hair like a snow dances with the wind, and the face is covered with wrinkles, but the spirited old man is exposed to the murderous light and cannot be resisted.

Feeling the infinite killings of the stars and the masters of the city, watching the forbidden scenes appearing in midair, many people are timid, with regrets left the star Luo Tianxia, ​​back to the Star Luo Tiancheng.

There are less than five breaths. Under the threat of the death of the master of Xingluo Tiancheng, almost everyone under the star of the sky is gone, only the spirit fish and the three self-sustaining strengths are good, and they want to make a leafy morning. Master.

"Why, you are not good for Morning Wind!"

The spiritual fish that had already recovered from the injury stood up on the ground, and looked fiercely at the white-haired old man who was standing in the air, and said coldly.

"Small girl, I advise you to be the best, don't challenge the power of my Stars, or you will regret it." The white-haired old man in the third-level beastly kingdom is staring at the spirit fish, warning. .

"What about the challenge? I angered me, I turned your star Luo Tiancheng over." The spirit fish, which is not afraid of fear, exudes an overbearing momentum, without saying weakness.

"Looking for death!"

The old man with white hair did not expect the squid to be so arrogant, the light flashed in his eyes, the two avenues broke out, and a palm was shot in the air, fluctuating with violent tumbling of the air, and a palm printed on the spirit fish.


The white-haired old man printed the Taoist palms, the spirit fish did not retreat, the pedals of the gods and eight shadows greeted them, filled with tens of millions of pounds of punches and smashed the meaning of the Tao. A palm, quickly approaching the white-haired old man with a slightly changed face.

When the spirit fish is close, the star of the star-studded Tiancheng, who is standing next to the white-haired old man, immediately attacks the spirit fish and wants to kill her and swear her.

Now, the speed of the spirit fish pedaling the eight shadows is too fast. In the blink of an eye, she has tripled the speed, evading the attack of everyone, appearing in front of the white old man, blasting him three Punch, I want to wear his chest.

"A row of palms."

The spirit fish came all out, and the white-haired old man immediately printed out the palm-like palms of the mountains, overlapping them, and swaying the three fists of the spirit fish.

When two powerful attacks hit together, the spirit fish pedaled into the shadows, drawing a strange afterimage in the air, appearing obliquely below the white-haired old man.

The next moment, the spirit fish caught the ankle of the white-haired old man and broke out beyond the strength of his body. The petite body came in a beautiful big loop in the air, throwing the white-haired old man whose body was completely out of control. Hard ground.


The head of the white-haired old man smashed into the ground, shattering the large ground and cracking the road, and the blood ran down his forehead.

"What are you doing, give me this little girl."

Seeing the scene of the spirit fish reinventing the white-haired old man, his face was gloomy, and the irritating brake ice cloud shouted loudly.

Next, nearly ten Star Luo Tiancheng masters besieged the spirit fish, making every effort to make her oysters.

"Golden 瞳神猿血,燃!"

Being besieged, there was no fluster in the delicate face of the spirit fish. She did not hesitate to burn the blood of the blood, and changed into a terrible god, fighting with the siege of the star Luo Tiancheng master. .

"God beast? This little girl is flowing with the blood of the beast!"

Looking at the change of the spirit fish became the **** of gold, the frosty ice cloud for the first time, just as she continued to mobilize the master to attack the spirit fish, the star of the sky suddenly reflected the stinging white light, passed all the tests, in Jiuzhang Ye Chenfeng, who was named after the sky wall, appeared.

"Looking for death!"

Ye Chenfeng saw that the spirit fish had been besieged, his face was suddenly gloomy, and there was a strong murderousness in his body. He was going to kill the enemy.

"Open the ban!"

Looking at the ordinary face of Ye Chenfeng, the brows of the ice cloud brows slightly, and he felt that he should be easy to change. He immediately opened the pattern and prohibited the entire space.

"Stop, come back!"

The ice cloud shouted and stopped the masters of siege spirits and shouted them to their side.

"What do you mean by this, I don't seem to provoke you!" Ye Chenfeng looked sharply at the ice cloud, faintly guessing her identity, cold and cold questioning.

"You don't want to be angry, we just didn't have much malice."

The ice cloud that exudes a unique charm is like a cold and arrogant plum, and looks at Ye Chenfeng calmly and slowly.

"Hey, no malice?" Ye Chenfeng said coldly: "No malicious, why do you ban space?"

"I just want to make a deal with you." The ice cloud does not like to say sadly.

"No interest!" Ye Chenfeng refused coldly: "Before I did not get angry, I advised you to dispel the pattern, but don't blame me for killing."

In the outside world, Ye Chenfeng is not restrained by Xing Luo Tianbi, and he can use the cards at will, but with the attacking power of Chaos Shenmu and Jiulong Yuxi, he is confident enough to sweep the ice cloud and others.

"I advise you to listen to the transaction I said, maybe you will be interested." Brake ice cloud is not moving, said slowly.

"Do you want me to know the secrets of the space in the starry sky?"

Ye Chenfeng is too lazy to talk nonsense with the ice cloud, and directly clarified.

"Yes, I am really interested in the secrets you know. I wonder if you are willing to share with me. If you like, I can consider giving you some benefits." The frosty ice cloud nodded and looked indifferently. Ye Chenfeng, said in the voice of the superior.

"Well, if you are willing to accompany me for a few nights, wait for me, maybe I am happy, I will share with you the secrets I know." Ye Chenfeng hates the tone of the ice cloud and looks at her. The cold and moving face, the rich and high-spirited body, revealing a sly smile, deliberately ridiculed her.

"You are looking for death!"

As the owner of the Star Luotiancheng, the woman with the greatest rights in the whole mainland, the ice cloud has suffered such humiliation, his face has become gloomy, and a powerful suffocating volcanic eruption has erupted in her chest. .

"Is this angry?" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and said: "In fact, I think you should be honored. After all, you can’t be too good. If you can get my luck, you should be happy. Yes."

"I swear, it will make you regret living in this world."

Speaking, the shivering ice cloud of the angry and angry anger gave out a pair of smashing double swords of the lower grades of the lower class. The sky flashed like a rush of raids, and launched a thunderous attack on Ye Chenfeng.


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