Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 832: The secret of the Star King

After more than a day, Ye Chenfeng basically cured his body injury with a strong sense of life, spit out a suffocating gas, and woke up in the healing.

"You wake up juniorly, to be honest, I really didn't think that you are so good, mastered so many anti-day means, majoring in the soul of the sword." Star King gratified to look at Ye Chenfeng, no Conceal the words of appreciation.

"The predecessors praised, the younger generation is just a little luck, got some chances." Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, not humble and humble.

"You don't have to be humble, you can't get it with luck. You have all the qualities to be a top-ranking strongman. I am optimistic about you."

"Okay, you can ask the doubts in your heart through my test. As long as I know, I will tell you all."

Xinghuang carried his hands and looked at Ye Chenfeng with a look of appreciation, slowly asking.

"Predecessors, what do you mean to stay in the star-studded space?" Ye Chenfeng asked.

"I felt a life and death in the past, in order not to let my inheritance run away, I cast a great power, forcibly broke the star of the sky, crushed the test of the nine-space, refining this world, the most powerful One of the avatars left, waiting for the appearance of a good person."

"Now, you have passed my test and are qualified to inherit my inheritance." Star King said without any concealment.

"Predecessors, the outside world circulated, your strength reached Nirvana, invincible in the world, and with your strength at that time, who can endanger your life in the entire Fighting Soul continent?" Road.

"I didn't die in the hands of the fighting masters of the mainland, but when I smashed the gates of the Tianyu, I was seriously injured by the celestial celestial celestial traits, destroyed, and eventually failed to rise and fell on the mainland." Sigh a sigh and tell the story slowly.

"Predecessors, why did the Tianyu Tianzu sneak attack you?" Ye Chenfeng browed, feeling that the death of the Star Emperor is likely to involve a big secret.

"The reason why the great power of the heavenly family killed me was because of the Holy Star of the Holy Star that I controlled. When I failed to fly, the Stars and the Holy Pearls were also taken away by them!" The Star King continued.

"Predecessors, although Shengbao is the top-level existence in my fighting soulland, there should be many treasures beyond the holy treasure in Tianyu."

Ye Chenfeng has a brain, knowing that the value of Shengbao in Tianyu is not too high, and he is puzzled.

"Yes, Xingyue Shengzhu can't be treasured in Tianyu, but this Xingyue Holy Pearl was obtained from the outer periphery of the Central Plains in the past, and this day is suspected to be related to a Tiantian power transmission in Tianyu. The Tianzu can take away the Stars and Moons, and should want to deduct the mystery of the dead power." The Star Emperor said without any concealment.

"Sure enough, this star month holy pearl involves other secrets."

Confirmed the inner guess, Ye Chenfeng had a slight interest in the day.

"Primary, if you can break through to the 6th level of the beastly kingdom in the future, you can go to the mainland of the mainland to try your luck and maybe have the opportunity to enter the heavens. But when you reach the Central Continent, you must beware of the Three Kingdoms. People, don't trust them." Looking at the thoughtful Ye Chenfeng, the Star Emperor seriously shouted.

"Why?" Ye Chenfeng wondered.

Because the three great kingdoms are not my own, the blood flowing in their bodies is the blood of aliens." The Emperor also told Ye Chenfeng a big secret.

"Predecessors, I know that the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God is inherited from the Mozu, the Qilin Kingdom is inherited from the Yaozu, and that the nine-day God Kingdom is also inherited from that race?" Ye Chenfeng asked in surprise.

He did not expect that the soul of the continent is the most powerful, and the only three major nine-nation gods are not inherited from the human race.

"Nine-day Goddess is inherited from the Tianzu!" The Star King said slowly: "And my death is also related to the Nine Kingdoms. The reason why the Tiantian Heavenly Group is eyeing me is because they inform."

"Tianzu, Mozu, Yaozu, I did not expect that my fighting soul mainland has always been in the hands of foreigners." Ye Chenfeng said.

There is a lot of secrets in the world of fighting souls. This is also the reason why the three races have spent countless years, destroying the inheritance of the human race and establishing three major inheritance forces in the fighting world." Star King Road.

"Predecessors, since the Tianyu people know that there are many secrets hidden in the continent of the fighting, why not send the power to directly capture the lower bound?" Ye Chenfeng continued to ask.

It’s not easy to hear that Tianyu’s ability to want the lower bound is not easy. The stronger the strength, the more difficult the lower bound is. There will be a lot of risks in the lower bound, and some accidents may be ruined. And I have the guardian of the fighting world. In general, the celestial domain has a lower bound, and it is very likely that he will be suppressed or killed by him. Therefore, the three major aliens have spent countless years and established inheritance in my fighting soulland."

"I didn't expect the Soul Continent to hide so many secrets." Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath: "The more I feel, the World of Fighting Soul is not simple. The world of fighting souls that I know is actually just the tip of the iceberg.

"For the predecessors, since I have the guardian of the fighting world, why did he not destroy the inheritance of the three aliens and rebuild my human heritage?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"I don't know this. I have never seen the guardian of the Fighting Soul continent. I don't know his mind, and I don't know if he is a master of my race."

"Well, junior, about the secret of the soul of the continent, you don't think too much now. What you need to do now is to improve your strength as soon as possible. Only if you have enough strength can you touch the secrets, or it will only speed up your death. Said the star emperor.

"Well, the younger generation understands!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.

"Primary, you have passed my test now, and you are qualified to inherit my inheritance. This star token is given to you. When you refine this star card, you can use it to summon six open emperors. The key, inheriting the inheritance of my deity and the treasures collected in the same year."

Xinghuang opened his mouth and spit out a six-sided star card and gave it to Ye Chenfeng.

"Thank you for your seniors!"

Looking at the six-sided star brand that the emperor gave to himself, Ye Chenfeng showed a deep surprise color. With this star card, he can smash the real demon, the plot of the star Luotiancheng, get the star Huang Chuancheng.

When the Emperor Star was the first person in the mainland for hundreds of years, his inheritance will definitely make the nine kingdoms of the country red, and the treasures inside are even more unimaginable.

"For the predecessors, can you leave this star?"

Thinking of the terrible horror of the Emperor, if he can leave, he will be able to help himself greatly.

"No, I have already merged with the star-studded space of the star-shaped sky, regardless of each other. When I leave the sky, I will be wiped out in an instant, no longer exists." Star King shook his head and said.

"Good juniors, you need to go on your own way in the future. You are going to stay in Jiuzhang Tianbi. After you leave your name, I will send you away. I hope that you will not repeat my mistakes in the future. Domain." The Star Emperor took a deep breath and said.

"Predecessors rest assured, your enemies will help you report, and one day I will fly to Tianyu, and I will help the predecessors to kill the enemy and recapture the Xingyue Holy Pearl." Ye Chenfeng vowed to guarantee.

"Good, I really didn't read the wrong person!"

After hearing the promise of Ye Chenfeng, the Star Emperor showed a happy smile.

When finished, Ye Chenfeng slowly walked to the highest point of the star-shaped sky wall, and the tip of his finger shot the sharp sword's road pattern. It was pressed on the hard wall of the sky, and it was like a cloud-like movement. Engraved two words sword god.


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