Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 836: Fairy Jump

Night, getting deeper and deeper.

The sky is full of stars, the stars and the bright moonlight shine together, and a silver gauze is put on the star Luotiancheng, sacred and noble.

When the night was quiet, Ye Chenfeng euphemistically refused to join the Qixing Pavilion, and said goodbye to Star Man and others, and went directly to a heavy minefield in the core area of ​​Dongcheng.

Pay 100,000 points, Ye Chenfeng entered a heavy minefield and found that it has the same day and night, the moon and the stars, and a magical little world.

"So late, how is this treasure building still so lively?"

The reason why Ye Chenfeng came to a heavy minefield at night was to go to a Leiyuan Treasure Building to see what was useful when he was at night. But when he came to the treasure building, he found it here. Still very noisy.

A lot of good-looking warriors hold an exquisite album and look at them while picking the treasures that suit them.

Ye Chenfeng glanced at a luxurious treasure building, walked to no one, picked up the exquisite album and looked up.

"Lingling fruit, eight products, beasts and demon"

Looking over the album, Ye Chenfeng discovered two kinds of spiritual objects that interest him. This spirit and eight products are the main material for refining the true spirits.

The true spirit quenching body Dan is another kind of Danfang that Ye Chenfeng got from the soul fragments of the gods. Although the quality is far less than that of the emperor, if Ye Chenfeng can refine it, with the help of true The spirit of Ling quenching body Dan, he can completely temper the Lingzhu in the Yongquan point into a true spirit bead, greatly enhance the strength.

"How many points do you need for this eight-fruit beast?"

Ye Chenfeng came to a woman wearing a green-green lotus cheongsam with a sweet smile on her face, pointing to the power of the fruit and the eight-character beast.

"This Spirit requires 500,000 points. This eight-day beast needs a million points."

The cheongsam woman smiled at Ye Chenfeng and reported the price very skillfully.

"Okay, I changed!"

Although the fruit of the spirit, the exchange price of the eight-character beast is beyond the imagination of Ye Chenfeng, but in order to refine the spirit of the body, he decided to exchange them and pay 1.5 million points.

And Ye Chenfeng’s big hand has attracted a lot of attention, and the two black men’s eyes have changed greatly.

The redemption of treasures, Ye Chenfeng did not stay in the treasure chest for a long time, turned and left, and found a quaint inn in the dark night, spent a thousand points, rented a quiet room to rest.


Ye Chenfeng just dismissed distracting thoughts and took a heavenly spirit and practiced it. A slight knock on the door sounded and passed into Ye Chenfeng’s ear, awakening him from cultivation.

When the frowning leaves of the morning breeze opened the door, I saw a woman wearing a black tight dress with light makeup and a strong aroma.

Because the black dress she wears has a low neckline, the magnificent peaks are very visually impactful, and the white crevices are like deadly poisons, exuding infinite appeal.

"Are you looking for the wrong person?"

Although the women in the black skirt are very tempted, but Ye Chenfeng did not provoke a wave of heart, cold and cold.

"The son, the night is long, are you not going to ask me to sit in? Maybe there will be surprises."

The black skirt of the woman's mouth is slightly upturned, revealing a feminine curvature, charmingly said.

After finishing, she did not wait for Ye Chenfeng to speak, went straight into the house, came to the bedside, and Baimei gathered a glance at the leaf morning wind, suddenly stretched her hand to the back and untied the skirt.

The next moment, the black maxi skirt slipped from her plump body and fell to the ankles, revealing the white skin, the apron that was raised high, the waist of the waist, and the straight legs.

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at the charming woman who took off her clothes without saying anything, Ye Chenfeng’s brow wrinkled more tightly, asked coldly.

"The son, long night, lonely, you don't want to happen with me?"

The charming woman threw a wink at Ye Chenfeng and took the initiative to seduce.

"Imperial Jump?"

At the time of the seduce of the charming woman, Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul noticed that two third-level kings of the beastmasters were quietly approaching, and a cold mang in the eyes flashed their intentions.

"The son, what are you waiting for, don't I be beautiful, can't you make your heart?"

The charming woman is very confident in her appearance and charm, and constantly makes a seductive posture to provoke the heart of Ye Chenfeng.

"Okay, don't act, let your two accomplices come in."

The charming woman does have a proud capital, but compared with the moon, the water, the cold smoke, and the white child, there is still a big gap in her appearance. Ye Chenfeng sat at the round table and looked at the hard work. Charming woman, said slowly.

And the words of Ye Chenfeng just fell, the face of the charming woman immediately changed, and the two three-level masters who were hidden outside were also coming in at this time.

The two men who counted Ye Chenfeng were just in the treasure building. They saw Ye Chenfeng’s big handwriting and he was arrogant and wanted to blackmail his black man.

"Kid, you are a big dog, dare to take off my sister's clothes and try to disobey her. You know that you have committed the city rules of Star Luo Tiancheng, committed a major crime, believe it or not, I will report you, and let the Tiancheng law enforcement officers severely punish you. ”

"However, if you are willing to give us one million points to make compensation, then today's thing will be fine."

The man in black with a scar on his eyes showed a sly color, deliberately moving out of the city rules of the Starry Sky City, and swindling the morning wind.

And his deceitful means, used more than once, under the shock of the Star Luo Tiancheng, has repeatedly worked, bringing them a lot of gains.

"Hey, don't you just want to cheat my points? As for such hypocrisy, is it so expensive?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the dark man in the dark, revealing a sly smile.

"Kid, I advise you to be obedient, otherwise you will be alarmed by law enforcement, I will let you not eat and walk."

The black man saw that there was no fear on Ye Chenfeng’s face, and he suddenly became angry and warned loudly.

"Are you finished?"

Ye Chenfeng poured a cup of tea from his own self and pouted a small mouth and asked.

When finished, Ye Chenfeng’s hands were as swaying as the water, with the help of powerful ideas, thousands of lines of reproduction were formed, and the entire wing was banned.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Ye Chenfeng’s means of forbidding the room, the black man who smelled the dangerous atmosphere changed his face, and the charming woman who was stunned by the spring was shivering and pale.

"Send you to hell."

Ye Chenfeng showed a smile like a **** of death. The sharp sword line flew out of his fingers and penetrated the head of the three people with a very fast hole.


Three bright red blood flowers splashed in the air.

The heads of the three men were pierced by the swords of the leaves of the morning wind, and fell heavily on the ground, killing the yellow springs.

Spike three people, Ye Chenfeng released the death of the skyfire, burned the bodies of the three people into ashes, and took away their relics.

"2.1 million points!"

Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile and was very satisfied with the harvest tonight. In addition to distracting thoughts, he continued to adjust his training and waited for the dawn to go to Leige.


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