Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 839: What is guaranteed?

"killing kills..."

Ye Chenfeng came to the crowd, and when the air was filled with fanaticism and **** battlefields, he immediately heard the passionate shouts from the stands.

A famous warrior stood in his seat and shouted with his arms screaming. The atmosphere was very warm.

Standing in the stands quietly, Ye Chenfeng’s deep scorpion constantly swept six huge fighting platforms to find the target of the fighting.

"Who else?"

At this time, a height is three meters, the body is full of explosive muscles, a chest with a wolf head, a bald-headed man with a mace, one foot will fly, waving his arm, arrogant Shouted overbearing.

"It's too strong, then Shangguanhong is too strong. He has now won thirty-nine consecutive victories. If he wins another game, he will win forty games. This strength is probably the top powerhouse in the triple thunder.

"Yeah, he is now in the limelight, and it is no different from challenging him to die at this time."

"But this is a tempting addition to a million gambling points. I think someone should be able to stand this huge temptation and challenge Shangguanhong."

Looking at the right side of the fighting platform, roaring, full of sullen bald men, many people are regretted by his strength, whispering.

"One million gambling points, it's you!"

When everyone heard whispers, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes suddenly lit up, and the lightning flashed under his feet, like a sly lightning bolt, flying directly to the right side of the fighting platform.

"Look, let me say yes, someone can't resist the million gambling points and accept the challenge of Shangguanhong!"

"But the strength of this person is too weak, and the first level against the Beastmaster challenges the five-level king of the beast, which is different from sending death."

Looking at Ye Chenfeng flying to the battle platform, many people stunned and showed a mocking smile.

"Hey boy, you are really stupid, I want to challenge me in the realm of the Beastmaster king? Believe it or not, I twist your neck." The bald man with his hands around his chest, disdainful looking at Ye Chenfeng, sneering Said.

"Is it not to beat you, the points of the gambling are all mine." Ye Chenfeng ignored the bald man's sarcasm and asked faintly.

"Hahaha, I didn't get it wrong, you still want to beat me? You know who I am, my strength?"

The bald man looks awkward and makes a loud laughter, and the audience in the stands is also laughed. For a time, the scene is a bit noisy and chaotic.

"You have a lot of nonsense." Ye Chenfeng said with some impatientness: "I am coming to fight, not to listen to you talking nonsense, you just need to tell me the rules of the game."

"Mom, I don't know the little boy, I swear I must twist your dog's head."

The bald man was completely irritated by Ye Chenfeng’s words, looking at him with fierce light and murderous.

"According to the rules, you need to take half of the points to make a bet to challenge Shangguanhong."

At this time, a thick voice rang in the central stand, and an old man in a black robe with red light spoke.

"Okay, 500,000 points, I am out!"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the old man in black robes and took out 500,000 points for a gambling.

"Okay, the gambling between you can begin!"

The red-faced old man looked at Ye Chenfeng secretly and found that he had something special and announced.

"Kid, you give me hell!"

The bald man violently screams, and the muscles of the arm of the mace are rapidly expanding, like an angry male lion, wielding a tens of thousands of pounds of mace, and screaming at Ye Chenfeng.

When Ye Chenfeng was stunned by the soul of the soul, he flashed his foot and made three moves in a very short time, instantly evading behind the bald man.

The next moment, the ancient polar lightning appeared in the palm of his hand, and his palms smashed out of the shadow of the palm of his hand on the back of the bald man, breaking his body defense and flying him with a palm. Go out.

"Tianlei, he actually conquered a kind of thunder."

Looking in the right hand of Ye Chenfeng, the ancient poles of various forms have been transformed, and the well-known red-faced old man and others have shown a sense of surprise, and the eyes of Ye Chenfeng have occurred. Greatly changed.

The martial artists who yelled at the scorpion and screamed for the Shangguan Rainbow were all dumb. They couldn’t believe that they had just confronted, and Shangguanhong was injured.

"I killed you!"

Shangguan Hong is like an angered lion, who quickly climbs up on the ground. In spite of his physical injuries, he dances with a powerfully-splitting mace to Ye Chenfeng.

A terrible shadow tears the air like a moving mountain, violent and fierce.

"Ancient Polar Thunder, Broken!"

In the face of the fierce attack launched by Shangguanhong, Ye Chenfeng did not evade, releasing the ancient destructive force that was extremely destructive.

As the deafening thunder sounded, the shadows of Shangguanhong’s fallen mace were all smashed by the ancient poles, and the mad thunder slammed on his body and flew him again. Go out.

"Mom, how can this kid have the ability to conquer the thunder."

Shangguan Rainbow, who spurted blood, fell to the ground, and he couldn’t find any arrogance on his face. Some were just fears and deep fears.


Ye Chenfeng compresses the ancient polar thunder to the extreme, and the finger is lightly touched. The ancient polar thunder turns into a thunderball and shoots at Shangguanhong, whose face has changed greatly.


The thunder sounded again, and Shangguanhong was smashed out of the martial arts platform by the ancient celestial thunder, and it was planted on the ground and fainted.

"Win, he really won, defeated Shangguanhong, who won 39 games in a row!"

When Ye Chenfeng used less than half a column of incense, he defeated Shangguanhong, and the right side of the stands suddenly became silent. Almost all the audience was regretted by the destructive power of the ancient Tianlei. No words.

"I add another 500,000 points and use these two million points to make a bet. Who dares to come up to challenge."

Beat the bald man, Ye Chenfeng did not leave immediately, increased the gambling chips, and looked around and shouted.

Although two million points are enough for everyone in the room to be jealous, but seeing the destructive power of the ancient heavens, no one dares to challenge.

"I am coming!"

Suddenly, in the fighting field that gradually calmed down, there were eight masters dressed in dark blue martial arts suits, and one of them was tall and straight, with black beards and eyes. The man in the realm of the beastly king was full of killing and looked at Ye Chenfeng, said Senran.

"It’s Xu’s people, how come they come? Is Xu family hate this person?”

Looking at the sudden appearance of eight blue robe men, many people recognized their identity, their eyes lit up, and they felt good.

"Xu...you are here, I am not sending you points!"

Under the identity of the eight men in the blue robe, Ye Chenfeng opened his heart and said: "I will add another one million points and bet three million points."


Ye Chenfeng’s voice fell, and the battlefield, which had just quieted down, exploded.

"You can't buy your life with more points!"

Looking at the killing of Xu Sanshao’s real murderer, the blue-robed man who took the challenge jumped up and appeared on the battlefield and took out 1.5 million gambling points. Senran said: “Boy, I Make sure you regret coming to this world."

"Guarantee? What is the guarantee? Is it very powerful?" said Ye Chenfeng.

"Looking for death!"

A raging anger broke out in the chest of the blue robe man. He was holding a sniper of the best genius level, piercing the layers of air and stabbing Ye Chenfeng.


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