Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 841: Bullying people

Xujia, the old six-family family in Xingluo Tiancheng, the family has a ancestor of the third-level beastly kingdom, and the family power ranks fifth in Xingluo Tiancheng. The whole star is not only **** but white. Superpowers such as Jasper Palace and Sen Luo Dian, other forces do not dare to provoke them.

"Home, three elders are back!"

A man with a white hair and a dark gray robes came to the back hall of Xujiafu. He was burly, with a clear line of his face, lying on a tiger leather chair with his eyes open, enjoying two A man in a tulle skirt and a woman with a silky spring massage, said respectfully.

"Is that daring little boy caught back?" Xu Jiafeng, Xu Changfeng's eyes, flashed a stern color in his eyes, and his voice was low.

"No! The three elders are back with injuries." The old man in the gray robe said: "I heard that the person is very strong, and the three elders have suffered a big loss.

"Waste, a bunch of waste!" Xu Changfeng slammed up and said something annoyed: "Let them come and see me."

After a moment of work, scarred, and three injured three elders came to the back hall, and saw Xu Changfeng with a dark complexion and a sharp-eyed muscle in his eyes. He was very tight, and quickly made the passage of things. Including the terrible strength of Ye Chenfeng.

"You said that the man hides his strength? His real strength is a strong man."

After listening to the three elders, Xu Changfeng’s face became more gloomy and said.

"Yes, we have teamed up with seven people and failed to defeat him. I am sure that he must hide his strength and be a strong emperor." The three elders nodded and said.

"Xu Guanjia, with a heavenly soul Dan to bring Jin Tong to come, said that I have a difficult family, ask him to help." Xu Changfeng meditated, said, want to take the Star Luo Tiancheng law enforcement to deal with Ye Chenfeng.

"You don't have to be so troublesome, you don't want to catch me, I came by myself!"

A sound and domineering voice rang over Xujiafu. Ye Chenfeng relied on the brain and absolute power to tear through the ban on Xujiafu and walked step by step in the void.

"Home, it is him, he is the real murderer of the three young masters."

Looking at the imaginary, the mighty Ye Chenfeng, the three elders and other eight people widened their eyes. They did not expect that Ye Chenfeng was so courageous and came to Xujiafu alone.

"You are courageously not killing me, hurting my Xu family master, and dare to come to me alone Xu Jiayao Wu Yangwei, you really think that my Xu family is a good man and a woman, let you bully!"

Xu Changfeng quickly appeared in the square, looking at the ordinary face of Ye Chenfeng with a gaze, said gloomyly.

"You are right, I am really bullying you." Ye Chenfeng’s mouth was slightly upturned, looking at the face of Xu Changfeng and others, and said slowly: "Give me 10 million points, I immediately Leaving, I won't be bothering you in the future."

"Let's relax!"

Xu's old housekeeper, the gray robes of the second-level beasts of the beasts, roared and screamed, blending the power of the soul beasts, and the two avenues of gold fire spurt out his body, turning into a heavenly image, trampling the void, bombarding To Ye Chenfeng.

"Five lines of big hands!"

Xu Guanjia's exhibition of Cangyu Tianxiang came, Ye Chenfeng immediately printed a blank space. The golden road, the fire and the earth, the five avenues converge a large hand, with unparalleled power, a palm shattered the celestial Yu Tianxiang, Yin fell to the face of Xu Guanjia.


The five elements of the big hand fell, the second tube of the beastly king of the realm of Xu Guanjia was smashed into the collapsed stratum, a large amount of blood flowing in his **** body, directly into a coma.

"The five elements of the road, you actually practiced the five elements of Taoism!"

Xu Changfeng and others have widened their eyes and looked at the overbearing Ye Chenfeng, revealing an incredible color.

The meaning of the Five Elements is very difficult to repair. At the same time, you must understand the meaning of the five roads of Jinmushui, and then combine the meaning of the five roads to cultivate the five elements.

It can be said that people who cultivated into the five elements of Taoism are all geniuses who are shocked and savage.

And Ye Chenfeng hit a scene of Xu Guanjia, and even more deeply shocked their hearts, causing them to have deep fear.

"I don't want to bully you, I don't want to kill them, give me 10 million points, I will leave immediately." Ye Chenfeng looked at Xu Changfeng and other people's changing face, said coldly.

"Hello, but the 10 million points are not too much."

At this moment, a vague figure suddenly appeared. One dressed in a phoenix robes and a faucet crutches, his body was slightly awkward, and the old man with silver hair appeared, hoarse and said.

This silver-haired old man is the biggest reliance of Xu family. Xu Changfeng’s biological mother, Xu Fengxian, a three-level beastly kingdom, is very famous in Xingluo Tiancheng.

"How?" Ye Chenfeng’s mouth was slightly upturned, and he looked at Xu Fengxian and said, “Well, if you can take me a shot without hurting, I will leave immediately, and I will not bother you any more in the future.” /

"Well, if I can't even pick you up with a stroke, 10 million points, I will offer it immediately." Xu Fengxian's filthy scorpion smashed out the light, hoarse and scorpion.

After that, Xu Fengxian’s body showed a shadow of a bird, and her own strength climbed.

Only two breaths, the soul beast, and the power of the blood vessels, Xu Fengxian reached the limit of the three-level beast, and a large amount of soul power boiled on her body surface, and the air rippled in the air.

"Ready, I want to attack!"

Feeling the strength of Xu Fengxian's continuous improvement, there is no change in the expression on Ye Chenfeng's face. He smiles with a sigh of relief, and the power of the five great points has broken out.

"The ruling of the Seven Swords, shattered!"

Ye Chenfeng used a hand-made sword, two thousand five hundred kilograms and eighty swords of the road pattern, the five elements of the road to blend together, turned into a smashed sword and smashed up.

The terrible swordsmanship caused a deep sword mark in the space, and the invincible shackles were played in Xu Fengxian's continuous, condensed light curtain with a lot of soul and morality,


The defensive light curtain played by Xu Fengxian couldn’t stand the destruction of the sword and the mansions were broken. The space in front of Xu Fengxian was even a sign of collapse.

The terrible sword directly slammed into the body of Xu Fengxian, whose face changed greatly. She smashed her body defense and flew her out of her sword. A large amount of blood was sprayed out of her mouth uncontrollably.

After a sword, Xu Fengxian, a third-level beastmaster of the beastly kingdom, was seriously injured.

"Now, you are willing to give me 10 million points."

Ye Chenfeng's condescending face looked like a huge change, and Xu Changfeng and others who were horrified, could not resist the question.

"Changfeng, take 10 million points for him."

Seeing the strength of Ye Chenfeng’s horror, Xu Fengxian is also somewhat afraid. She has no doubt that Ye Chenfeng definitely has the terrible strength to destroy Xu’s family.


Xu Changfeng, who was completely shocked, did not dare to insist on it. He took ten million points cards and gave them to Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, my and your Xu family's grievances are clear. Remember, you should not try to use the Star Lawyers to deal with me. If you let me know that you are not dead, don't blame me for killing you. Now."

Received 10 million points cards, Ye Chenfeng gave a cold warning, tearing the ban on the Xujiafu, and left strong.


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