Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 851: The ancient ruins

"A lot of geniuses."

I came to the third floor and built it like an ancient temple. There is a majestic building with a majestic atmosphere. Ye Chenfeng found that there are many geniuses who come to Qianqian to pick up the task, and there are many high-ranking kings.

Among them, one wearing a black gold robes, a stalwart body, black long hair casually scattered on the shoulders, double eyes and gods, the body reveals a strong sword, the second-level beasts of the realm of the realm of men.

Feeling the sword meaning of this black man, Ye Chenfeng could not help but look at him.

"Baby sword, the top ten of the star field, ranked eighth in the sword, how can he come to thousands of buildings to pick up the task."

"What's the matter? A few days ago, the top ten stars in the star field were in the seventh place. The rain fell to the thousand-story building. If I didn't guess wrong, this sword is the same as the rain. , all come for the mission of the ancient medicine garden."

Looking at the mighty, black-skinned man with a sword, many people recognized his identity and hid whispering.

"Ten strongest in the star field!" Knowing the identity of the man in black, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes reveal a radiant light, muttering to himself: "I didn’t expect the star field to have such rankings, I don’t know. What is the strength of the top ten strong players?"

"I want to pick up the ancient medicine garden mission."

Ye Chenfeng slowly walked over to a white-haired old man, and handed off the task token and identity token.

"The mission of the ancient medicine garden is very dangerous, you really decided to take this task."

The white-haired old man looked up and looked at the stranger. It seemed that there was only a six-level anti-Beast king's Ye Chenfeng, and asked slowly.

And just took over the task of the sword, could not help but look at Ye Chenfeng, but felt the strength of Ye Chenfeng's realm, and the silver star token in his hand, suddenly lost interest in him, turned around left.

"Well! I have already thought about it, I have to pick up this task." Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.

"You need to pay a thousand mission points. If you can get the ancient medicine from the ancient medicine garden and bring it back smoothly, we can collect the price of 10 million points per plant." The white-haired old man said .


Ye Chenfeng was very happy to pay a thousand points, and got a map from the white-haired old man to the ancient ruins and the ancient medicinal garden from the ancient ruins.

Leaving Qianzhonglou, Ye Chenfeng did not immediately rush to the ancient ruins in the depths of the desert swamps in the mainland, but went to the Wanbaolou. Stone, five hundred good quality flag.

And spend two million points, redeem four drops of eight-day beast blood to the worm, accelerate the speed of it to change the eight-day beast.

Once the worms turn into the eighth-class beasts, the help for Ye Chenfeng will be even greater, and whether he can successfully pick up the blood ginseng in the banned ancient medicine garden, the worm will play a decisive role. /

Ye Chenfeng and Ba Jian took over the mission and went to the ancient ruins that had just been discovered. Several genius disciples who took advantage of their own strengths took over the mission and went to the ancient ruins.

Ye Chenfeng, flying very fast, flew for four days and four nights, and finally flew to the uninhabited, flooded desert swamp.

The ancient ruins and ancient medicinal gardens that have just been discovered are hidden in the deepest part of the desert swamp.

Flying into the crisis, hiding the deserts and swamps that were extremely dangerous and banned, Ye Chenfeng immediately released a powerful soul, covering a range of a few squares, inducing the wind and the grass.

Don't fly for a long time, Ye Chenfeng's powerful soul perceives danger. A monster that is only hidden in the muddy swamp has a head, spit out a dense poison needle, and shot it to Ye Chenfeng.

"Black Skyfire, Melt!"

After being attacked by poisonous needles, Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the black scorpion and the fire rushed out of the body, covering the whole body, melting the poison needles that were intensively shot, passing through the obstacles and deepening into the desert swamp.

Ye Chenfeng continued to penetrate the desert swamp and slowly approached the ancient ruins. His powerful soul noticed the raging soul power not far from the front.

After slowly approaching, he saw a woman wearing a black tight martial martial suit, a hot, cold, frosty woman holding a pair of sharp machete, with two long and sturdy knives The sharp teeth, the whole body is dark green, containing the highly toxic eight-level beast green poisonous war.

Although the two green drug lords are the kings of the desert swamps, the devilish powers and the fierce attacks, but the strength of the hot women is even more terrible.

Infinite murderous rushing out of her body like a tide, she danced the two round moon scimitars in the hands to the extreme, intertwined with the impenetrable knife shadow, constantly strangling two green poisonous scorpion attacks and sprays The venom out.

"Daobao, White Lotus!"

The hot woman relies on absolute combat power. When she breaks the attack of two green poisonous cockroaches, she suddenly opens her rosy little mouth and spits out a slowly blooming flower. The petals are sharp like a sharp edge and slowly rotate. The white lotus, attacked a close green poisonous cockroach.


Under the smashing of the completely blooming white lotus, the hard shell of the green poisonous cockroach is directly broken, sharp and sharp, and the white lotus flower that rotates at a high speed directly breaks into the body of the green poisonous cockroach and smashes it.

The huge pain caused the green poison to roll up and down in the muddy swamp, constantly controlling the demon attacking the white lotus and trying to force it out of the body.

The white lotus is a treasure, and its power is enormous. Under the white lotus madness, the green poisonous demon continually ruptures, and it becomes dying.

With the help of Daobao White Lotus, a green poisonous cockroach was created. The hot woman turned decisively and threw out two round moon scimitars in her hand.

The slashing knives reflect the world and cover up all the light. The two round moon scimitars are like stars. They squat on the green poisonous head and open their hard heads. Traces, a lot of blood and sticky venom came out.

"Good strength!"

Looking at the big hair and the power of the two eight-level beasts, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes suddenly lit up.

"The second-level beasts of the beasts killed two eight-level beasts. Isn't she the one that is one of the ten strongest stars in the star field?" Looking at the Vietnam War, it is like walking into a no-man's land. The hot woman, Ye Chenfeng faintly guessed her identity.

"This star Luotiancheng really is a paradise for warriors, and the resources for cultivation are unique. If this enchanting is placed on the eastern continent, it is definitely the top, and she is only ranked seventh in the star field." Ye Chenfeng Muttered to himself.


After a short stay, Jinpeng’s wings were fierce, and Ye Chenfeng penetrated the clouds and continued to fly deep into the desert swamp.

When Ye Chenfeng flew away, the hot woman who strongly killed a green drug lord looked at him from afar and found that Ye Chenfeng’s strength was not high. She did not pay much attention to it, summoned back to the white lotus, and strangled it all the way. Another green drug lord.

More and more close to the ancient ruins, Ye Chenfeng encountered a lot of stars in the desert swamps to perform the mission, including the amazing attacking sword.

Seeing that he had a sword smashing a black turtle of the eighth-class beast, Ye Chenfeng could not help but be surprised by his attack power.

In the evening, Ye Chenfeng flew to the edge of the ancient ruins that had been banned by a strong ban, and found that many genius disciples of the Star Luo Tiancheng stayed outside and did not go deep.

And he did not blindly enter, sitting cross-legged outside the ancient ruins, the power to control the brain is radiated into, to promote the real, to find the best time to enter.


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