Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 854: Yes, are you a man?

"Wait for me!"

Just as Ye Chenfeng flew at a speed, forced to get rid of the gusty storm, a hoarse voice passed into his ear.

When wearing a black loose robes and a silver mask, the faint disciple who hides deep is like a lightning bolt that smashes the sky and follows Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, what do you follow me?"

Ye Chenfeng’s brows were slightly wrinkled. I didn’t expect that silver genius who chose to follow himself, asked coldly.

"I can't get used to the mediocrity, I want to work with you. And we cooperate, it is easier to pick up the ancient grass in the ancient medicine garden." Silver genius once again speeded up the flight, alongside Ye Chenfeng Flight, indicating intention.

"It seems that you are very confident about your strength." Ye Chenfeng said with a faint smile.

"I naturally have a confident capital, you will know it later!" Silver genius hoarse and scorpion.

"That's good, if you can impress me with strength, it's okay to cooperate with you!" Ye Chenfeng had already felt her extraordinary, and thought about it.

"I will make you happy, cooperate with me!" Silver genius said proudly.

The two flew faster and faster, and quickly got rid of the attack of the gusty storm, and circled a large circle and continued to go deep into the ancient ruins.

Flying in the air, a fascinating fragrance passed into the nose of both of them, attracting the attention of both of them.

Along this thick aroma, they passed through the clouds and found a valley full of moss, blooming wildflowers in the mountains, and at the end of the valley, growing a half-meter tall, the leaves are like a fan. The whole body is dark purple, and the flowers are as large as the flowers of the washbasin.

"Purple ghost flowers of more than 50,000 years."

Looking at the valley, a unique purple flower, the silver genius immediately recognized, this strange flower should be the purple ghost flower recorded in the ancient books, sucking the heaven and earth aura born, not only nourish the soul, strengthen the soul beast It is also one of the main materials of refining Avenue Dan, which is very precious.

From the point of view of the purple ghost flower in front of it, its vintage is more than 50,000 years old. If it is spread outside, it is enough to cause some old monsters to snatch.

But the two did not act rashly because they perceive the anti-aging scent in this valley, blindly entering, and it is very likely to touch the ban and be attacked by the pattern.

"Seventeen, in order to express my sincerity, I broke the valley ban, how to give this purple ghost flower to you?" Silver genius shouted Ye Chenfeng's fake name, hoarse and scorpion.


Ye Chenfeng also wants to see the silver genius means, nodded and agreed.

"You are waiting for me, I will pick the purple ghost flower!"

Speaking, the ancient flag of the silver genius genius embroidered with four dragons, white tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu four beasts flew directly into the valley that was banned by the ancient times.

"Daobao Four Beasts!"

Looking at the ancient flag around the silver genius body, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes suddenly light up, and the feeling of silver genius is not simple.


The deafening banned sound, the silver genius entered the valley and stunned thousands of waves, and the boundless lines appeared, carrying the power of horror, bombarding his body and wanting to smash him.

In the face of all the attacks in the face, the silver genius hands move together, the four beast flags are condensed and powerful, and the image of the four beasts is overlaid, covering their bodies.

And the attacking pattern of the attack, when hitting the four beasts, is like a mud cow disappearing into the sea, and even a wave of waves is not provoked.

"Good means, I didn't expect this person to be so deep in the law, so it was so easy to break the ban in the valley."

Looking at the silver genius of the uninhabited, Ye Chenfeng showed a hint of surprise, and he understood why he was so confident.

The condensed four beasts burst into bursts, and the silver genius came to the purple ghost flower that had been growing for tens of thousands of years. When he reached for the spirit flower, he was attacked.

A powerful soul power is released in the flower of the purple ghost washbasin size, wanting to blast his soul sea and tear his soul.

But the silver-faced genius means amazement. He sent out a sound like a dragon, like a tiger, shattering the soul attack released by the purple ghost flower, breaking the flower stem and picking up the precious purple ghost flower.

"Seventeen, this purple ghost flower is for you!"

Silver genius on the toes of the genius, flashed out of the valley filled with strong fortune, returned to Ye Chenfeng, and gave the precious purple ghost flower to Ye Chenfeng.

"Are you really so generous to give me a purple ghost flower?"

Ye Chenfeng did not pick up the purple ghost flower that was handed over by the silver face, and asked.

"Well, I don't hide my purpose. There is a spiritual thing in the ancient medicine garden that is very important to me. As long as you can help me pick it, I am also like other spiritual things in the ancient medicine garden. No, and I will do my best to help you pick it up!" said the silver genius.

"What kind of spirit do you want in the ancient medicine garden?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"Death Mandala Flower!" Silver genius hoarse and scorpion.

"Well, I will help you pick the dead mandala flower, you can help me pick other ancient medicines!"

Although the value of the death mandala flower is extremely high, in addition to the strong death road accident, there is also a magical power that can evolve the blood, the value exceeds the general avenue, but for Ye Chenfeng, the blood The dragon ginseng is more important. He pondered a bit and finally agreed to accept the purple ghost flower handed by the silver genius.

"Go, it’s getting dark, let’s find a safe place to rest, and wait until tomorrow morning to go deep into the ancient ruins!”

The ancient ruins in the dark night were even more dangerous. Before they got dark, they found a relatively safe cave and got into the rest.

"I don't know your name yet?"

Ye Chenfeng leaned on the cold cave wall and took a sip of green bamboo leaf wine. He looked at the mysterious, illuminating genius who closed his eyes and asked.


Silver genius hoarse and scorpion.

"Right, are you a man?"

Ye Chenfeng’s mouth is slightly upturned, revealing a slight curvature, asking intriguingly.

"What do you mean by this!"

In the middle of the summer, the scorpion scorpion shot two cold awns, and asked coldly.

"Nothing, I am just a little strange, how can there be a faint smell of fat powder on a big man." Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Dog nose!" The summer line spit out three words, no longer pay attention to Ye Chenfeng, continue to close his eyes and adjust interest.


Night, getting deeper and deeper.

Ye Chenfeng saw that the summer pattern completely entered the state of cultivation, took out the purple ghost flower she gave her, spit out a black scorpion fire, melted it, refined the pure spirit liquid, and swallowed it. .

Suddenly, a large amount of soul power broke out in Ye Chenfeng’s mouth, and madly poured into his soul.

"Sword Soul, Melt!"

Ye Chenfeng did not integrate the soul power contained in the purple ghost flower into the blood dragon emperor, but all merged into the soul of the sword and promoted the power of the sword spirit.

One night passed quickly. After a night of cultivation, the soul power of the purple ghost flower was merged. The power of the sword soul was slightly improved, but the attack amplitude of Ye Chenfeng has improved a lot.

When it was dawn, the two did not stay for a long time, flew out of the secluded cave, and continued to fly to the ancient medicine garden hidden in the depths of the ancient ruins according to the map instructions.


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