Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 856: The body of the broken pulse

"Just thank you!"

The summer pattern took a deep breath, pressed the blood of the body, and glanced at the call back to the sword, and saved her life, Ye Chenfeng, hoarse and scorpion.

"Did you see the two ninth-day beasts? Are they two dragons?"

I thought of the faucet that just emerged from the river of death, Ye Chenfeng asked.

"That's not a dragon, but two dragon turtles that are almost extinct in the mainland. The demon power is more terrible than the dragon."

"Dragon Turtle! I didn't expect the river of death to have such monsters. It seems that we have to cross the river of death and enter the ancient medicine garden. It is really necessary to plan well." Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath. Showing a hint of dignified color.

"The two dragon tortoises are the kings of the beasts of the river of death. As long as they avoid them, they can completely kill the other side with your strength." The summer hoarse and hoarse.

"You mean, wait for the sword to come, let them attract the attack, we take the opportunity to cross the river!" Ye Chenfeng eyes brightened.

"Yes, this is the best way we can think of now." The summer line nodded, dumb.

"Okay, then we are here for a few days, to fight their strength, it should come soon." Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "For the summer, you can not deliberately hoarse when you speak. Is it awkward? You don’t feel awkward.”

"It's too awkward, you can't listen!" said the summer pattern.

叶晨风: "..."

The time passed by, and it was very dark.

Yechenfeng and Xiawen are hidden in two tall ancient trees, listening to the sound of beasts from time to time in the river of death, waiting for the appearance of the sword and other people.


Suddenly, a spurt sounded, and Ye Chenfeng awakened from the interest rate adjustment.

"What happened to you?"

Ye Chenfeng's body flashed slightly, appeared in another ancient wood, and watched the blood flow out along the silver mask, curled up, and looked very painful summer pattern, whispered.

"I'm fine, I can't die!" said the summer smell weakly.

"Come on, let me see!"

Ye Chenfeng disregarded the opposition of the summer pattern, grabbed her white tender and delicate hands from the loose robes, and released two souls to penetrate into her body.

"I don't need you to watch, I don't need you to save!"

The summer pattern exhausted the strength of the whole body, and tried to open the hand of Ye Chenfeng with force.

But the morning hand of Ye Chenfeng is like a pliers. She grabs her wrist and makes her body extremely weak.

"Let's let go, if you don't let me go, I'll be rude to you." If the summery of the hair is angry, it will become angry.

"Congenitally broken pulse, you turned out to be the body of congenital broken pulse." Ye Chenfeng loosened the smooth and tender hand of the summer pattern, revealing the incredible color: "With your physique, you can practice to the third level The realm of the beastly king."

"You, believe it or not, I killed you!" The body secret was discovered by Ye Chenfeng. The summer pattern touched the silver teeth and said with anger. Under the urgency, his voice became empty and sweet.

"You don't mind, I am not malicious." Ye Chenfeng took out a small group of souls: "Take this down, it can alleviate your pain."

"The Spirit of Life, you have a spirit of life!"

Looking at the life spirit handed by Ye Chenfeng, the summer pattern was not polite. After taking it, he opened the corner of the silver mask and quickly swallowed it.

"I'm fine, you can go." Take the next life, the body pain relieved a lot of summer cold and let go of the order.

"Hey, I saved you." Ye Chenfeng licked his nose and said dissatisfied.

"Do I have you to save?" The summer line asked: "Is it a good thing for you."

叶晨风: "..."

Looking at the return, the mysterious summer pattern, Ye Chenfeng was speechless, and his body flashed and disappeared.


After Ye Chenfeng left, a sweet female voice sounded in the silver mask. Then, a powerful death force appeared in the summer tattoo body, followed by her broken veins.

And because of the swallowing of the soul of life, she continued to break the pulse, which relieved a lot of pain.

In the morning, a sun pierced the night, crossing the boundless mountains, shrouded in ancient ruins, dissipating the clouds over the remains.

"Recovered, just one night, she actually recovered her strength, what secrets are hidden in her body."

The body of the broken vein, also known as the waste body, cannot be cultivated at all, and the summer pattern not only breaks the curse that cannot be cultivated by the broken vein, but also cultivates to the third-level beast of the beast, which makes Ye Chenfeng guess, her body Absolutely hidden secrets of the sky, or she has the body of the broken pulse, she should die.

But Chen Chenfeng is not a person who likes to peep at other people's secrets. He has removed all the distracting thoughts, hiding in the ancient woods, waiting for the swords and other people to appear.

About two more hours, when the fierce yang was hung, a shrill sound broke out, and the scarred sword and other people finally arrived, appearing ten miles away from the hiding place of Ye Chenfeng.

Feeling that the sword and other people appeared, Ye Chenfeng and Xia Wen both converge on the breath, well hidden, and wait patiently for opportunities.

Soon, the time of day passed. In this day, 16 people such as Ba Jian have been carefully prepared to discuss the plan to cross the river.

When the morning sun shines on the earth, when the new day arrives, the 16 people such as the sword will not continue to wait until they come to the edge of the river of death, ready to cross the river.

"Ziyu Ship!"

The prepared sword of the sword was a move, and it offered a hardness level close to the quasi-road level. It was like a jade carving. It was filled with a powerful banned purple jade boat. It fell to seemingly calm, but the death of the murderous machine. In the river.

"Let's go!"

The sword screamed, and the flowers and rain fell on the purple jade boat, resisting the pressure of the space under the pressure, and swept away to the river of death.


At this time, an angry beast screamed, and the powerful beasts in the river of death felt the thick blood flowing in the sword and other people, and jumped out of the river, hitting the purple jade boat and banned them. Fierce attack.

"Everyone should not be merciful, attack with all strength, and we will join forces to kill the past."

The source continues to inject soul power into the purple jade boat, and the sword that controls the purple jade boat to accelerate navigation shouts.

"The day in the river of death gives us, you only control this purple jade boat to speed up the voyage." The flower rain summoned the white lotus flower, and said loudly.

In the flower rain and other people control their own treasures, under the attack of Tianbao, a beast that only jumps out of the river of death is continuously strangled, a lot of blood is stained with red water, and the thick **** smell makes people sick. .

When everyone did their best and continually killed the beasts of the river of death, as they marched through the bamboo, two huge shadows approached them one after the other.


Two towering water columns are like water dragons rushing into the sky, intercepting the purple jade boat that rides the wind and waves and rushes.

The next moment, the overlord of the river of death, two terrible nine-day beast dragons emerged from the river stained with blood, and screamed at the tyrants.

The terrible sound waves shook the purple jade ship and the hull was violently shivering. Several geniuses of the star-studded Tiancheng Tiancheng were bleeding, and the pain was endless.


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