Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 859: Do you like women?

"Why, do you want them to make a head bird? Help us crack the prohibition in the ancient medicine garden?"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the mysterious summer pattern everywhere, guessing her intentions and asked.

"Yes, from the way they crossed the river of death, they seem to be familiar with this ancient site. With their help, the chances of picking up the ancient medicine are much greater, not to mention the fact that they are not as good as the two. We, even if they really picked up the ancient elixir, we can let them spit it out." Summer said.

"Okay, let them live a few more days!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "I have something to ask you about summer?"

"What?" Summer hoarse and hoarse.

"Do you like women?" Asked about the summer humiliation of flowers and tears, tearing through her clothes, Ye Chenfeng asked curiously.

Summer: ""

"Summer pattern, in fact, there are women, you should have it, why bother?" Ye Chenfeng said with a heavy heart.

Summer: ""

"Seventeen, you, believe it or not, I tore your mouth." The summer air frothed the lungs, and said: "What should be there, I am not normal."

"Well, everyone has their own secrets, I don't ask, don't say it." Ye Chenfeng shrugged his shoulders and said.

"You are mean, you are shameless, you are"

The summer weather is broken, the sound is restored, and the voice is clear. It is necessary to teach Ye Chenfeng.

But the morning breeze reacted faster, and after teasing a summer pattern, the footsteps flew away, letting the summer line smack a fire, nowhere to vent.

Over the river of death, very close to the ancient medicine garden, Ye Chenfeng two people intend to let the two swords to make the head bird, so slow down the speed, slowly flying in this black mountain forest.

"It’s getting dark, and we’ll go to the cave tonight for a night.”

Ye Chenfeng saw the sky darkening, pointing to the front not far away, a mountain road covered by wild grass, very secluded.

"Okay!" said the summer tattoo: "But you also know that I like women and I am not interested in men. So, tonight, I can only work hard to stay outside the cave for a night."

Speaking, the flash of light at the foot of the summer pattern flashed, and the early morning wind entered the hole, and the four beasts were sealed to seal the hole, leaving Ye Chenfeng outside.

"Hey, it’s not a mistake to provoke a villain."

Looking at the hole sealed by the Four Beasts, Ye Chenfeng smiled and said, helplessly sighed, can only stay outside the hole, adjust the healing, and spend a long night.

After a night of healing, Ye Chenfeng's control of the birth pattern basically cured the wounded by the snake, and the summer pattern continued to fly deep into the black jungle.

In the summer, the four-beast flag was controlled, and when several bans were broken, they finally came to the deepest place in the black jungle, and there were countless years outside the ancient medicine garden.

"Finally found this ancient medicine garden."

Looking at the banned ban, like a fairy island, the fairy fog flows, the flowers bloom, the waterfalls flow springs, the ancient wood towering ancient medicine garden, the summer pattern is shaking with excitement.

"Summer, since you know that there is a dead mandala in this ancient medicine garden, why not pick it early?"

Feeling the excitement of the inner summer, Ye Chenfeng asked inexplicably.

"You think that I don't want to pick it up early. The prohibition in this ancient medicine garden will be weakened every 10,000 years. Every time it is opened, it will only be three years. Usually it will not enter. Usually, the ancient medicine garden is banned for ten years. The cycle changes, it is estimated that there are very few people in the entire mainland."

"And the ancient medicinal garden is banned everywhere, there are more terrible existences, countless years have passed, and there are only a handful of people entering the core area of ​​the ancient medicine garden, and if they can not enter the core area, they will not be able to pick up like death. This is a day of grass," said the summer line slowly.

"That said, you have a way to enter the core area of ​​the ancient medicine garden!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"There is no way, but an opportunity." Xia Wen said: "But as long as you can help me capture the death mandala, I will naturally fulfill my promise and do my best to help you pick other ancient medicines."


When speaking, the sound of a terrifying explosion sounded in the ancient medicinal garden, and a spurred banned light illuminates in the ancient medicinal garden, reflecting the heavens and the earth, igniting the world.

"Flowers fall, the sword they have entered the ancient medicine garden."

Listening to the explosions in the ancient medicine garden, Ye Chenfeng immediately radiated the power of the brain into the ancient medicine garden, inducing the prohibition changes in the ancient medicine garden.

"No hurry, this ancient medicinal garden has experienced so many years, most of the ancient sacred grasses have been taken away. We will not get much gains when we go in. When they break some bans, let’s go in again. Not too late," said the summer.


Ye Chenfeng nodded, sitting cross-legged outside the ancient medicine garden, controlling the brain to push the ban on the periphery of the ancient medicine garden, waiting patiently.

As time passes by, the explosion in the ancient medicinal garden is getting louder and louder, and the amazing means are used. The rain and the sword are broken and the ban on the periphery of the ancient medicine garden.

However, as the summer pattern guessed, the flowers and rains broke several bans in succession, and they did not pick up an ancient elixir, which made them both depressed.

Just when the flowers are not dying, the sword keeps going deep into the ancient medicine garden, looking for the ancient spirit grass, and integrating with the void, like a black shadow of a magical fog, a hollow look at two people, It’s strangely gone.

"The atmosphere of the ban, the ban in this pool should not be discovered."

Flowering rain and fighting swords found a pool of cold water in the ancient medicine garden. In the pool, they felt the banned atmosphere, and did not hesitate to leap into the cold and piercing water pool. The prohibition at the bottom of the pool.


Under the attack of the two of them, the prohibition at the bottom of the pool broke down. Then, a high beast screamed, a long dragon with a dragon's head, and a long, straight dragonfly flew out of the crack. Prohibited, released the thunder of destruction, bombarded the flowers and rain.

"Eight Heavenly Dragons!"

Looking at the banned dragon scorpion, the flowers and rains immediately took their own ceremonies and cast powerful techniques to kill it.

In the water, the dragon's attack is extremely terrible. The thunder of its destruction has caused great trouble to the flowers and rains, constantly breaking their defenses and injuring their bodies.

"White Lotus!"

In the face of lightning, the thunder and lightning of the dragons are slowly blooming, and the white lotus flower with flowers like a sword flies out of the rainy mouth, like a meteor that cuts through the sky, and attacks the dragon.

Under the attack of Daobao White Lotus, the dragon's hard scales are instantly broken. The huge body is pierced by a white hole in the white lotus hole. A lot of blood flows out, and it hurts and screams.

Control Daobao white lotus to hurt the dragon owl, spend the rain, fight the sword to win the pursuit, continue to cast a powerful road to bombard the dragon's wound, the body will be broken, kill it.

The dragons were killed, and the two immediately dug out the dragons of the dragons. Just as they were preparing to enter the rupture of the ban, and extracting the ancient elixir that was grown in the ban, the two speeds were broken into the shadows. The cold red blood of the cold pool appeared at a very fast speed.


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