Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 867: You can rest assured that I will not be responsible

. "Ye Chenfeng found a blood red in the remains of the thin old man, containing the power of a strong blood, more than 200,000 years of blood.

In addition to this blood fruit, Ye Chenfeng also found two precious avenues in his relics, more than ten pseudo-Dao Dan, many heavenly souls, one squad, and more than ten. Lingcao, several rare refining stones and a large number of soul crystals.

Ye Chenfeng sent the two avenues to the King of Killing and Fu Qingshan respectively, and sent the essence of the tortoise's heart to the worm, silently adjusting the situation and adjusting his own state.

When he adjusted his physical condition to the best, he swallowed the blood of the blood that was full of powerful blood, and controlled the refining of the brain and the quality of the blood of the gods.

Time goes by, and after Ye Chenfeng’s refining and blending in the past five days, this blood fruit of more than 200,000 years is completely refined by Ye Chenfeng, all of which are integrated into the blood of the gods and gods. The blood of the magic has been raised to three products.

After burning, it can instantly increase his strength by three times, and the strength is also slightly improved.

The worms have swallowed the essence of the heart of the ninth-day beast, and they have successfully become the eighth-class beast.

The king of the killing refining the avenue, reached the limit of the realm, began to impact the four-level beasts of the realm of the beast, the refinery of the aquatic king of the spirit fish and refining the road Dan's Fu Qingshan strength is also steadily improving the strength.

When Ye Chenfeng and other people's strengths were improved to varying degrees, a painful blood spurt suddenly sounded and broke the silence.

"The summer butterfly has an accident..."

Feeling the rapid decline of life in the summer butterfly, the fragrance will disappear, and Ye Chenfeng will be shocked and immediately accelerate to fly over and see what happens.

When she came to the dragon's lair, she found that the mouth was bleeding, and the undecorated summer butterfly red fruit fell into the already dry leeches and fell into a coma.

Although the beautiful face of the summer butterfly is damaged by the scar, it looks awkward, but her delicate body is flawless, **** clavicle, delicate shoulder is very attractive.

Especially, her chest is not big, but the very tall peaks are completely exposed to the air, and the slightly curved snow-white legs are impacting the heart of Ye Chenfeng in an interest-free way.

But Ye Chenfeng had no time to appreciate the beauty in front of him. He quickly came to the side of the summer butterfly and hugged her smooth body. He had to give her a raw grass to feed her and save her life.

But this time, Ye Chenfeng was surprised to find that the power of life in the summer butterfly body quickly recovered, and when the power of life resumed, her meridian meridians healed at a very fast speed. .

When Ye Chenfeng was surprised that the body of the summer butterfly changed, the summer butterfly that fell into a coma suddenly opened his eyes.

The next moment, the two men are opposite each other, and a scream that almost pierced the leaf morning eardrum is emitted in the summer butterfly mouth.

"You are a rogue, what are you doing, I killed you!"

The summer butterfly found Ye Chenfeng holding her red fruit tightly, and suddenly misunderstood, making an uncontrollable roar and screaming.

"This is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

Feeling the suffocation of the summer butterfly, I was scared that Ye Chenfeng quickly let go of her smooth body and kicked the sword.

" Misunderstanding, you should have read it, I think I touched it, you dare to say it is a misunderstanding." The summer butterfly screamed and snarled: "I killed you this mean and shameless. Little man."

"I admit that I saw your body, but I didn't touch it!" Ye Chenfeng evaded while explaining: "You don't want to be good, I really don't touch it."

"Good guys..." Xia Xiandie said with anger: "I caught the current situation, dare to argue, and dare to call myself a good person, I killed you."

"The power of life in your body has just subsided. I thought that you are in danger of life. I just rushed over to save you with a living grass. Who knows that your body is so weird." Ye Chenfeng constantly explained: "If you Tell me my body secrets early, and I won't offend you."

"And I am not interested in your body, how can it be touched." Ye Chenfeng looked at the summer butterfly exposed to the air, a small peak said.


Founding Ye Chenfeng’s eyes, the summer butterfly who was angry and attacking suddenly thought that he had not dressed yet, and he screamed again and quickly put on his clothes to cover the flawless body like a The irritated little wild cat once again rushed to Ye Chenfeng.

In the end, Ye Chenfeng was angered by the madness of the summer butterfly, hitting eighteen palms, kicking more than twenty feet, and explaining again and again, finally calming the anger in her heart.

"Summer butterfly, are you worried, I am naked, I will be responsible for you?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the panting, flushed summer butterfly, whispered: "In fact, you Don't worry, I won't be responsible."


ps: A photo of a summer butterfly on Saturday, a friend who wants to see plus WeChat public number: ylty83! Plus, you can see the beautiful summer butterfly on Saturday!


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