Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 868: Enlightenment Tree

Approximately a day or so, under the vaginal worms, the layers of the ban were finally smashed into a large hole by the worm.


Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to penetrate the prohibition gap of one person and entered the ancient prohibition.

"Enlightenment tree, there is a tree of enlightenment growing here!"

Looking at the growth of the ancient prohibition center, a plant is more than five meters high. The trunks and branches are covered with ancient lines. There is no leaf, and there is a thick dead tree. The summer butterfly has wide eyes and reveals a thick A strong surprise color.

"Enlightenment tree, this is the legendary tree of enlightenment."

The brain is also known as the tree of knowledge. The legendary tree is the birth of the heaven and earth avenues after millions of years and even tens of millions of times. Every tree, every leaf contains the principle of avenue, even if In Tianyu, it is the most precious treasure, and its value far exceeds the holy device, which is enough to cause the Tianyu parties to compete.

"Well, this dead tree is definitely a tree of understanding, but there is no life in this tree of enlightenment. It should have been dead for a long time." The summer butterfly nodded and said.

"This enlightenment tree is dead, but Enlightenment Tree still leaves a lot of prosperous avenues, and the value is equally immeasurable."

Ye Chenfeng looked at the boulevard texture remaining on the tree, and felt that the texture resonated with his own understanding of the Tao.

"Ye Chenfeng, this is the enlightenment tree I want." The summer butterfly said unceremoniously.

"Why, this ancient prohibition is my wormhole! And, you are not saying, except for the death mandala, is there any other ancient elixir in the ancient medicine garden?"

Although this tree of enlightenment trees has died for many years, the value is extremely high. If Ye Chenfeng can get it, he can sublimate the many ideas he has learned to a higher level.

"Hey, this is compensation, to compensate you for the great crimes committed against me." The summer butterfly is cold.

"No, this is a tree that I can't give you." Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said resolutely.

"That's good, then let's compare the ideas, who wins this tree of enlightenment." The summer butterfly grinds silver teeth, the imposing proposal.

"Okay, this fair!" Ye Chenfeng was very confident in the understanding of the Tao. He completely confidently pressed the summer butterfly, nodded and did not hesitate to agree.

"Ye Chenfeng, today I want to let you lose your heart and take it orally."

Speaking, the endless starlight vents out in the body of the summer butterfly, bringing together a huge star, reflecting the entire space as white.

"The Stars of the Road is the Seventh Heaven!"

Looking at the pattern of the starburst in the body of the summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes stunned, revealing a deep horror. He never imagined that the summer butterfly had such a deep understanding of the Tao. I don’t even have to do it myself.

"Ye Chenfeng, now admit defeat is still urgent, or don't blame me for being ruthless." Looking at Ye Chenfeng's surprised look, the summer butterfly said proudly.

"Want to win me, you are still far away!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, the five elements of the road, the meaning of life and death, the heavens and the earth spurted out his body, gathered on top of his head, forming a river of enthusiasm for rushing, rolling roaring.

"The three major integrations, Ye Chenfeng, you are really a bit of a skill."

Looking at the release of Ye Chenfeng, reaching the three major harmonies of the six heavens, the summer butterfly also reveals a fascinating color. Her thoughts move, blending the stars of the ninety-star way into the sky. , slammed into Ye Chenfeng, and the three major fusions controlled by Ye Chenfeng were together.


The endless light of the Tao blooms in midair, and the rolling sensation hits together, forming a boundless loud noise and wind and waves, twisting the void.

The three major fusions of Ye Chenfeng’s comprehension are strong, but the summer butterfly has a deeper understanding of the Tao. The terrible star’s way is to ride the wind and waves, constantly tearing the long river, and letting Ye Chenfeng bear a huge pressure.

"The meaning of the sword."

When the eye is long, the river is torn, and the pattern of the eighty swords is sprayed out of the body of the morning wind. It turns into a sword of Taoism, and it is like a broken bamboo to the Taoist star, resisting the attack of the stars.

"I want to see how long you can hold on."

The angle of the butterfly's mouth is slightly upturned, and the ninety lines of death are sprayed out of her body.

"The way of the star is nine heavens, the road of death is nine heavens, how old she is, how can she understand the meaning of the Tao." Ye Chenfeng looked at the understanding of the butterfly in the summer, and suddenly changed color. .

When Ye Chenfeng wanted to use the lines of heaven to resist, a powerful soul force suddenly spread out in the tree of enlightenment, and the fading tree of the savage “Shasha” rang.

The next moment, a powerful old soul emerged in the tree of enlightenment, interrupting the Taoist competition between the two.


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