Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 871: A pair of heavenly establishments

"Come on!"

Although the ancient necromantic ability is very strong, but in the sense of the brain, Ye Chenfeng still feels his existence, and quickly told the old soul and the summer butterfly.

The ancient necromancer held the square painting and looked at the dead body far away. There was no blind approach, but the body was too attractive to him. If he could get it, he could use the power of the body to tear it. Break the ancient prohibition and leave the ancient medicine garden.

In the end, under the temptation of the celestial body of the heavenly celestial body, the ancient dead spirit turned into a speed of light, and ventured into the ancient ban, flying to the body of the celestial body.

Looking at him flew into the body of the celestial body and merged with the corpse, the corpse of the celestial body disappeared strangely, leaving the ancient dead spirits empty.

The next moment, the old soul forcibly closed the ancient prohibition, and more than 10,000 roads and slaying scenes appeared in the void, and the dark space reflected as white, and the space was banned.

"Death, we met again."

The old soul emerged in the rock pile, and the eyes looked sharply at the hand-painted sky paintings, and the ancient dead spirits that were murderous, said with a loud voice.


Looking at the scenes of the attacking and killing of the sky, the three old souls surrounded by himself, the ancient dead spirits made a terrible roar, and the horrible murderousness was vented in his soul.

"Death, you shouldn't have lived in this world, join me in the reincarnation."

Speaking, the old soul released a powerful soul, and rolled up a lot of stoning stones to the ancient dead.

"Summer Butterfly, the task of manipulating the gust attack is given to you, I will help the seniors to deal with him."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng will be summoned to the sword spirit of the six-level beastmaster, and attacked the ancient dead spirit together.


The ancient dead spirits swayed Fang Tian's paintings fiercely, and with the powerful Converse smashed the rags of the scorpion, and slammed into the close-fitting Ye Chenfeng.

Swordsman’s footsteps suddenly accelerated, and with his indestructible body, it was blocked in front of Ye Chenfeng, and it resisted Fang Tian’s powerful attack.

"The blood of the dragon, burning!"

In order to kill the ancient dead spirit, Ye Chenfeng instantly burned the blood of the dragon. The blood dragon emperor of more than a thousand meters appeared his body and instantly increased his seven times of soul power.

"The Beast Soul Form!"

Ye Chenfeng burst into a burst of blood, and the blood dragon was merged into a form of animal spirit. A large block of blood dragons covered the whole body, and Ye Chenfeng’s own strength also climbed at this moment.

"The ruling of the Seven Swords, the ruling!"

Ye Chenfeng holds a emptiness of the Emperor's sword, and a light sword that is full of rulings of the will of the world squats, tearing the void and smashing into the ancient dead.


The sword was attacked by the ruling. The ancient necromancer continued to scream and scream, and the surface of the terrible soul boiled like boiled boiling water, which resisted the sword of ruling.

Next, the ancient dead spirits mouth infinitely large, rolling into the mouth like a long river pouring out his mouth, bombarded to Ye Chenfeng, forcing him to pedal the sword to fully dodge.

"Soul Cutting!"

Catch the opportunity of the ancient dead spirit to attack Ye Chenfeng, the old soul immediately casts a big killing trick, and a sharp soul is flying out of his body, cutting all the barriers and attacking the ancient dead spirits.

Under the attack of the old soul, the powerful soul of the ancient dead spirits was cut through hundreds of wounds, and filled with a lot of soul, and he continued to make a beast-like roar.

"Thousands of patterns, kill!"

The numerous patterns of the control of the summer butterfly are also bombarded like tides. The bombardment has turned to the soul of the ancient dead spirit, and wants to blow him down in one fell swoop.


Aware of death, the ancient necromancer sent a tsunami that was alarmed for nine days, and the dark body of the ink burned. He burst out of the strongest force, quickly waving the square paintings, and constantly smashing the attack. Kill the lines and make a full force to break out.

"Are you running?"

The old soul also burned the soul at this time, constantly launching a big killing move, like a thundering nine-day mad thunder, killing the ancient dead spirit, wanting to kill him.

"Sword Soul, Broken!"

When the ancient dead spirits were bombarded and bombarded, and the burning soul was getting heavier and heavier, Ye Chenfeng melted the swordsman into the emperor's sword and rushed into the storm of destruction. The ancient dead spirit.


Under the amplitude of the Soul Calibur, the attacking power of the Emperor Sword reached an extremely terrifying level. A sword smashed on the chest of the ancient dead spirit, and opened a deep sword mark on the chest.

The next moment, the thousands of patterns of the summer butterfly control smashed into the chest of his chest, and he flew out in one fell swoop, hitting the ancient anti-ban behind him, and was hit hard. .


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