Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 775: Black ants, invincible force

"Kowloon Jade, kill!"

Black ants attacked with horror, and Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to merge the dragon heart, burning the blood of the dragon, the amplitude of seven times the soul force, and constantly injecting soul power into the Kowloon jade, condensing Out of the lore mad dragon, bombarded the black ant.


The black ant spit out the demon power and the savage dragons drilled in the Kowloon jade, and it sounded loud and loud.

Two powerful forces are fiercely colliding, bursting with endless energy, like a stormy wave, sweeping around, and the whole space instantly falls into chaos.

When the lore mad dragon and the eternal demon power fiercely repelled, Sword Spirit smashed the devastating storm, approached the black ant, and armed with the fierce attack of the black ant's eyes, distracting its attack.

"Be careful!"

The summer butterfly looked at the leaf morning wind, which was almost exhausted by the soul, and slammed it into a shadow of speeding speed. It flew to the death mandala covered with death thorns. Opportunity, pick it up.


Black ants see the summer butterfly daring close to the death mandala, issued a fierce scream, relying on absolute strength, shocked the sword, smashed the lore, and turned back to the summer butterfly Launch a deadly attack.


At the critical time, Ye Chenfeng’s hand appeared a precious ancient jade peach, which swallowed the whole body and instantly restored the soul of consumption. The footstep sword adventure was close to the black ant, controlling Kowloon. Yuxi continued to attack.


The earth-shattering dragon humming sounds in the Kowloon Jade, blending a lot of soul power. The Kowloon Jade Dragon once again condenses the savage dragon, with the power to burn everything, and is now bombarded with black ants. .

Black ants are strong, but the Kowloon Jade is the best sacred instrument. Even if Ye Chenfeng can only exert one-tenth of the power, it is extremely scary.


The black ant was attacked by the Kowloon Jade, and the body of the black iron suddenly trembled. The terrible attack caused the black ant's body to appear out of control, and the huge body slid to the rear.

"God's blood, burning!"

Ye Chenfeng will drink the only remaining Tianshui into his stomach, burning the blood of the gods, and increasing the strength to 90 million jins. He hand-painted the Chinese paintings of the ancient martial arts. I smashed the past.


The overwhelming power of fierce squatting, smashing all the vitality bombarded on the black ant, the terrible power once again shook the black ant, not giving it the opportunity to attack the summer butterfly.

Using Ye Chenfeng to spare the effort to intercept, the summer butterfly appeared next to the death mandala, controlling the meaning of the star, the death of the road to suppress the death mandala, it is necessary to force it to pick.

But the death mandala is too spiritual and constantly repels the summer butterfly, so that she will not be able to take it away for a while.


Relying on strong strength and stabilizing the body, the black ant sees the summer butterfly to pick up the dead mandala in his eyelids, suddenly angered, and the rolling demon force broke out in its body, breaking the void, Tearing the earth, the murderous bombardment of the butterfly to the summer butterfly.

"Half-month sword arc!"

At the crucial moment, the sword spirit smashed in front of the extermination attack launched by the black ant, and the whole body merged with the two lower-grade swords, and turned into two ghost-like swords, smashing the demon power of the collapsed world. on.


Two and a half months of the sword arc was shattered by the shocking demon. The terrible demon power was bombarded on the body of the sword, and he was defeated, and the energy in the body was consumed halfway.

"Strong, too strong, this black ant can't be defeated at all."

I feel that there is not much energy left in the spirit of the sword, and Ye Chenfeng, who is seriously consumed by the soul, immediately came to the sword and smashed into the body of the sword, adding all the souls of the body. He consumes energy and blocks the black ants.

"Formation, battle form!"

The black ant sees the summer butterfly with the help of the two avenues, restrains the death mandala, pulls it out of the stratum a little, and immediately changes into the strongest combat form, breaking out the strongest force. .

Between the blink of an eye, the black ant appeared in front of the leaf morning wind blocked by the whole force, and blasted a punch that smashed the void, bombarded him to the chest, wanted to break his body and prevent the summer butterfly picking. Death mandala.

In a critical moment, the shadow of the sword spirit once again blocked in front of Ye Chenfeng, using the body to help the morning wind to resist the destruction of a punch, but his body was shaken out by the black ant.

And Ye Chenfeng used the opportunity of Jianling to resist, holding hundreds of thousands of pounds of Fangtian paintings, bursting 90 million pounds, slamming down and smashing into the head of the black ant.


The black ant’s head rang with a loud noise, and Fang Tian’s painting was on his head. Then, a powerful anti-shock force passed through Fang Tian’s painting into Ye Chenfeng’s arm. Shocked his arm numb.

"Good hard!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't think that the head of the black ant was so hard. He took a full blow with his hand-painted sky painting. Not only did he not blast his head, he was also shocked.


Relying on the unmatchable strength, resisting the attack of Fang Tianhua, the black ant sent a fierce voice, and the demon spirit poured into his right fist, and a fist hit the chest of Ye Chenfeng.


The black ant slammed into a fist, and Ye Chenfeng ignored the physical weakness and immediately stepped on the sword to dodge.

But at the moment he evaded, he clearly felt the thunder of the black ant body, forming a powerful space ripple, impacting his body, and hardly interrupted his thoughts of dodging.

"Golden body."

Dodge is interrupted by hard and hard, and Ye Chenfeng, who avoids inevitable, immediately exerts a golden body, and a strong defensive golden light is condensed on the surface of the body to raise the defense to the extent of transcending the medium-quality device.


A loud bang, the black ant with the power of destruction, slammed on the chest of Ye Chenfeng, punching the defensive golden light, breaking his body defense and flying him out.


Although Ye Chenfeng relied on the transcendence of the middle of the road, it resisted this fatal blow, but his sternum was shattered by the overbearing power. A lot of blood was sprayed in his mouth, and the whole body was heavy. Kneeling on the ground.

"Well, not dead!"

Black ants saw that Ye Chenfeng was attacked by himself. Not only did he die, but his chest was not pierced, revealing a strange color.

But at this time, he had no reason to deal with Ye Chenfeng, his body flashed and rushed to the summer butterfly, trying to stop her from picking up the death mandala.

"True Dragons!"

In order to fulfill his promise, Ye Chenfeng disregarded his physical injury and burned the dragon heart. He exerted the most powerful secret magical mastery he had mastered. The change became a terrible real dragon, twisting a huge body and attacking. Black ant.

The swordsman who had just been attacked by the squadron also flew at this speed, and the sword was smashed to the black ant.


The black ant roared and burst into a terrifying demon, broke the void in front of him, shattered the attack launched by Ye Chenfeng and Jian Ling, and bombarded Ye Chenfeng.

At the crucial time, Sword Spirit stopped in front of Ye Chenfeng, exhausted the power of the whole body, and resisted the deadly killings launched by the black ants.

But the black **** ants launched the horror of the killing power is too horrible, Ye Chenfeng was still affected by Yu Wei, the whole body was bombarded.

When Ye Chenfeng was seriously injured and threatened with death, Xia Weidie successfully took the death mandala into his hands.


The summer butterfly successfully picked up the death mandala, and Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to control the Qiankun environment, and sent himself and the summer butterfly to hide inside.


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