Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 886: Wan Jiandao

"Double life and death map! It seems that this guy usually does more bad things, even God wants to kill him."

Looking at the black and white robbery cloud, descending from the sky, it is bound to be the two big pictures of life and death that Ye Chenfeng killed, and the summer butterfly eyes squinted, revealing a thick horror, muttering to himself.

Even if you don’t know how many years have passed, you will see more mysterious old ways of stunned talents.

Obviously, there were two pictures of life and death, which also surprised him. He gave him a little interest in Ye Chenfeng.


In the critical moment, Ye Chenfeng’s body is sprayed with twenty-one heavenly lines, which are integrated into the Taoist gods, and the Taoist gods have undergone qualitative changes. The trees have become vigorous and vigorous, and the lush crowns are constantly Extending, covering the void, resisting the attack on the two major pictures of life and death.


The thunderous loud noise rang in the top of Ye Chenfeng’s head, like the wrath of the gods, shaking the Quartet, making people fear.

After the loud noise, the terrible life and death is like a screaming sarcasm, the madness of releasing the amazing destructive power, bombarding the Taoist god, wanting to crush it and directly bombarding Ye Chenfeng.

But the Taoist **** wood blends 20 lines of heavenly lines, and the meaning is very strong. It constantly sways the light of the Tao and resists the indiscriminate bombardment of the double life and death map.

For a time, the space around Ye Chenfeng's body became blurred, and the force of the three powerful attacks collided constantly tearing the void and destroying the earth.

Not far from the three clouds peaking in the mist of the mountains burst directly, turning into countless gravel, falling into the chaotic mountains.

"The meaning of the sword, tear!"

Looking at the idea that the gods can't resist the attack of the double life and death road map, the spirit of the eighty swords is sprayed out of the body of the leaf morning wind, turning into a sword of the sky, blending the rhythm of the reproduction. The heavy shackles are on a map of life and death, weakening the destructive power of the map of life and death.

Ye Chenfeng's sword is so powerful that it is extremely powerful, but the meaning of life and death is even more terrible. Less than ten breaths, the sword of the mind is broken by the birth and death road map, and the Taoist **** wood also appears. Road cracks.

"The blood of the dragon, burning!"

Daoyi Shenmu can't resist the indiscriminate bombardment of the double life and death road map, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to burn the blood of the dragon, instantly increased the soul of seven times, changed into the shape of the beast, holding the sword Directly rushed to the double life and death road map

"He is doing this, he is going to fight the penalty."

Seeing the bold move of Ye Chenfeng, the summer butterfly showed a hint of surprise.

The day penalty is not to be infringed. Ye Chenfeng’s strong punishment at this time will definitely provoke the strongest punishment of the day, and so close to the map of life and death, the attack will be more fierce, and slight discomfort may be Never recovered.

But standing under the ancient pines and cypresses, the mysterious old road that is not affected by the punishment of heaven has revealed the color of appreciation.

In the face of the mortal situation, only the courage to challenge, to fight with all strength, can be alive between life and death.

The frontal bombardment of the double life and death road map, Ye Chenfeng's powerful body has withstood tremendous pressure, the clothes on his body are completely shattered, and large pieces of blood dragon scales into pieces, which is comparable to the body of the lower grades. Staggered cracks, blood flowing uncontrollably.

"Golden body!"

The injury is getting heavier and heavier. Ye Chenfeng no longer hides his shackles. He quickly casts a golden body and condenses into a layer of defensive gold, covering his body and resisting the attack of the dead and the dead.

"Basic repairs, killing and increasing!"

In order to defeat the map of life and death, Ye Chenfeng exerted all the means of attack, condensed the eight-killing aura, increased the power of eight killings, and enhanced his own attack power.

"The dragon heart burns, the real dragon changes!"

Ye Chenfeng raised his attack power to the peak, burned the power of the dragon heart, released the amazing dragon power, and succumbed to the rushing life and death map, changed into a blood dragon with a claw and claws, forcibly tearing The cracked road is alive and dead, and the bombardment is on the map of life and death.

"The dragon is next to the gods."

The mysterious old man’s eyes are more intense, and he recognizes that Ye Chenfeng’s performance is the magical power of the Tianyu Dragon. He has a strong interest in Ye Chenfeng’s identity.


The picture of the birth and death road was attacked by the real dragon of Ye Chenfeng. There was a crack in the road, but between the blinks, the crack on the surface of the road was repaired by the raging life and death.

But the speed of the deduction of the brain, still clearly feel that the meaning of this life and death map is reduced, obviously the attack just worked.

"Tiandao ruthless!"

"Xuan Mingji!"

"Fantasy Dragon Shadow!"

Recovering the real body, Ye Chenfeng disregards the consumption of the body, bears the hope of life and death, and continuously exerts powerful powers, violently killing the map of life and death, forcibly weakening its power.

But under the siege of the two sides of life and death, Ye Chenfeng's body injury is getting heavier and heavier. The blood dragon scale covering the whole body is almost smashed by 80%, and a lot of blood is covered with his whole body.

"God's blood, burning!"

Seeing that the support could not be maintained, Ye Chenfeng burned the second blood in the body, and the scarred body continued to grow bigger, like steel casting, and the strength reached 90 million jin.

"True Dragons!"

Under the amplitude of the blood of the gods, Ye Chenfeng once again applied the real dragon to become the blood dragon of Longwei Zhentian, blending with the strength of 90 million kilograms and the number of roads, and hitting the front in front of him. Life and death map.


The body of the blood dragon of the incarnation of Ye Chenfeng constantly bursts open, and the violent explosion makes the heavens and earth shake, the space is distorted, and the chaos is one.

Under the full attack, this picture of life and death once again cracked the road crack and quickly spread the entire body.

Between the blinks, the cracks in the life and death map began to heal again, but the power contained in the map was greatly consumed.

"Sword Soul!"

At the critical time, the soul of the sword broke the soul sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng, blending the meaning of a powerful sword, squatting on the fast-healing map of life and death, directly pulling it away from the middle. .

"Sword Soul, this guy actually condensed the soul of the sword!"

Looking at the swordsman who opened a picture of life and death, the summer butterfly is stunned, and the eyes are like ghosts.

"No, this junior is really awful, he actually condensed the soul of the sword, even if the talents can not find one in the three major kingdoms." Mysterious old road reveals a hint of appreciation, continue to pay attention to Ye Chen Wind and robbery.


When Ye Chenfeng almost exhausted all the soul power, using the power of the sword to tear a piece of life and death map, the high-speed rotating black and white robbery cloud suddenly sounded the sound of Wan Jian.

The next moment, the sword figure that flows with thousands of swords has broken the black and white robbery cloud, venting endless swords and locking Ye Chenfeng.

"Wan Jian Dao Tu, this leaf morning wind is how much he made, how did he lead the Wan Jian Dao map to kill him."

Looking down from the sky, smashing to Wan Chenfeng's Wan Jian Road map, the summer butterfly face slightly changed, a hint of worry in his eyes.


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