Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 888: Breakthrough, the third-level beastmaster

"Breakthrough, the third-level beastmaster!"

After being baptized by nature, Ye Chenfeng’s bottleneck became very fragile. Without any effort, he broke through the bottleneck of the realm and broke through to the third-level beast. ·1ka

And at the moment of his breakthrough, the soul of the soul of the sea, the blood dragon emperor became more powerful, relying solely on the soul beast, he can kill the same realm master.

Boundary breakthrough, Ye Chenfeng, who was bathed in the light of Tao, did not wake up. He controlled the brains and traced the lines printed in the flesh and blood, and sublimated his own wishes.

"Severely, smashing the map of the three avenues, and passing the punishment of the day, my soul-stricken continent was born with such a shocking talent, the world is finally going to change."

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s smashing the sky, the mysterious old man’s eyes shot the radiant light, and the old face showed a rare smile. He stood quietly and stood still under the ancient pines and cypresses. Waiting quietly.

"The animal is a farm animal, this guy is really abnormal."

Looking at the success of the morning punishment, Ye Chenfeng, the face of the summer butterfly on the face of the country shows a charming smile, holding a memory stone, whispering.

"Life and death, eight heavens!"

Ye Chenfeng has been enlightened in the past two days, and his brain has penetrated into the life and death pattern of flesh and blood, and cultivated the meaning of life and death to the Eight Heavens.

And the five elements of the Tao, the heavens and the earth, the illusion of the Tao is also under the baptism of heaven, has been significantly improved, only a line away from the seven heavens. ·

The road of the sword is ten heavens, the meaning of life and death is eight heavens, the magic of the Tao is seven heavens, the five elements of Taoism, the heavens and the earth is almost seven heavens...

Ye Chenfeng feels the five-way meaning he controls, showing a satisfied smile. With his current strength and control, he feels that he can completely kill the five-level beastmaster, even if faced. The six-level beastmaster should also have the power of a battle.

When Ye Chenfeng silently sensed the changes in strength and doctrine, the light of the light that enveloped his body was suddenly severely broken.

A smiley face appeared in front of Ye Chenfeng, looking straight at him.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng, whose clothes had been smashed by the sky, covered his lower body with his hands. He widened his eyes and looked at the summer butterfly who was 'giggle' and laughed loudly. Do you know what it means to be shameful."

"What is shame? What is shame? If you teach me." The butterfly eyes bent into a crescent shape and said with a smile.


"Okay, don't be so nervous, look at it and you won't lose meat!" The summer butterfly boldly looked at the body of Ye Chenfeng's line evenly, smirked and said: "Ye Chenfeng, I didn't expect you The figure is so good, come, take your hand off, let me see how your capital is."


Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the summer butterfly was so bold. Under her burning eyes, she hid in the hustle and bustle, leaving a very short lady, a summer butterfly with a smile of the winner. To read a book·

"Kid, let you bully me, there will be you crying." The summer butterfly looked at the memory stone in his hand, revealing a cute little tiger tooth.

After a while, the well-dressed Ye Chenfeng left the Qiankunjing and looked at the smirk of the summer butterfly, which was speechless.

"Ye Chenfeng, why do you look at people like this. But you are brave in the way of robbing, watching people's hearts are booming, eyes are staring at small stars, and you can't help but record everything with memory stones." I took out a memory stone from Qiankun’s territory and said, “It’s just that your bare **** is a bit awkward.”

"You..." Ye Chenfeng didn't think that the summer butterfly had this hand, a black line, and said in a command tone: "Give me the memory stone."

"If I don't give it?" The summer butterfly's mouth smiled and asked, "What can you do with me?"

"Summer butterfly, don't forget to owe me two gambling appointments." Ye Chenfeng grinds his teeth and warns.

"Of course, remember." Looking at Ye Chenfeng's sly look, the summer butterfly smiled even more cutely: "If you don't, you will use another bet, let me give you this memory stone." /

"No, I am going to use a bet, let you come to Qiankun and fight with me." Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said.


"Go to hell, this girl will never be stupid to go to your space treasure." Summer butterfly white leaves the morning wind, a firm statement.

When Ye Chenfeng hesitated to force the memory stone in the hands of the summer butterfly, the mysterious old man wearing the old robes walked in the void, watching the amazing talent, Ye Chenfeng, who has hidden secrets. : "Junior, who are you from the teacher?"

"Sorry for the predecessors, the younger generation is more special, please forgive the younger generation can not tell the predecessors."

The main inheritance of Ye Chenfeng comes from the brain, and the other inheritance relies on his own, and he does not understand the vastness of the supernatural powers. He pondered a bit and did not reveal the existence of Taiyi.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask more."

Mysterious old man looked at Ye Chenfeng for a while and shook his head, no longer asking him.

"Predecessors, why do you have a dagger in your chest? Doesn't it hurt?"

The summer butterfly looked at the dagger inserted on the chest of the mysterious old man, and asked inexplicably.

"This dagger is inserted into my lifeline and has already been integrated with my body. If I forcibly pull it out, my life will soon be there." Mysterious old man looked at the summer butterfly who did not apply fat powder but fell into the country. Said.

"Predecessors, you are so strong, who is the dagger that you left on you?" The summer butterfly seems to be curious about the baby, screaming with big eyes.

"This world is far more complicated than you think. When you reach the limits of this world, you can go to the Central World. There are some of the most outstanding geniuses in the world, and there are many mysteries hidden." Mysterious old man did not answer The words of the summer butterfly, said low.

"Central World!" The summer butterfly eyes brightened and asked: "Predecessors, the legendary Tianyu gate is hidden in the void of the central world."

"Yes, the gates of the Tianyu are in the Central World." The mysterious old nodded and said: "But even if you practice to the sixth level of the beastly kingdom, don't fly freely, then you will be dead."

"Why? The difficulty of flying up the sky is so big?" The summer butterfly brows slightly wrinkled and asked inexplicably.

"It’s not that flying up the sky is difficult, but someone doesn’t want you to fly.” The mysterious old man whispers: “The Star King is not a good example.”

When I heard the mysterious old saying, Ye Chenfeng’s heart was moving, and the secret of the Star King’s announcement, it was guessed that the three major aliens should block the gates of the Tianyu, and the masters of the people would not fly to the Tianyu.

"It seems that the situation of the Terran in the Tianyu is not good." Ye Chenfeng silently recited in his heart.

"Well, I said what I said. I don't want to say that you need to explore it yourself." The mysterious old man showed a rare smile and said: "Before leaving, I will send you two pieces of my refining. Yu card, if you are in danger, you can crush the jade card, the power in the jade card can save your life."

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

Ye Chenfeng took over the old road and handed it, with a token of great power, grateful.

"The road to repairing the road is long, full of thorns and obstacles. I hope that you can support each other and love each other, so your path will be easier."

Mysterious old-fashioned look at the talented woman, the amazingly talented Ye Chenfeng and the summer butterfly, said lovingly.

After finishing, he did not wait for the big eyes of Ye Chenfeng and Xiabian butterfly to rebut the explanation, the body like a water ripple into the void, disappeared.


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