Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 892: Secret vertigo


When wearing a long black dress, the enchanting woman witnessed the scene of the poisoned man's poisoned desperation, his face changed greatly, relying on strong strength to tear the ban on the martial arts, appeared in the field.

"Solution, antidote, give me antidote!"

The toxic attack, foaming at the mouth, and the **** man in the twitching screamed.

But the antidote has been ruined by Ye Chenfeng, and the charming woman has all the ruptured medicinal herbs in the mouth of the blood robes, and has not saved his life.

The blood robe man was poisoned and died. Ye Chenfeng left the Wudoutai under the gaze of the charming woman hatred. He exchanged the gold medal token from the hands of the battlefield leader and returned to the stands. Waiting for your second opponent.

Ye Chenfeng’s second opponent’s strength is far less than that of the blood robe man, but Ye Chenfeng still struggled with him for more than a thousand strokes. He relied on powerful forces to tear his attack and defeat him. The fifty-first winning streak.

After the end of the day, Ye Chenfeng made an appointment for two games tomorrow, and left the battlefield filled with **** smell, and came to Taobao, the city of Sanlei.

And Taobao is a matter of interest to Ye Chenfeng in the triple minefield. During his time of fighting, he did not visit the city, but also found a few good spirits and traded dozens. The face looks like a broken, dirty, but powerful flag.

Into the lively and noisy, mixed market, the soul of Ye Chenfeng’s mind was immediately released, covering the entire market and looking for treasures that interest him.


Controlling the brain and sensing for a while, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes lit up and found something of interest. He immediately went to the northwest of Fangfang City and came to a silver hair with intentional concealment and wrinkles on his face. The old man puts the sundries in front of the stall.

"I don't know how many points are sold in these three jade pieces?"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the jade in front of the silver-haired old man, and jade, picking up three dim and dull, depicting the dark lines of jade, whispered.

"The first one, the second jade piece sells one hundred points, and the third jade piece sells one million points."

The silver-haired old man sitting on the floor with his knees gently lifted the wrinkled eyelids and glanced at the three jade pieces in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, and said slowly.

"One million points!"

The purpose of Ye Chenfeng is this third jade piece, and he picks up three jade pieces at the same time to confuse the silver-haired old man, but he did not expect that the silver-haired old man knows the value of these jade pieces and makes him Taobao. Plan failed

"Predecessors, why do you sell such jade pieces so expensive, is it imprinted with the lines of the avenues? Or is it engraved with high-tech skills?" Ye Chenfeng asked.

"This jade piece was obtained from me in an ancient ruins. I have been killed for a lifetime. After my research, there is a strong prohibition in this jade film. I have not solved this prohibition for decades. Did not study its true value."

"But from the strong prohibition hidden in the jade film, this jade piece absolutely hides the big secret, so one million points is absolutely not expensive." Silver hair old man said slowly.

"Okay, I bought it!"

Having a brain, Ye Chenfeng can break any ban, he did not hesitate, paid a million points, and traded this mysterious piece from the silver hair.

"Primary, see you buy my things, I remind you of one thing, some people want to be against you, you be careful." Silver-haired old scorpion scorpion glanced at the crowd, a very inconspicuous The gray-haired man, who is not tall, said slowly.

"Thank you for reminding seniors that the younger generation will be careful."

Ye Chenfeng just found someone tracking him, didn't care, and thanked him, got up and left.

When Ye Chenfeng disappeared into the bustling crowd, the enchanting woman wearing a black dress and exuding mature charm appeared, her eyes glanced at the back of his departure and turned away.

"Hey, the points are not enough. How do you earn points quickly?"

Although Ye Chenfeng won a 51-game winning streak, he only earned 3 million points, and he bought 10 pieces of the following products, as well as mysterious jade pieces, and spent 21,000 points.

If he wants to enter the star field after 70 days, he still has 18 million points, and if he wants to participate in the auction, he needs to earn more points,

"Do you really want to continue selling treasures in exchange for points." Ye Chenfeng sighed softly, silently in his heart.

Returning to the living room, Ye Chenfeng took this dull, unpretentious jade piece and released the soul into the jade piece, feeling the mysterious prohibition in the jade piece.

"Good and clever means, it is not easy to leave a forbidden person in the jade film, and the rumors of the forbidden pattern are very deep, and the time of this prohibition is probably more than 100,000 years."

Ye Chenfeng's soul has gone through a lot of hard work, but he relied on a powerful soul to crack the ban, but he failed. He immediately controlled the power of the brain to penetrate into the jade film.

With the speed of the detonation of the brain, the speed of the brain is increased to the peak, and a large number of souls penetrate into the jade piece, forcing the ban on the amplitude of tens of thousands of times per second.


When Ye Chenfeng spent several hours, when cracking the night, the ban in the jade film finally showed a crack.

"Call, the prohibition in this jade film is really powerful, to devour the power of the brain, and only broke a crack overnight."

Ye Chenfeng saw the dawn, stopped the brain and brains, and resumed the simple tempering. He left the wing and went to the battlefield to participate in today's martial arts competition.

Becoming a gold star, the strength of the object of Ye Chenfeng’s fighting is obviously improved, and the difficulty of the challenge has increased a lot. Thousands of strokes have been fought, and Ye Chenfeng, who pretends to be struggling, has defeated two fighting opponents in a thrilling way. Completed fifty-three consecutive games.

Beat two opponents, Ye Chenfeng glanced at the southwest corner of the stand with the light, and revealed a strange smile. He booked the battle of tomorrow, left the battlefield, and directly returned to the wing to continue to crack the jade. Prohibition in the middle.

When the speed is deduced, the high-amplitude brain is continuously cracked into the evening, and the prohibition in the jade film is finally broken. Ye Chenfeng discovered an ancient magical vertigo in the jade film.

"Spiritual magic!"

Ye Chenfeng’s brow screamed, showing the joy of the accident.

Dizziness, a mysterious magic that directly attacks the soul. The stronger the soul, the stronger the vertigo generated by the vertigo, and the longer it lasts.

The soul of Ye Chenfeng has been extremely powerful, and the vertigo is enough to make the five-level beast emerald dizzy.

Feeling this vertigo is tailor-made for yourself. Ye Chenfeng resists the excitement in his heart, immediately controls the brain and stuns the stuns and swears in his mind, and meditates.

Just as he was immersed in vertigo until late at night, his keen perception was banned through the house and felt a crisis.

A strong ban shrouded the inn and sealed the entire inn.

The enchanting woman with good strength appeared with four true masters of the first-class beastly kingdom in the realm of the beast, ready to kill Ye Chenfeng, revenge for the dead man in blood.


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