Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 943: Positive confrontation

"After the ages of the ages, put away the body of your demon and go with me to a place."

Ye Chenfeng can't resist the command, and sent the ancient moon, the spirit fish, and the king of killing to the Qiankun environment.

"Ye Shao, what is this place?"

Looking at the picturesque scenery, the trees are shaded, and the aura of the world is full of spirits. The eyes of the ancient times have widened their eyes and asked with a look of surprise.

"This is my treasure of space. In the future, you and the spirit fish will cultivate here." Ye Chenfeng said faintly.

"Space Treasure!"

Amazing autumn brow, picking up the morning wind and these treasures, with space treasures, Ye Chenfeng is equal to the invincible position, he originally wanted to kill him is just wishful thinking.

"After the ages, you will go to the healing, and the inheritance of the heavens you will get will be passed on to me. I am very interested in the inheritance of the family." Ye Chenfeng looked at the scarred autumn, whispering .


A thousand autumn can not resist the command of Ye Chenfeng, nodded, and came to an ancient wood to absorb the rich aura healing in Qiankun.

"I don't know if the brain is swallowing up the soul of the day, will it form a soul fragment."

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and sat on the ground, controlling the rapid squirming of the brain and refining the soul of the gods.

After more than an hour, the brains swallowed the soul of the gods, but did not form any soul fragments, but began the fifth transformation.

A large number of brain cells divide, forming new brain cells, and a brand new sub-brain is slowly formed. Once the brain is completed five times, a new sub-brain can be formed.

The brain has begun to change, and Ye Chenfeng tries to merge the blood of Tian Zun, which was suppressed by Chaos.

Although this drop of Tianzun's blood has been honed over hundreds of thousands of years, the power is not as strong as it is, but it is still huge.

"Souling, refining!"

Ye Chenfeng calms down and controls the brain to control the blood of the gods. He tries to form a third blood in the body and quickly improve his strength.


Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng felt a powerful transmission force in the Tianling through the Qiankun dynasty. It spread throughout the Tianling, guessing that Tianling was about to close, and did not hesitate to leave the Qiankun, let Tianling The power of transmission that emerged in the middle of the day, transmitted itself out of Tianling.

"The space entrance appears, they are finally coming out!"

There was a waiting for the end of the nine-story heaven and other people to see the space entrance above the nine-level skysteps, and the eyes flashed out of the road.

"Father, you said that the two of them will eventually come out from the Tianling?" Brake ice cloud stared at the entrance to the space, whispered.

"They are both talented and talented. Anyone can be the final winner. However, from the perspective of strength and strength, the ancient autumn is most likely to come out from Tianling."

Thinking of the ancient times, there is a doubt that the soul of the heavenly power can help, and the world is more optimistic about him.

"There is a big chance in the ancient autumn, big secrets, but don't forget, that black rock is the one who created two miracles in succession. Whether the name of the nine heavens is still tested through the road of thunder, it is enough to prove He is not simple. The hidden secrets on his body may be more terrible than the ancient autumn."

When wearing a phoenix robes, although the head is full of silver, but the charm still exists, the patience star with a mature charm slowly said.

"Well, they are all dragons among people, but they have the ability to do all the time, and they want to leave alive. Maybe with the opportunity they brought out from Tianling, we can live for a few more years."

The eyes of the world are flashing with sizzling colors, and the killing is said.

"Yes, no matter who they are, they are damned. The roots of my star Luotiancheng must not be shaken by them." The ice cloud nodded and said in a tone of gloom.

"Ice cloud, the task of controlling the big array is handed over to you, as long as this ban is not broken, they have the ability to go all out, and they want to leave here alive." Brah said.

When talking, a vague figure flew out of the space black hole, appearing outside the nine-story heaven, and suddenly, countless pairs of eyes brushed and looked over.

"Black Rock, he turned out to be the last winner."

"It seems that the secret of this black rock is more than that of the ages, but it is better, killing him, everything in him will be ours."

Speaking, the end of the world, the pity star flies up, draws two afterimages in the air, and flies to Ye Chenfeng at an extremely fast speed, intercepting him.

"Break the world, pity star!"

Looking at the speed of the speed of the world and the pity star, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes flashed, the blood of the dragon burned, and the soul increased by seven times.

"Black Rock, don't make unnecessary struggles, don't give up your chances, I can give you a good time, otherwise I will let you survive and can't die." The end of the world looked fiercely at Ye Chen. The wind, said quietly.

"Shu Tianya, are you stupid?" Ye Chenfeng carried his hands and said: "I am killing you now, are you dead?"


When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s sarcasm, the face of the world changed greatly, and a thick flame was ejected from the eyes, as if I wanted to melt the leaf morning wind.

"How? Not convinced? Then I will be convinced."

Ye Chenfeng sneered a sneer, life and death dashed to his body, deducted to the extreme, evolved into a life and death road, with the power of life and death, the bombing to the end of the world.

"You are looking for death!"

The moment of the explosion broke out, and there was a starlight behind him, which turned into a starry star, and slammed into the life and death roads that Ye Chenfeng played.


Two powerful attacks collided together and set off a big wave, which shook the entire void.

"Pity star, give me a crush, I will kill him personally!"

Rely on the absolute strength to resist the life and death of the two poles, the end of the world violently screamed, condensed out the eight killing aperture, the power of rolling and killing vented in his body.

"Basic Shurao Gong, I happen to be this trick."

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and the high-speed operation of the eight-brake repairing Luogong condensed the eight killing apertures. The killing of blood and white bones permeated him.

"Well, where did you learn from my star Luotiancheng heritage."

Looking at the eight killing apertures that Ye Chenfeng condenses, the squatting shrinks in the end of the world, and he said.

"Want to know? Your Majesty, give me three heads, I will tell you." Ye Chenfeng sneered.

"Mom, the old man has not burned you."

In the eyes of the public, he was ridiculed by Ye Chenfeng. He completely angered the end of the world. He violently screamed and attacked Ye Chenfeng with a chilling murderousness.

"Who is not sure!"

"True Dragons!"

Ye Chenfeng broke out of the dragon's power in the body, and the change became a life-like, blood-staining real dragon, smashing the magical skills of the world, bombarded on his body.


Along with the sound of a dragon that rang through the sky, the end of the world was transformed by Ye Chenfeng, and the real dragon with the attacking power climbed and flew out.

When the fortune was stabilized and the body was out of control, Ye Chenfeng took the Emperor's sword and smashed it up. The sword of the sky filled with the power of heaven and earth fell down and squatted on the body of the world.


The best way to be carried out by Ye Chenfeng in a row, the moment of the moment was hurt, and a bright red blood was sprayed in his mouth, blood stained.


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