Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 953: Stars and Vientiane

"A terrible illusion power, if this illusion power directly targets the soul, it is estimated that people will be lost in an instant, and they will not be able to extricate themselves in the illusion!"

Looking at the endless starry sky, the falling meteors in the distance are so real, Ye Chenfeng can not help but feel the terrible of the Emperor.

Although Ye Chenfeng has experienced a lot, but the Star Emperor, regardless of his strength or means, is the best he has ever seen. He wants to know that this Xingluo Mausoleum, in addition to the inheritance of the Star Emperor, Nirvana Heart, Central Outside the map of the outer heavens of the mainland, is there any anti-day thing?

Ye Chenfeng’s five people carefully flew in this strange starry sky, flying and flying. They found a star whirlpool in the strange star sky. When the meteors across the sky passed through the vortex, they were immediately The vortex swallowed inside and was instantly broken.

"A terrible star whirlpool, a meteor can be smashed, and this person must be swallowed up inside, I am afraid there will be no bones."

Looking at the scene of the star whirlpool and the meteor, wearing a phoenix robes, the graceful and precious Zeng Biyue took a sigh of coolness and was shocked by the whirlpool of the stars.

"I think this star whirlpool may be the exit of this starry sky."

Ye Chenfeng stared at the Star Whirlpool for a while. After five transformations, he became more anti-Japanese and he was aware of the anomaly. He suddenly spoke.

"Are you sure?"

The summer butterfly turned his head and looked at him, asking in a faint way.

"Jiucheng grasp!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "You are waiting for me here, I am close to the star whirlpool, it should be completely certain."

"Morning wind, be careful, be dangerous and come back soon!"

Jiang Xingchen is very concerned about Ye Chenfeng, afraid of accidents and serious martyrdom.

"Star King's predecessors don't have to worry about him!" The summer butterfly knows Ye Chenfeng's means, revealing two cute little dimples: "As the saying goes, good people don't live longevity and live for thousands of years. He will never have anything to do." ."

叶晨风: "..."

"A terrible tearing power!"

Before the whirlpool of the stars, I feel a little pressure with the strong power of Ye Chenfeng. He feels that the starry sky he is in is so fragile that it is stirred by the stars and whirls, and it may collapse at any time.

But on Ye Chenfeng’s face, there is no worry, because he believes in his own strength, even if the space collapses, it will not be able to save his life.


The power of the brain is completely radiated out, projected into the whirlpool of stars, sensing its virtual reality.

Sure enough, all this is an illusion. This star vortex is the channel that connects the next illusion space, and it should test the courage, power and insight of the human being.

The brain is easily aware of the illusion of the stars, and Ye Chenfeng’s voice tells the four butterflies of the summer butterfly that the body flashes and the first one breaks into the stars and disappears.

"Go, let's keep up!"

The four people of the summer butterfly did not hesitate, withstood the terrible space tearing force, followed the leaf morning wind, and entered the star whirlpool, forcing through the space channel filled with the twisting force.

About half a column of incense, Ye Chenfeng had worn a space channel that was constantly twisting and entered into another starry sky. In this starry sky, three flashing red lights appeared. Space channels, the upper space of each channel in turn writes simple, difficult, nightmare.

Looking at three imaginary space characters, Ye Chenfeng knows that this should represent the difficulty of each channel, and to get the most precious inheritance of the Emperor's Mausoleum, you must wear a nightmare difficulty. Channel.

"Morning wind, our three old guys have little interest in the inheritance of the Star Emperor, even if the difficulty is difficult to challenge."

Jing Xingchen did not compete with Ye Chenfeng and Xia Wei Butterfly for the most precious inheritance of the Imperial Tomb. All of them chose the difficult passage and entered it.

"Let's go, let's see how big the test of this nightmare is!"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the side, dressed in fluttering, beautiful summer butterfly, and she slowly flew to the blood-red light, containing a chilling nightmare difficulty channel.

When the two of them broke through the entrance to the passage, they found that the other party was gone, and they appeared in a blood-red space. In this space, the sun in the sky is red, the earth is red, and the mountains are red. The rocks are red, and even the slow flowing river is red.

It can be said that except for Ye Chenfeng, everything here is red, and the color of blood red is depressing, and it is uncomfortable to say.

But the heart of Ye Chenfeng’s martial arts is strong, and the influence of the outside world on the inner heart is slowly flying toward this blood-red space.


Suddenly, a deafening beast rang, a body that was more than a kilometer in length, and the blood-red dragon flew out in the distant blood mountain, with a tens of meters of blood basin The morning wind of the leaves sent out a cloud-like sound, which caused his eardrum to hurt, and the whole body's blood rolled.

"Dragon, the illusion of the blood dragon!"

Looking at the clouds and the **** dragons, the **** dragons that are being promoted at a rapid speed immediately analyze that this blood dragon is not real, but is formed by prohibition.

"Blood Dragon, up!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and the rolling and moving soul became a blood dragon emperor. With the imposing manner of the world, he rushed to ban the blood dragon, and he fought in midair.

Continuously passed the penalty to break into the fourth-level beastmaster, Ye Chenfeng’s soul beast blood dragon emperor has been greatly tempered and become extremely terrible, coupled with the innate dragon and glory, and The ban on blood dragon war not only did not fall into the wind, but restrained its attack.

When the Dragon King and the banned blood dragon battle, Ye Chenfeng controlled the high-speed deduction of the brain, inducing this blood-red world, looking for a breakthrough.

"Array method, this blood red world is formed by the formation!"

Under the deduction of the brain, Ye Chenfeng learned the truth of this **** world. It is actually a big array under the Emperor's cloth. If you want to leave, you must find the core and break the whole array.


Ye Chenfeng promoted the virtual real-time of the blood world. The blood dragon emperor of the great powers bite the neck of the banned blood dragon, violently exerted force, biting down the meteorite-like faucet and extinguishing it.


Ye Chenfeng flashed and appeared on the Blood Dragon Emperor. He stepped on the huge faucet and flew to the distant blood-stained mountains to find the position of the heart.

Ye Chenfeng drove the blood dragon emperor just flew into the blood-colored mountains. A blood-red ancient wood shook, and large swaths of blood red leaves fell off the lush crown, such as the overwhelming sword, attacking Ye Chenfeng and the blood dragon emperor.

"Blood Dragon, Fusion!"

It feels that every piece of blood red leaf that hits is as sharp as the best heavenly instrument. Ye Chenfeng decisively blends with the blood dragon emperor, using his own hard resistance against the medium-grade device.

Intensive blood red leaves attacked the body of Ye Chenfeng, constantly penetrating the soul defense, but when stabbed in Ye Chenfeng meat, he could not damage him.

"Stepping on the clouds, amplitude!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts and actions, summoned the Taobao stepping boots, constantly amplitude speed, penetrating the dense blood red leaf tide, such as a meteor, slipping in the void.

When Ye Chenfeng flew deep into the Scarlet Mountains, a **** ancient wood of more than ten meters high suddenly rose up and plunged into Ye Chenfeng with tens of millions of pounds.

"Jianbu, broken!"

Ye Chenfeng stepped out and gave birth to a sword figure at the foot. The dense sword line was flying like this. The blood-colored ancient wood that was hit from all directions was broken, and the continuous cracking focused on the test.

Generally, the Emperor of the Emperor, in the face of the test in the blood color space, will never be as easy as Ye Chenfeng, and they will be helpless if they are attacked by the best of the best.

"The heart of the mind, the brain is in the heart to find the heart!"

When the morning wind cracked the test like a broken bamboo, he came to the depths of the blood-colored mountains, locked the position of the heart, and quickly flew over to a body covered with bones, revealing a sinister atmosphere and a strange coffin. Over the sky.

And this corpse is the heart of the blood space, broken here, the blood can be broken.


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