Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 972: Heroes

Shengze Lake, a large inland lake with a wide area, is picturesque and has a pleasant scenery. It is known as one of the seven scenic spots on the mainland.

The scenery of Shengze Lake is very beautiful, but few people can appreciate its beauty, because Shengze Lake is a forbidden zone on the mainland of the Xingluo, and the Senluo Temple, one of the super-powers of the mainland, is located in Shengze Lake. On the island of the lake.

At this time, in the Shengze Lake, there was a looming pattern of looming, and the killing of Ye Chenfeng and others outside the Xingluo Mausoleum failed, and the defense of Sen Luo Dian reached the highest level.

"Master, do you say they will retaliate against my Sen Luo Temple?"

Wearing a black long skirt, the man is taller than the average man, although the appearance is average, but the hot Sen Luodian master Sen Ming said with a sad face.

Few people have seen the true face of Sen Luo Dian, and few people know that the sorrowful Sen Luo Dian is a woman.

"Yes, they will retaliate against us, and will be the first to us!"

In the middle of the Senlu Temple, although he did not participate in the murder outside the Emperor's Mausoleum, he could see a lot of things clearly after living for nearly 10,000 years.

"Master, you said that if I am retaliated by Sen Luo Dian, Star Luo Tiancheng, will the real devils come to help?" Sen Ming lost the past, the six gods said.

"Hey, the star of the mainland is going to change, we are afraid to stand the wrong team."

Sen Tuo’s eyes are deep and deep, and people can’t speculate on his inner thoughts.

And after a period of retreat, he took advantage of the benefits from the real Mozu, and broke through to the sixth level of the beastly kingdom, standing on the top of the mainland.

"Master, if we give up Shengze Lake, give up more than 100,000 years of foundation, leave the mainland, find a safe place to recuperate, wait for the opportunity to come back!" Mori meditated, some unwilling Said.

"Well, you are going to prepare now, we are leaving here!" Mori said not to say sadly.


When Sen Ming was ready to release the order to evacuate Shengze Lake, the ban on the whole lake shook a lot, and the sound of a lot of tears in the air rang in the air.

After listening to the strange noise from the void, Mori’s brow wrinkled tightly and slowly stood up and said: “It seems that we can’t go, they are already here. Let’s go out and see See them."

Speaking, the expression was calm, and there was a smattering Mori in his eyes, and Mori came to the Senro Hall, and saw Ye Chenfeng and others who were attacking the big island.

" Ten years of Hedong in the ten years of Hexi, I did not expect that the Sen Luo Temple actually fell into such a field!"

Looking at Jiang Xingchen, Bai Feng and others, Sen Tu could not help but think of his arrogance, and Jasper Palace, the Xiahou family oppressed the White House, and all of this was ruined by one person, that person is Ye Chen wind.

"Sen Tu, you have already gone, open the big island of the island, and you will be shackled, otherwise don't blame the old man for killing!"

Jing Xingchen carried his hands, through the violent wave of the island, watching the old-fashioned sergeant of the black robe, said the momentum.

"As an old adversary, I think you should know me, and I know you, if I am shackled, or you will be impressed by your imprint in your soul, or you will be suppressed by the millennium until you die. These two endings are not what I want, so don't waste your tongue, I won't be shackled." Mori said with his hands on his back and his voice flat.

"Sen Tu, you can not understand if you are not afraid of death, but are you willing to watch other people die because of you?" Zeng Biyue, who is fluttering and full of charm, said.

"I can't even protect myself, talk about protecting them!" Mora said coldly and ruthlessly.

After hearing Mori, the face of Mori and others changed slightly, and the heart groaned.

Sen Tu will put aside life and death, but they don't want to die, but they know the method of Mori, who dares to betray the bones of this festival, and can't escape his poisonous hands.

"Master, do you really want to break with them?" Sen Ming gently bit his lip and asked.

"Is there a second way to choose?" Sen Tu said faintly, the calm touch makes people feel chilly and scary.


"Sen Ming, I have raised you, in order to push you to the position of Lord Solo, how many people I killed, now is the time for you to repay me." Mori suddenly revealed a white tooth, said .

Looking at Mori suddenly laughed, Mori felt deeply uneasy, and instinctively wanted to retreat and stay away from him.

But Morrison broke through to the sixth level of the beastly kingdom, and his strength reached an extremely terrible level. His big hand, like a large hand showing a fang, directly caught Sen Ning's neck.

And this sudden scene, stunned all the masters of the Sen Luo Temple, but also let Ye Chenfeng and others show the color of surprise.

"Master, I have not betrayed you, don't kill me!"

There was a mid-air in the neck of Sen Tu, and Sen Ming immediately wanted to resist, but when she resisted, a powerful force bound her, and she had to beg for mercy.

"Of course I know that you have not betrayed me, but at this time of life and death, shouldn't you do something for the master to repay the master's kindness to you?"

Sen Tu showed a cruel smile, and his left hand smashed with a breath of death, and directly shattered Mori’s head.

Next, Mori opened his mouth and spit out a blood-red, six-ribbon blood map inlaid with six strange stones, madly devouring the blood of Sen.

Between the blink of an eye, the body of the fourth-level beast of the beastly realm was smothered by the six-ribbed blood map and turned into a dry corpse.

The venom of the body of Sen Ming was swallowed up, and the power of blood and blood contained in the six-ribbed blood map was boiling. A **** face appeared in the picture, and a horrible devil cry came out, chilling.

"The Gorefiend, how can this treasure be in your hands?"

Looking at the six-ribbed blood map of the **** face, the face of Jiang Xingchen's three people became very ugly.

The Gorefiend is a notorious treasure. It was circulated more than 200,000 years ago. In the hands of a murderer who claims to be a Gorefiend, he has set off a **** hurricane in the mainland. Therefore, many families are directly destroyed.

In the end, his atrocities angered the Stars of the Sky, when the Lord of the Stars and the City of the United States joined the family of the big family, killing him together, or he escaped with the help of the Gorefiend.

Since then, the Gorefiend and the Gorefiend have disappeared in the land of Fighting Soul, but what people did not expect is that this evil treasure is obtained by Mori.

"What, is it unexpected?" With the blood and life of Mori's blood, the **** demon figure was awakened. Mori revealed a sly smile and said slowly: "Why can't the Gorefiend figure be in my hand?" /

"It seems that you have a great relationship with the Gorefiend." Jiang Xingchen whispered.

"Since you exposed the Gorefiend map, you all have to die today, but before you kill you, I invite you to watch the show first!"

Speaking, Mori Tu, who controlled the Gorefiend, suddenly plucked himself to the stunned Sen Luo Dian master, and a **** slaughter was staged.

ps: There are 4,700 people in the WeChat WeChat public account. For each additional 1000 people, the tears add a chapter, everyone is coming! Public address: ylty83, part of the female host has been sent


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