Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 990: The news of Magic Cloud

Seagull, blue sky, boundless sea.

The three giant wheels are like giant blades. They ride the wind and waves, tearing open the blue sea and sailing quickly.

Finally, a boundless continent is looming in the thick sea fog.

"North Spirit, I am finally back, Nishang, are you okay?"

Ye Chenfeng stood on the deck of the sea wheel and looked at the mainland in the distance. In his mind, he could not help but show the amazing appearance of the moon.

Leaving the Luoluo mainland, Ye Chenfeng was accompanied by Jiang Xingchen's three major six-level beastmasters. He stayed behind in the city of killing, the floating mountain of Sanxing Island, and the family of Fu, and returned to the fighting spirit by sea-going. mainland.

In the few months after returning to the North Spirit, refining the three avenues that Ye Chenfeng received in the Xingluo Mausoleum for more than 200,000 years, Linghu and Fu Qingshan both broke through to the third level. The realm of the beast.

When the spirit fish broke through the realm, it also attracted terrible Thunderbolt, and spent thousands of thunderbolts. The strength of the spirit fish soared more than ten times, and the strength of the ** reached 70 million jins, which was enough to defeat the general five. Level beast master.

"Boss, do you can't wait to go to the moon, let them surrender under your arrogance, ask you to forgive their ignorance, and then go to the moon girl in the moonlight, and fly with her. ."

The chaotic beast is lying on the deck with some laziness, watching the look slightly excited, Ye Chenfeng, split his mouth and said.

"If they don't know what to do, they will do something that hurts the clothes, I don't mind letting them disappear in the East."

Although the moon is a good place for eight products, the overall strength is far less than that of Xingluo Tiancheng. Even if it is compared with Jiang, Bai and Jasper Palace, there is still a big gap.

The power that Ye Chenfeng now has is enough to kill the moon.

"Boss, you are more and more domineering, I like it!" Chaos beast mourns the scorpion.

The three sea-going vessels are getting faster and faster. Soon, three sea-going vessels sailed into a busy seaport on the northern continent with a large number of fishing boats.

"Floating sister, you really decided to return to the site of the floating mountain, where to rebuild?"

A group of people walked down the sea, Ye Chenfeng came to a tall figure, surrounded by a green and green long skirt, charming and moving snow drifting around, asked softly.

"Well, I discussed it with the master. The floating mountain is our root. We can't give up." The snow nodded and said: "And the ethereal fairyland is destroyed, but the fairyland comes from Tianyu. It will never be completely destroyed, so we decided to rebuild the misty mountains on the site."

"Well, since you have already decided, then we will go to the old site of the floating mountain, and after I help you rebuild, I will go to the East China!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Thank you!"

Snow is grateful to say that Ye Chenfeng can delay the time for them, so she is very moved.

When a group of people flew to the old site of the floating mountain, suddenly, the powerful soul of Ye Chenfeng, after a distant mountain in the distance, felt that more than ten extremely fast flying beasts were flying in their direction.

"No, the green-winged bird we drove was on the verge of oil, and it took more than half an hour to fly. I am afraid I will explode and die."

A man is covered in blood, his face is white and there is no trace of blood. The young man in the realm of the third level against the Beastmaster, looked at the more than a dozen black men who were chasing after him, tired and anxious.

"Wind marks brother, what should we do, I still don't want to die."

The girl who wore a long white dress and her blood flowed in her arms said desperately. A lot of tears swirled in her eyes and she was about to cry.

"We fight with them, even if we die, I have to pull a back." The big man with a beard and a beard said with a bite, and he had a desperate posture.

"Yes, even if we die, we can't give people to Yunyunzong. I don't have any kind of cloud." The cloud cloud nodded and said: "Everyone is calming their minds, healing quickly, waiting for them to chase, we And they will die forever."

The words of the cloud cloud have just fallen, and many of the warriors have a look of despair and helplessness. Two girls with good looks are even scared and shed tears.

"Someone, how come so many people in front!"

When the Yunyunzong people drove the green-winged bird at the limit of life and death, they leapt to the magnificence, and they were shocked when they did not enter the peaks of the clouds.

They saw that there were dense figures in front of them, directly blocking the void and blocking their way.

When they fell into a panic and hesitated to take risks, they saw Ye Chenfeng, the snow-falling and other familiar faces, and the eyes were rounded, revealing an incredible color.

"Yes, people who are floating in the mountains, they are back, we are saved!"

Flower cloud marks and other people did not think that in the life and death, people who meet the misty mountains will inspire the potential of the green-winged birds at any cost and fly quickly.


There are more than a dozen black-shirted people who have been chasing after them. They saw the densely-scarred figure and jumped away. They immediately gave up the idea of ​​chasing and wanted to evacuate quickly.

"Chaos, stop me from intercepting them, don't let them run."

Ye Chenfeng’s eyes flashed in the cold, watching more than a dozen black men who ran away and ordered.

"Give me the boss!"

The chaotic beast roared, and the huge body accelerated fiercely, with a daunting demon power, intercepting more than a dozen black people.


After being intercepted by Chaos, the more than a dozen black people have sacrificed their own weapons, and they have tried their best to attack the chaotic beasts and want to push them back.

Combined with the white tiger bones, the chaotic beast became extremely scary, and the attack launched by more than a dozen black people did not constitute a trace of damage.


A scream of a cracking stone shook, and the chaotic beast stunned more than a dozen black people with a few large flying beasts. The eyes fell black from the air and fell to the ground. personnel.

"Thank you for the Lord of Snow, the help of you!"

Seeing the scene of a chaotic beast and a stun of more than a dozen black people, the flow of cloud marks shocked and at the same time very glad, long sighed and grateful.

"Cloud marks, what happened in the end, who is chasing you? How is your situation?"

Looking at the wounded, the cloudless sect of the sect of the cloud is a cloud, and the snow is floating and asks.

"Hey, the snow lords have disappeared these years, the Northern Spirits have been attacked by the war, not only I have been ruined by the thieves of the Western Continents, and the Valley of the Valley has suffered heavy casualties. Now the Northern Spirit has been demonized by the West Devils. Zong control, we can only be displaced, and hide in Tibet." Flowing cloud marks sighed softly and revealed the situation of the Northern Spirit.

"Northern Lingu is controlled by West Mozong!" Ye Chenfeng brows gently and picks: "Don't the magic wind cloud in the Northern Spirits."

"Well, I heard that the magic wind cloud is cultivated in the old site of the floating mountain, but now, his strength has become more terrible, no one can rival." Flow cloud marks said.

"This magical wind cloud should have found a big chance in the ethereal fairyland site, otherwise he will not stay here all the time!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth corner is slightly upturned, and a sharp edge is raised. "Go, let's go to the ethereal Mountain, will be our old friend."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng waved and killed more than a dozen black men with blood on the hands of the Northern Ling Dynasty, leading everyone to the misty mountains.

ps: I am finally back, asking for a red envelope! !

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