Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 806: The slavery is rejecting Murong

Murong Yong's mouth twitched with disdain: "Yao Xing, since I dare to say this in front of you in this way, I am naturally well prepared, and King Zhongshan is not stupid. He also knows that only I can win the battle, Without me, he can't even deal with Yang Ding. Besides, if he wants to return to Kanto in the future, he may clash with the Jin army and even Wu Wang. When foreign enemies are strong, they will destroy the Great Wall by themselves. Isn't it a fool's thing to do? ? Furthermore, I want to return to His Majesty to reset, even in the presence of King Zhongshan, he cannot say half a word. "

Yao Xing hummed softly: "If we had not grabbed Fu Jian's military food and consumed his elite, only relying on the intimate internal relations of you Xianbei Xiyan and wanting to win Fujian, it would be a fool's dream. "

Murong Yong laughed: "This sentence is more applicable to you, Yao Shizi, you Qiang people have a few pounds or a few pounds, don't you count, we are in front of Fu Jian, I am afraid that you are not even Lingling Stay here. Even a small town in Xinping can't be attacked. Is it interesting to compare with our military strength? "

Yao Xing didn't answer this word, and looked at Liu Yu: "Liu Yu, although I don't like Murong Yong, but he said something reasonable, now we have a common enemy Fu Jian, and even you, there are only a few A few months ago, Fu Jian was also your enemy of the Jin Kingdom. You are not here to serve him, but to save the people in Guanguan. This promise, Murong Yong should be honored. He is right, Murong himself is the power of Kanto, This place should belong to the Yao Qiang people. We will establish our country here and become independent. We will naturally treat the people well. If Murong Yong is not good for the people, we will not let them go first. You ca n’t believe him, at least. I should have believed that I was Yao Xing. If there are no people, then what is the point of our country? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "This scene is so familiar, just like Ding Ling and Heping Gu many years ago, you, me, and Murong Lan, also discussed how to harm Qin and make Fu Jianguo die. Yao Xing , Do you want history to repeat itself? "

Yao Xing laughed: "Isn't it good to repeat it again? Last time our three parties cooperated and successfully defeated the Qin Kingdom, your Dajin was preserved, and we Qiang and Murong also established their own nations, and the sphere of influence was divided. This time it is decided, you have to protect the people of Guanzhong. This time we will work together again to destroy Fujian, and then the Xiyan Army will return to the east. Our Qiang Army will take over Chang'an and will treat the people well. Proper? "

Liu Yu said quietly: "Because I don't believe you will keep your promise, the most direct problem is that I can't believe the Xianbei people."

Murongyong's face changed: "Liu Yu, I said that as long as you cooperate with me and kill Fujian, I will let King Zhongshan restrain his people and will not harm the people of Chang'an. This is my promise, don't you believe it ?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Don't you burn and loot, or are you Murong Xianbei people? I have come to Chang'an this way, in the Central Plains, in Huaibei, and especially in Guanzhong, I have seen enough of your Xianbei people's means to break through the city, there is no one Those who are not looted or burned, you are a group of nomadic robbers. Are there robbers who do not rob things? "

Murong Yong hooked the corner of his mouth: "Those are just spoils after breaking the city, Liu Yu, you are also a soldier. After the victory of your Beifu army, don't you just go to the indulgence and take your spoils? As long as I restrain the military discipline, Let them only take things without hurting people's lives, wouldn't it work? You only want to protect the people in Guanzhong, but they didn't say they want to preserve their belongings. "

Liu Yu said coldly: "We Beifu Army will not rob our own Han people. Our loot is the weight seized from the enemy's camp. These are two different things. The cities we recaptured need to be stationed outside the city. Anbang in the city to appease the people, these things, you Xianbei people have done, you Qiang people have done? "

Yao Xing's face turned slightly red, and he didn't speak, but Murong Yong gritted his teeth and said: "How do you do your business? We Xianbei people have been this tradition since ancient times. After attacking the city, we must get the corresponding rewards. Otherwise, no one will work hard. I will say it again, we will protect the people of Ancheng for a long time, but the spoils are taken by us. "

Liu Yu laughed: "Okay, let's not say this loot, take a step back and say your promise. Can you really do it? Your hundreds of thousands of Xiyan Army, hundreds of thousands of Xianbei members, you say no If you kill, you do n’t kill? You just said that Murong Chong wanted to take revenge, and would rather give up the opportunity to go to Kanto. If he lays down Changan, would he turn away and kill only Fu Jian? I have seen your Xiyan Army with my own eyes. Even the captives did not let go. Tens of thousands of people said that killing is just killing. Can you forbid such a cruel revenge? "

Murongyong frowned: "During the war, there was hatred, whether the enemy's pawns were killed or surrendered. It was just a tactical matter. Haven't your Jin soldiers also slaughtered the captives."

Liu Yu said coldly: "You kill more than the other soldier ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ including the people in Guanzhong near Chang'an, as long as you don't give up all your family property obediently, you all say kill to kill Now, there are so many people coming to flee in Chang'an City, or all the nearby residents are docking themselves to protect themselves, aren't they all forcing you? To tell you the truth, Murong Yong, I just believe that the old sow is on the tree, nor I will believe that you Xianbei people will put down the butcher's knife. No matter whether it is your cruel nature or Murong Chong's heart that has been distorted by revenge, it is impossible for you to restrain your men. "

Murong Yong gritted his teeth: "So, is there nothing left to talk about?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "Yes, no talk. And if I assassinate Fu Jian, even if it succeeds, my life can't be saved, and it will be impossible for someone to force you to honor this promise. Murong Yong, any agreement is established It must be based on the common interests. In addition, there must be a means for the other party to ensure implementation. Now that we do not have any of these two, what cooperation are we talking about? "

Yao Xing sighed: "Yes, Liu Yu, listening to you, I don't dare to issue a guarantee for General Murong's words. He can't replace Murong Chong, and Sergeant Xianbei has been able to keep the scourge in check for a while. This hatred The knot is too deep, even if they are ordered by the generals, the soldiers below will not obey. Let ’s think about his other way. But I have to put it here, you ca n’t save Fujian now if you want the king to walk long. Wang Zhenren has the ability to predict the future, but after all, he ca n’t call the wind and rain, nor will he throw the beans into soldiers, it is impossible to count on him to help Fu Jian win the battle. Besides, the heavenly machine ca n’t be easily leaked, otherwise, it will There is a condemnation. Am I right, Wang Zhenren? "

Speaking of the last sentence, Yao Xing looked at Wang Jia with a smile, and there was a threatening look in his eyes.

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