Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Illusionary controllers kill each other

That man was Yang Ding, who was also in a hurry with sweat. If the generals had not been instinct in battle, the two would directly bump into their arms. Yang Ding flashed quickly to the side and looked at Liu Yu The burly figure ran past him like a wind, his eyes widened and he was surprised, "Liu Yu, where are you going?"

Fu Jian's voice slowly sounded behind Yang Ding: "He has important things to do, General Yang, get all the people together, let's go to the new house for dinner."

Liu Yu's heart was like a fire, and his feet were like stepping on a hot wheel. The whole person ran up like a flying electric switch, running from the two ceremonial halls to the entrance of the partial hall, but it took half a quarter of an hour, but In Liu Yu's mind, almost a whole year passed.

But when Liu Yu ran outside the hall, he suddenly stopped, the breath of death filled in silence, the door of the hall was hidden, and he could not see the inside. The sergeant who was supposed to be outside the hall was actually There was no one, quietly, with a gusty wind, and through the gap in the hall door, Liu Yu suddenly became alert, and there was a dangerous breath, and he drew a big knife from his back and gently extended it. To the false gate.

A faint scent came, seemingly psychedelic, Liu Yu just touched it, and felt dizzy for a while. He quickly turned around and took a few breaths into the outside air, and then he was sober, he Take out the small porcelain bottle that Zhi Daoan gave himself just from his arms, put it on his nose, and **** it a few times. Hearing this monk said, the foul smell in this small bottle can drive away evil spirits and awaken the gods, breaking all kinds of hatreds. The technique of confusion, unexpectedly, now comes in handy.

A strong stench emanated from the bottle, stimulating Liu Yu's brain, leaving his spiritual platform quiet, Liu Yu's stomach twitched, and there was a strong sense of vomiting, as if stealthily assassing Diao in the sewage channel many years ago When Kui was brother, the feeling of **** on the head came back again, but Liu Yu's dizzy mind was never seen again.

Liu Yu suddenly realized that this scent is so similar to the scent of the scent that he smelled when he was swearing in Tianshi Taoism many years ago. In that environment, those crazy believers and people The blood-stretched celestial-human interaction ceremony is still fresh in memory for so many years. It turns out that it also has the effect of this drug. As for the zombie, boy, and Liu Ji that I met after half a dream and half awake after that ceremony Slave grass, is it also illusion? Liu Yu's mind was suddenly filled with various question marks.

Liu Yu forced himself not to think about these problems, because he now knows that the most important thing now is to rescue Murong Lan and crack the entire conspiracy of Murong Wei and Qinghe brothers and sisters, and now he is only a few steps away from the truth.

The door of the hall was opened, but there were all kinds of corpses all over the hallway. Some are the inner attendants and maidens in the palace, and some are the guards sergeants in armor. Their faces are very familiar. It was just under Yang Ding's men when they were in Miyagi Square. These people are well dressed. Look Nowhere was hurt, but there was a strange smile on his face, and satisfaction on his face seemed to think of something beautiful.

Liu Yu's heart sank sharply. He accelerated his pace and went straight into it. The smell of the fragrance became heavier and heavier, but there was no white mist as before. Liu Yu's heart shone brightly. It was really a stench. Restraining the display of illusion, the fragrant fragrance is probably something that makes people mentally confused and irrational, and the appearance of white mist is the proof that people are in illusion. These people also seem to be in illusion and become puppets at the mercy of others. Then he died so unclearly. If he really took control to assassinate Fu Jian, he would be the same as these people.

As soon as Liu Yu gritted his teeth, he hurriedly stepped forward and rushed forward, only to hear a roar inside: "Gentlemen, follow me!"

"Nuo!" Dozens of thick voices roared out in a uniform voice, accompanied by the sound of sweeping knives.

There was a trace of surprise in Liu Yu's heart. Is there any sergeant who has not controlled the illusion? Do they have a way to crack the illusion? Or did Master Zhi Daoan also give them this self-defense? But this illusion matter was just discussed by everyone. How could Zhi Daoan have no reason to give ordinary guardians these illusion-disrupting drugs?

Liu Yu glanced at the porcelain bottle in his hand, which was inlaid with gold and jade. From the appearance, it was extremely precious. Obviously, it was not affordable by ordinary people, let alone one of these sergeants, and the sergeants and palace people outside died Is it possible for the people inside to escape from the illusion?

A trace of alertness flashed in Liu Yu's heart. He poured the thing in the porcelain bottle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ on one of his own sweat towels, and then covered his mouth and nose with this sweat towel. People were nauseous, but Liu Yu's brain became abnormally sober, and even more responsive. He tied the sweat towel behind his head and made himself a masked person, Then hold the knife in both hands and move forward steadily.

Liu Yu lifted the knife and entered the depths of the partial palace. When he pushed open the door of Muronglan ’s bedroom, three or four soldiers in the armor of the palace guard were now holding the sword and interacting with each other. Massacre, lying on the ground more than twenty bodies, all of them are the same generals of the Qin army, and the senior lieutenant I saw a while ago, already **** on his body, still holding the saber, and the two Qin in front of him The warriors are fighting each other in life and death. More than 30 Murong killers with black wolf heads, embroidered with evil wolf heads on their chests, standing with arms around them, sneer between the eyes, watching these people kill each other, and Behind the curtain, in a red tent, smoky, vaguely three figures could be seen shaking, two standing upright, one sitting back to the crowd, and a clear and audible female voice, like Murong Lan, The hall echoed: "Kill them, one will not stay, kill them, one will not stay!"

The three Qin Jun generals who were still standing were already crumbling. Each of them had at least a dozen wounds in their wounds, blood and flesh, and the three people's mouths and corners were full of blood, but their eyes But still staring at each other fiercely, like a crazy, the knife in their hands was flying like a fly, suddenly spurting out, and at the same time inserted into the abdomen of another person, and in their mouths, the last few were gritted. The words: "Kill them, one will not stay!" Then, the three corpses collapsed to the ground at the same time, with a strong pungent **** smell, mixed with that strange fragrance, and filled the whole hall!

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