Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 834: Eunuch's revenge

A trace of excitement flashed in Fu Jian's eyes, but he looked at Liu Yu: "Liu Yu, since General Yang is so confident, let him give it a try. After all, in the previous battle, Yan Jun was also positive It is not our Da Qin Tieqi's opponent. When Wang Yan was destroyed before, Wang Lugong also broke through their armor and riding uniforms. "

Liu Yu sighed: "This is your decision, I don't have much to say, but I want to remind you that at that time, Yan Guo led the soldiers to the incompetent Murong comment, and Qin Jun coach Wang Meng. Now Yan Jun is Under the command of Murong Yong, his military abilities are far above Murong's criticism. The reason why he did not dispatch armor and riding equipment in the previous period was because they hurriedly rebelled and were far inferior to your Qin army in equipment. But if they can win you once, Seized the equipment of your iron ride, the armor can be formed. This is what I said, the reason why you cannot afford to lose is this! "

Fu Jian gritted his teeth: "But now the situation is very good, the internal traitor is removed, don't take advantage of this time to fight, after the food is consumed, there is no chance. General Yang, I decided, you are handsome, the leader will attack, It ’s just that you have to remember to be careful, as long as you defeat the enemy, you do n’t need to attack their large camp to prevent fraud. "

Yang Ding raised the corner of his mouth with dissatisfaction: "If we defeat the enemy on the frontal battlefield, we can cover up and enter the camp. We have 30,000 iron riders. We are faster than the swallow thief. If we can chase them into the camp, the infantry will follow up. , Then you can break the enemy in one fell swoop. "

Fu Jian waved his hand: "This is a military order, General Yang, whether as your monarch or as your father-in-law, you should give me at least respect. Although there are no outsiders here, but I have decided on something, Please stop fighting. "

A trace of helplessness flashed on Yang Ding's face, still bowing his hands and saluting: "Following the order, we will prepare for it at the end, and tomorrow morning, we will lead the soldiers to attack! Only one person is needed to fight, and by the way, the head of Murong Wei Sent to the enemy camp, I don't know which death-stricken person is willing to go? "He said, looking at Liu Yu here.

Liu Yu knew what Yang Ding meant, and smiled slightly: "I went. I just wanted to explain the matter here with Murong Yong. Although the war between the two armies was inevitable, I had an appointment with him anyway. He needs to be explained to him. "

Fu Jian's face changed: "Never! Anyone can send a letter, only you Liu Yu can't do it. Because you have agreed with Murong Yong, now Murong Wei's death, he will count the account on your head . This is a very dangerous thing, I will not let you take the risk! "

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Fu Tianwang, when I was in Fangshui, didn't I also stand alone in your army formation, and handed you the battle of Xuanshuai? Didn't you kill that year? Let me avenge Liang Cheng. "

Fujian gritted his teeth and shook his head: "Not the same, Liu Yu, I admire you, that was the case at that time, and the two armies engaged in battle, each life and death was destiny, Liang Cheng was killed by war, not you killed by vile means. He, so of course I wo n’t avenge you, but Murong Yong, the Xianbei thieves, despicable and shameless, without any faith, they will really kill you. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "Someone will always go to this battle. This battle is very important to you Qin Kingdom. Although I have an appointment, I can't fight for you, but I still hope you can win, because if you lose, that city Millions of people are in danger of life. If you send someone with insufficient courage, it will only increase the morale and confidence of Yan Jun. Therefore, it is necessary for me. Murong Yong will not kill me at this time, this point I'm very sure."

Fu Jian frowned: "Why won't he kill you?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Because Murong Yong and Murong Chong actually hoped Murong Wei died, I helped them do what they did not dare to do, and they would only be happy. And more importantly, Murong Lan was still In the city, for this reason, they dare not kill me. Because no matter whether they can capture Chang'an, they will end up in Kanto. If they want to kill me, Muronglan will hate them, and Murong will be hostile to them. This is what they do n’t want to see. Kill me and Murong Wei ca n’t be resurrected. They will put this account on your Qin Kingdom instead of exposing me as an emissary. "

Fu Jian's eyebrows gradually spread out and nodded: "So you're all well. At first glance, I'm worried. But before you go, it's best to discuss with Murong Lan. After all, It ’s a matter of life and death. I do n’t want her to misunderstand me. ”

Liu Yu turned around and walked out of the hall. His voice came from afar: "The troubled king prepared the battle and Murongwei's level. After two hours, I set off."

When Liu Yu's figure disappeared outside the hall, Fu Jian's smile gradually disappeared, turning his head to Yang Ding angrily: "What's the matter with you? Did he get him to die? People are here to help us! For him, beware that God will punish you. "

Yang Ding hooked his mouth: "I wanted to excite him to send the letter, but this is for the purpose of hello to the king, Liu Yu will not serve us Daqin after all, plus Murong Lan ’s true thoughts are also difficult to guess, it is best to let They all left Changan, so that we have no internal worries at all. "

Fu Yan said sternly: "All the nonsense, Murong Wei and Liu Yu are not the same people at all. Liu Yu is here to help ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ there is no bad heart."

Yang Ding sneered: "Yes, Liu Yu may not have a bad heart, but Murong Lan? When she was healing, she still went to the secret path to meet Murong Wei. The last time she attacked Qin Palace also had her share. Who knows? Is she with Murong Wei? "

Fu Jian frowned slightly: "It still seems a little reasonable, but Liu Yu said that Murong Lan went to see Murong Wei to persuade him to leave the city. It was not collusion."

Yang Ding shook his head: "That's hard to say. Liu Yu came to Chang'an to get the jade seal, but Murong Lan's purpose was to assassinate you. But that night, she wanted to help Liu Yu get the jade seal, maybe Liu Yu took the jade seal, She will ask Liu Yu to join you to assassinate you. If you want to discuss with Murongwei about going out of town, you can go to the ground with fairness, why should you secretly steal the secret way? There must be something shameful, don't want us to know. Therefore, if Liu Yu buckles, the other party will want Murong Lan to change, just to send them both out of the city, this is my idea. "

Fu Jian sighed: "Hen son-in-law, I hope you can use your crooked thoughts on the right path, tomorrow's decisive battle depends on you!"

A smile flashed in Yang Ding's eyes: "You can rest assured!"


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