Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Stand proudly in the tiger wolf

Liu Yu looked at Murong Chong calmly and said indifferently: "I came here to send a letter, but not to death. I do n’t want to say anything about the two countries fighting soldiers and not cutting back, but I ’m from the Jin Kingdom, but not the Qin Jun. Warrior, I know from my body armor in Jin Dynasty. This time, I do n’t mean Fu Jian. "& 1t; /

Han Yan was stunned for a while, and then he yelled and said: "Fuck your mother's dog stupid! Do you think that wearing a Jin's armor will relieve your relationship with Fu Jian? Master, don't listen to this thief He speaks very well. Do n’t be fooled by him. Get him out of the oil pot early and take the heart out, so as to pay tribute to His Majesty ’s spirit in heaven! "& 1t; /

Liu Yu looked at Han Yan coldly, his eyes flashed, and he stabbed him back two steps unconsciously, hiding behind a strong companion, regaining his courage, pointing at Liu Yu and cursing, "What's wrong?" , On our site, do you still want to be wild? "& 1t; /

Liu Yu scorned the corner of his mouth contemptuously, and looked at Murong Yong in front of Han Yan: "General Murong Yong, your temper is not very good. This is a formal diplomatic occasion, and trouble you to control his mouth." & 1t; /

Murong Yong looked at Liu Yu coldly and said, "I can control my hand now, without letting this hand take the knife and kill you now, it's enough restraint. Liu Yu, for For our entire Dayan, you are at least an old accomplice of Fujian who killed our emperor, but for Murongyong, I have to add one more thing, that is, you are betrayal and violated my promise. ! "& 1t; /

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I didn't break my promise with you. You can ask Song Ya, who came with me, and Murong Ruan, Murong Sheng's uncle and nephew, if I said that, I will do it after returning to the city. Request Fujian to release Murong Wei! "& 1t; /

Murong Yong looked at the three people in the corner of the tent and said, "Is he talking about facts?" & 1t; /

Song Ya replied without hesitation: "Yes, the sentence is true. At that time, the old slave saw in the palace with his own eyes. At the two ceremonial palaces, Liu Yu proposed to Fu Jian the matter of returning to His Majesty. Fu Jian also agreed." & 1t; /

Murong Chong said with a sneer: "Maybe it's their acting to show you. Song Ya, you are just a low-ranking general eunuch. How could you know the military affairs that they discussed behind?" & 1t; /

Song Ya shook her head: "Fujian didn't discuss in the palace for a few months before that time. At that time, it was to discuss the matter of returning to His Majesty. Secondly, Wang Jia and Zhi Daoan were also asked to work together. Qin Jun prayed for blessings. Not only that, but Princess Lan personally persuaded Her Majesty to leave the city, which is not always an act. "& 1t; /

Murong Yong's face changed: "How can you know when Princess Lan went to see your majesty?" & 1t; /

Song Ya sighed: "Because His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness are both here, Princess Lan was afraid of any accident when he went to see His Majesty. He told me beforehand that if she did not come back, she would let the old slave take two Escape the city, join the army, and point me to two secret ways out of the city. "& 1t; /

The Xianbei generals who were still shouting and killing just now will gradually quiet down. Most people sit back on their seats and look at Liu Yu suspiciously. Only Han Yan is still speaking to the left and right people: "These are nothing but Liu Yu bewildered Princess Lan and are acting. Anyway, Your Majesty is always hurt by these thieves! Even if Liu Yu is not the mastermind, he will definitely be an accomplice!" & 1t; /

Liu Yu said coldly: "Han Yan, I should have killed you in front of that secret valley. You little man, you will revenge, there will be revenge in the future!" & 1t; /

Han Yan laughed and said, "Do you regret not killing me now? It's late! Tell you, I won't let you go today. Your little life, you are ready to stay here and accompany Your Majesty to heaven!" "& 1t; /

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the account changed his face. Murongyong gritted his teeth, stood up, and slapped Han Yan's face with a slap in the back. He said sharply, "Are you dizzy? What honorable man is your majesty?" , His soul can only return to the ancestral paradise, how could he ascend to heaven with this Liu Yu? "& 1t; /

Han Yan covered her swollen face, her face was full of horror, she quickly knelt down, and raised her head at Murong Wei ’s class: "It's my stinky mouth, your majesty, oh, no, first emperor, Please forgive me this minion! "& 1t; /

Murong Chong said with a sneer: "General Right, is this a good part you have taught? You will have to worry about it in the future." & 1t; /

Murongyong gritted his teeth and kicked on Han Yan's ass: "Get out quickly! Go to the military judge and take the 30 horse whip, go now!" & 1t; /

Han Yanru amnesty, for Xianbei people, disrespect for the collar, ranging from broken limbs to burial, only a slap and dozens of whips, already burned Gao Xiang, he even fled Flying toward the outside of the account, he heard Liu Yu's voice ringing behind him: "Stop!" & 1t; /

Han Yan was taken aback, as if he had given the body-fixing method, he stood on the spot and looked back at Liu Yu, barely squeezing a sneer: "You, how are you doing?" & 1t; /

There is a trace of murderousness in Liu Yu's eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Straight to Han Yan: "You remember, when he meets in the battlefield in the future, I will take your life and will not give you a second chance, Han Yan! "& 1t; /

Han Yan instinctively tried to refute, but saw Liu Yu's eyes, a cold death, looking at himself as if he were looking at a corpse, his eyes suddenly appeared outside the Secret Valley that day, his companion corpses ran wild , And Liu Yu was covered with blood. When he walked out of the snow and flames, as in the terrible scene of Shura from the capital, the blood was suddenly solidified. He fell weakly and said: "You, you have the ability, just Wait for me, me, my **** is afraid of you, afraid you will not succeed! "& 1t; /

But while he was talking, he quickly ran out of the tent, which made him seem to be particularly ridiculous, and even attracted the Xianbei people in the tent to laugh for a while. Only Murong Yong's face was blue and silent. & 1t; /

Liu Yu turned his head early, no longer looked at Han Yan, but fixed his eyes on Murong Yong and said slowly: "I am Liu Yu, who is bright and decent, and will never lie, otherwise I don't have the guts Here I am. I have kept the promise of Murongwei, and Fu Jian agreed to let him out of the city. Murongwei himself did not give up, and wanted to take the opportunity to assassinate Fu Jian, his sister Princess Qinghe, also for his plan. Practiced illusion, wanted to control me to assassinate Fu Jian, if not my will, I am afraid that he would become his murder tool! It can be said that they are two brothers and sisters, looking for their own way. "& 1t; /

With tears shining in Murong Chong's eyes, he stood up suddenly and shouted in earnest: "Sister! Why did you go before me?" & 1t; /

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