Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 837: Soldiers and bandits entering the camp

Han Yan gritted his teeth, picked up a long grove, and yelled, "Go ahead, this is an order! I promised General Right, people are in battle, and now you report, I will break here, you go Tell General Right and ask him to take care of my family. I said, Han Yan is worthy of Dayan! "

General Duan was moved to tears and moved toward Han Yan for a military salute. He turned and fled to the left with his companion.

A sneer flashed in Han Yan's eyes, and immediately threw away the long grove, and fell to the ground. It was during this time that the more than 20 Qin troops shot and killed them. One of them immediately hung the bow and arrow back on the weapon hook. When you take off the long sorrow, you have to stab Han Yan on the ground, probably you don't want to waste an arrow for an injured person who can't escape.

Han Yan shouted quickly: "Master, don't kill me, I'm just a soldier, our general, he fled there, you should chase him!"

A leading Qin Jun primary school opened his eyes wide: "Where did he escape ?! Say it quickly, and speak up to spare your life!"

Han Yan pointed to the direction in which General Duan and others ran away, and his voice was shaking: "This dog thief fled there regardless of the soldier's life or death. Lord, help us kill him!"

Primary school Qin Jun waved his hands and hurried in a whirlwind in the direction of General Duan's escape. Han Yan quickly took off his armor, revealing the clothes of the people inside, and then lay out for more than ten feet Among the seven or eight dead bodies, rolled in the pool of blood, his body covered with blood stains, his face down, buried in the grass stained with blood. In the distance, General Duan's roar came faintly: "Qin Gou, Lao Tzu fights with you! Ah ..."

A trace of pity flashed on Han Yan's face, the corner of his mouth ticked, and muttered: "Old Duan, feel at ease! I will miss you."

Outside Yanying, Li Fen was stationed in the horse camp. Behind him, three thousand knights were shining. Within a hundred steps before the camp, the corpses of horses and horses ran across the field. Scarecrows tied in leather armour, these are the first waves of deputy horses, used to deceive the enemy's bows and arrows, their bodies are filled with arrows, and around these pseudo cavalry, at least fell a thousand Most of the dead bodies of Yan Jun archers with vague flesh are facing the direction of the Great State Battalion, especially the corpses at the gate. More than ten gates with a width of more than one foot cannot allow more than 3,000 people to pass through quickly. Unlucky ghosts who can't escape can only let the Qin army behind step on them. ..

More than two hundred Yan Army captives were lining up to pull the fence. They untied their belts, tied them together, **** long ropes, put on these fences, and worked together under the password of Qin Jun who was monitoring behind them. In response to this, in front of these more than three thousand rides, Yipingpingchuan.

Liu Shenjun still followed Li Fen and smiled: "It seems that our army is progressing very well. General Song took 2,000 knights and has been in for a quarter of an hour, and now the killings are coming to the enemy's military commander's battalion. La."

Li Fen smiled slightly: "When the camp is not in, it seems that it should not be obeyed at all times. General Song has waged a head start for the army and explored the ambush. Now it seems that this Yan army is really not prepared. Now we want Go inside and set fire, looting enemy armaments. "

Liu Shenjun said excitedly: "Do you want to tell Master Yang and Assistant Peng Peng to let them also enter Yanying from both sides?"

Li debated with disdain: "If they all come in to grab equipment, what else shall we grab? Yang Ding doesn't lack good things, it's what we need. Tell the whole army that within a quarter of an hour, no arson or loud voices are allowed. You can pick up as much as you can pick up your weight and wealth. After a quarter of an hour, set fire around. "

Liu Shenjun's eyes widened: "But, it's against the order of Master Yang, is it really okay?"

Li Fen sneered: "Liu Senjun, haven't you heard that you will be outside, will the king's order not grant this sentence? Not to mention that Yang Ding is not the king. Taking a quarter of an hour's equipment will not affect the battle. Yes, they are detoured on both sides, not just this time. Brothers, rush with me! "

He said, raising his whip, ready to charge.

Liu Senjun hooked the corner of his mouth and pointed to the 200-plus people on one side, trembling with a terrified Yan Guo prisoner of war, and said, "What about these people?"

Li Fen didn't even look at them: "After work, you still have to eat them out? Let your guard deal with it, and then keep up with it. You are late, but you have nothing to pick up!"

His voice didn't fall, and the people had gone away like a gust of wind. Liu Shenjun gritted his teeth and turned to look behind him, staring at the guards who roared into the camp with his companions, and said in a deep voice: "Move faster!"

In the underground camp in the left army of Yanjun, Murongyong's eyes were gleaming, and he watched the Qin Jun, who quickly packed a pair of armor and put it on the saddle. Sneer: "I can't think of this group of Qin Jun who are also robbers. I really met my colleagues."

Murong Sheng whispered: "Shall we kill now? They are robbing things. At this time, they have no fighting power at all. The people are scattered again, and they are all together. They can be wiped out in half an hour!"

Murong Yong smiled slightly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ shook his head: "What anxious, I want to eliminate more than these five or six thousand Qingqi, only when Yang Ding comes, we will start together! Otherwise, the previous sacrifice, not Was it wasted in vain. When they fired the report, Qin Jun started all after entering the camp, let everyone calm down, and dare to make a little noise, cut! "He said, biting a wooden stick in his mouth again. Thousands of heavily armed fighters squatting behind him.

A quarter of an hour later, in the Yanjun camp, Li Fen was laughing while laughing: "Warriors, Xiyanjun ’s strength is insufficient, all went to the front to siege, and behind is a emptiness, the wolf **** bless us, everyone Hurry up with me. Now that we have robbed a lot of good equipment, it is time to do the right thing. Let's turn this Xiyan Army's camp into a sea of ​​fire! "

The Qin army cavalry around him burst into cheers, and took out a wooden stick smeared with pine oil balsam, hung the bow and arrow and the long branch on the hook, and then took out the flint in his arms to set fire Then, several people gathered together to gather the wooden sticks on the burning torches. Soon, more than five thousand Qin army cavalrymen already had one or two burning torches in their hands!

The blaze of fire shone on the faces of the Qin army generals who had pulled up the faces of evil spirits, and everyone's faces were full of smiles and smiles, as can be seen from the bulging baggage hanging on their saddles.

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