Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 839: Fu Bing Qi Qin Qi Bei

Liu Senjun instinctively wanted to throw away the torch in his hand and go to pull the bridle, as a passable knight, so that the front of the war horse could stand up, and use the thick horse chest to block this wave of intensive crossbow rain.

But before he could let go of the torch in his hand, there was a sharp pain in his shoulder. Then, the chest and abdomen in front of him seemed to be drilled hard with a few things, and the leather mail armor could not resist Xiyan Jun IV. Stone infantry crossbow shot within a hundred steps.

Liu Senjun only felt that the severe pain in his chest quickly turned into a chill in his back. This was the first and last time in his life. What was the feeling of being pierced by Wan Jian, his eyes were still open Greatly, the blood at the corners of the mouth and the nostrils was flowing down, and his body was softly tilted to the side, just before it fell to the ground. His last impression in this world was to see those tents flying out. Massive Xiyan Army crossbowmen and long-legged infantrymen who moved forward. And his mouth murmured: "Fengying Mojin, Wang Lugong, you are right!"

Murongyong rode a yellow, tall and powerful Hehuang warhorse, lifted his mace, and was accompanied by more than twenty cavalrymen. He was killed from the camp, while Murongsheng carried a spear and followed him. After that, his eyes were full of excitement.

The infantry in front consciously flashed a two-foot-wide channel. If you look down from the top of your head, you can see tens of thousands of Western Yan Army horses are walking along Ten such channels lead to a tide-like counterattack toward the Qin army cavalry who was baptized by the arrow rain, and the master will be either dead or injured.

And they attacked together from the underground tunnels, from the fallen camps, from the cart, from the car, in short, from all unexpected spaces, such as ants, bees swarm out The Xiyan sergeant, like the same black trend, divided, surrounded, and eliminated the Qin army cavalry in the mode of more than 10,000 squads scattered around Yanzhong!

The leading riders, like Murong Yong, held bows and arrows and poured a rain of arrows again towards the Qin army cavalry. Before the three tripping horses, there were five or six hundred Qin army cavalry. The tripped person turned his horse upside down, and Murongyong ignored the tumbling Qin Jun knights on the ground. The screaming knight of the Qin army had his legs caught in the belly of the horse. He flew overhead and landed five or six feet away.

Murong never waited for stability, his arms carried a thousand forces, and the heavy mace made a large circle above his head, and suddenly swept the heads of the three Qin army cavalry standing in front of him. , These three heads are like three fragile watermelons. They were smashed into the brain cerebrum. The red and white blood and brain flowers fluttered in the air, and the big camp that was originally smelled of smoky smoke was also all at once. There was a **** smell.

Several Qinjun cavalry captains pulled out the scimitar in their hands, fetched their long groves and mace, and shouted, "Warriors, fight with Xianbei!"

Murongyong laughed, his movements didn't stop at all, and the horse warrior generally passed the three horses of the Qin army with the headless body. The six or seven Qin troops in front of them just pulled out their weapons and wanted to fight back. , But this mace made him like a windmill, soaked with death, knocked on the stool, and a few close guys smashed straight off the horse, flying straight out of the horse, chest or back Sink into a big piece.

In this scuffle of armored cavalry, Changji is not the best weapon. Such a large piece of mace or sledgehammer is the deadliest guy. A group of generals followed by Murong Yong In the song, all of them made these blunt devices hit people, only one charge, more than three hundred Qin army cavalry in the face, they smashed more than half, and the remaining knights are not fools, these Qin army light riding, Usually it is a robber in the grassland. It always hits when it earns, and flashes when it does n’t. At the sight of the companions in the front, they fell down like raindrops, and the companions in the back could n’t fight back anymore. After running wildly.

It's just that the Qin army cavalry just set fire in the battalion, and this time it was more tragic when they escaped. The front is like a wolf, the Xiyan army infantry with a well-arranged array, and the long pointed tip shines with dazzling cold light The insurmountable steel forest, and the cavalrymen slammed the mace and the long-handled hammer with someone. Holding the long Yanxi infantry, they lined up and gave the wounded soldiers of the Qin army who were beaten down to the ground and breathed in one breath. Then they cut off the first level and turned to the waist. A series, continue to move forward.

This cold and efficient killing efficiency, only ten minutes, let Qin Jun Qingqi who rushed into the camp die more than half, and the rest were trembling, regardless of the blazing fire behind them, riding horses backwards Straight ahead, only hoping that the horse can hold back the scorching fire wave and rush out of the fire field, can escape his life.

It is a pity that this fire site has a full camp of the rear army, with a width of two or three hundred steps. Just now the Qin army cavalry set fire, but this will enter the fire site themselves, and the east wind is blowing hard, directing the fire towards the fire site. The direction continued to spread, hundreds of people rushed in, and there was a scream of screams in an instant. From a distance, it looked like hundreds of burning fire phoenixes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After crying, the fire-riding rider was lifted off at once, and those who were covered with fire tumbling on the ground a few times before they could no longer move.

There are more than 2,000 Qin Jun Qingqi left, and no longer dared to rush into the fire. In front of them, more than 5,000 Xiyan Jun cavalry, wearing various ghost head masks, covered in blood, holding in their hands The blunt weapons such as iron rods and mace are mostly stained with red and white blood and brain flowers, one by one fierce, and the red eyes are murderous, and behind them, the array is slowly moving forward. The Xiyan Army infantry and crossbowmen screamed in Di and Chinese in unison: "Don't die from fighting, let's die from fighting!"

These Qin army knights who had lost their fighting spirit saw that it was a death to move forward, and it was a death to retreat into the fire. They no longer dared to have any other plans. Kneeling and begging for mercy, Murong Yong raised a bronze mask whose face had been splashed with red and white spots by human blood and brain splatter, and a cold smile smiled on the corner of his mouth: "If you surrender early, it will be over!"

Han Yanchi was holding his upper body, holding a handful of long groves, which had already stained the blood with red, and the blood was dripping down the blood trough. He ran to Murong Yong ’s side and laughed: “Ah Yong, I knew that you would not let me down! I just saw Yang Ding, Li Fen and Peng Zi running away with these three thieves, let's go chase together. "

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