Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 853: Send slaves to defend the city

Chang'an, Qin Palace.

Fu Jian ’s eyes were still gleaming with tears, and the night outside was coming. In the hall, lights and candles were lit, jumping flames, reflecting a heavy face, whether it was a junior or a minister, a civil servant or a general, I have n’t fully recovered from today ’s nightmare, and no one has memorized it. Why did the morale soar when the morning departure, and the confident 30,000 Tieqi, actually fell into a annihilation. Everyone knows, At this time only wait for God's help.

Quan Yi coughed and said, "Heaven is here, and it is useless to think more. Now the foreign aid in Chang'an City is cut off, and the ability to field out of the city is lost. However, for today's plan, there is only a way to get the latest support. Time is not our friend. There are too many people in Chang'an City, and the granaries outside the city have all been lost. Now the grain is stored in the city, but for the use of January, the king is asked to make a decision. "

Fu Jian sighed a long way: "What else can we do now? Are we going to let the people out of the city and let them be slaughtered by the cruel and violent Xiyan Army? Today everyone is not seeing how these Xianbei demons deal with those unarmed prisoners of war, These people came to orphans because they had nowhere to go. If they cannot protect them, how can they still live? "

Murong Lan shook his head: "But there is no way to protect these people now. If it was yesterday, maybe a channel can be put to let these people go to Nantou, but now Chang'an City has been besieged by the Yan Army. It is impossible to escape south. Futian King, your kindness and respect are admirable, but you must also do your best. Now, you have no ability to protect these people. This fact is cruel, but it must be admitted. "

Fu Jian turned his attention to the surrounding ministers and said: "Do you also think that there is only a way to let people out of the city?"

Quan Yi nodded: "Let them listen to their fate, Yan Army slaughtered prisoners of war for demonstrations, but it may not really take the lives of the people. Maybe they can hand over their property and save a life. It is better than staying in the city and dying. Come strong. "

Liu Yu said slowly: "It's absolutely impossible. Murong Chong is brutal and murderous. His actions can no longer be judged from a human point of view. His purpose is to let all the people in the city, even the whole customs, serve him. The humiliation of humiliation comes to burial. Everyone must have a clear understanding. When I negotiated yesterday, although he did not directly answer, Murong Yong promised not to hurt the lives of unarmed people, but the words are still in the ears, today He came to a pit to kill tens of thousands of captives. At this time, even if we let the people out of the city, they would only become fish under their swords. "

Fu Jian's eyes were bright, and he looked at Liu Yu: "Is there a way to break the enemy?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "This is a war of defense, I can participate, and I will do my best. Now the situation is not desperate, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the city, they can also contribute to the defense of the city, Chang'an City is too big If you really rely on only 20,000 or 30,000 defenders in the city, you ca n’t defend all the walls. The first thing we have to do is to greet the enemy ’s night raid today, tonight, and talk about how to defend the city. "

Fu Jian surprised: "Night raid? Yan Jun will attack the city tonight? Liu Yu, you are not kidding. Today they have fought one day and slaughtered the prisoners of war. They have become tired teachers. How can they attack the city? Now that it ’s getting late, no crazy general will choose night battles. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "The art of war is unpredictable and unexpected, and the offensive is not ready. The offensive is often started when the defender is most unpredictable. It is because everyone thinks that they cannot attack the city today, so they will choose exactly at this time. Offense. Because siege is not only a way to attack, but also surprise attacks. "

Fu Jian's eyes lit up and lost his voice: "What do you mean, secret way?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and he nodded: "It is precisely that when Murong Wei wanted to escape, he had to go out through the secret road. He had no secret road out of the city, so he had to go to the palace, and then from The secret way to escape in the palace, Chang'an City has a history of hundreds of years from Qin and Han dynasties, and all dynasties will be in the palace, leaving various escape routes in the city. This is the passage they want to attack the city tonight! "

Fu Jian's brow furrowed slightly: "But Murong Wei couldn't escape last time, we have sealed those two secret paths. Now there is no secret path to enter Miyagi."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "The secret path is not just to go to a place in Miyagi, Chang'an is so big, some are exits, the king, and now I will not hide you. The Xianbei sergeants who attacked the Qin Palace last time Entering the city in a secret path, and then sneaking into the palace from the Xinxinghoufu, Murong, for the hundreds of thousands of souls in the city, can you tell the king of Fu Tian the exit of these secret paths? "

Muronglan gritted his teeth: "Originally from my position, it should be Fu Jian's enemy. These secret ways are also my brother's hard work for many years, in order to assassinate Fu Jian, but now, compared with our Qin Yan Bloody hatred, the lives of hundreds of thousands of people are even more important. Murong Chong is crazy and a living devil. Anyway, we must stop him first. I will tell you the location of these secret ways. "

Fu Jian's heart is happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said quickly: "Come on, get the map."

Several domestic attendants immediately took a sand table. It was the map of Chang'an City. Muronglan stepped forward. Several generals followed, watching her mark on the map, and Liu Yu said rightly: "These are the secrets that Murong girl knows, and there must be something she doesn't know. Murongchong, Murongyong, they are Murongwei's people, they have nothing to do with Muronghui, even if they are conspiracy to return to the country. It also does its own thing, so from now on, in addition to leaving ambushes at the exits of these secret roads, it is also necessary to mobilize the people of the city, regardless of sex, patrol all night, every courtyard, backyard, well, etc. They are easy to use as secret exits, and a thorough search is required. "

Fu Jian nodded repeatedly, and said with admiration: "Liu Yu, you are really a genius of art of war. I had suffered such a failure today, and I didn't have much confidence in the city of defense. But listening to you said, lonely Confidence has rekindled. "

Liu Yu Shen said: "The good thing now is that there are a lot of people in the city, and you are very loyal to the king. You will immediately organize them into tribes. In the city, the square is the unit. The men, women and children are divided into three teams. On shift inspections, there are many suspects and scarecrows in the city head, hanging from the city head with a lantern and brazier, hanging in the middle of the city, illuminating the outside, preventing the enemy from climbing the city wall, and today's focus is on the secret path of the enemy sneaking In the middle, I want to teach Yan Jun to attack at night.

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