Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Yan Guo killer night open the city

In the eyes of Lieutenant General Hu, he almost wanted to draw a fire. He wanted to draw a knife to fight back, but the Qin team just cut off his entire spine, and the strength of his whole body was as fast as blood. He let him fall to the ground all at once, but he was still staring at Qin Team Zheng with his unwilling eyes, completely disregarding the more than 20 men beside Qin Team, and quickly resolved the dozen or so soldiers beside him quickly. The speed of their stabs and stabs was extremely fast, and they were deadly. These guards were not weak, but they could n’t even make shouts, and they became ghosts under the sword, dying souls.

Vice President Hu gritted his teeth hard: "You, you are not ordinary, ordinary spy, you, who are you!"

Qin team sneered: "You're right. Qin has been a deceased death of the Emperor Xian for more than ten years. At that time, my father and mother were hungry to death. The Emperor Xian met them and saved me and buried my father. Niang, from now on, Qin Yizhong vowed to be born and died of the first emperor. I invested in the Qin army. Over the years, I have made countless contributions but did not seek promotion. As long as I am a team in charge of the city gate, I am just one day to meet the first emperor. My ambition is unpaid, me, I didn't even wait for him. "

At this point, he shed two lines of tears and stabbed into the chest of Lieutenant General Hu with a knife.

Seeing here, Liu Yu in Chengtou was speechless, and Fu Hong whispered on the side: "Bah, I can't think of Murong Wei as a traitor, there are still some dead people."

Muronglan whispered: "After all, Murongwei was once an emperor. After the country was broken, he was also waiting for the public. Saving two civilians was just a matter of hand, and these people could die for him. The more power, the easier. Controlling others like this, Liu Yu, the Qin team ’s martial arts are not as good as those of his men. These talents are real elite killers. It should be that the Qin team is secretly put in from the secret road these days, or mixed into Chang’an City. Yan Jun is a spy. "

Liu Yu nodded and whispered: "Yes, part of their criminals fan the flames and create chaos everywhere in the city, and the main force is here, want to cut through the city and meet the troops rushing out of the secret road. This plan looks perfect. Because of this, the one who entered the city will definitely be the head of the enemy, prince, and you will make great contributions this time! "

A trace of excitement flashed in Fuhong's eyes, murmured: "It's time to avenge the soldiers who died today, and tell me that I will make everyone concealed in ambush, not allowed to move, everyone has a title, and dare to cough, cut! He said, biting a wooden stick into his mouth.

There was a voice of inquiry from the city gate: "Lieutenant General Hu, Qin team is right, is there anything wrong with you?"

Qin team is pulling the knife out of Vice Hu ’s chest, while wiping the blood stains on the knife, he said loudly: “Everything is fine here, Vice Hu will go to inspect the secret road, you must guard the city gate carefully, there must be no mistake! "

As he spoke, he glanced behind him, and saw that in the corners of the shadows, several dark doors opened, and Xiyan killer, dead man, dressed in black nocturnal soft armor, came out from the hole, and their blades were all painted. It was completely dark, and the cold light of a little weapon could not be seen. Only Liu Yu, a battle-stricken warrior king, could see clearly their murderous eyes, and his mouth was counting gently. : "Seven hundred sixty two, seven hundred sixty three, seven hundred sixty four ..."

His voice suddenly stopped, a cold flash in his eyes, a smile on his mouth: "It's him!"

Fu Hong also looked in Liu Yu's eyes, and saw a man in his forties, with a beard and a beard, who didn't wear a face, drilled out of the hole, twisted his neck and turned his waist, a large zigzag Chopper, put him on the neck, domineering side leakage, Fuhong whispered: "This thief looks a little familiar, as if he was by Murong Yong during the day."

Liu Yu sneered: "His name is Han Yan, Murong Yong's right and left hand. This man is very cunning and should be the commander of these night raids today."

Fuhong said excitedly: "Do you want to kill him or take it down first? Capture the thief and capture the king! The soldiers said."

Liu Yu smiled and shook his head: "He is not a king, but it is Murong Yong's deputy. The only thing that is really worth it is Murong Chong or Murong Yong. Let Han Yan open the door. Only in this way can Murong Yong enter the city. At that time, this good show of catching thieves in the urn will start! "

During the talk, more than 800 Yanguo killers have all emerged from the secret path. Under the cover of the city wall reflection, they secretly led the team at the city root inside the urn city. Han Yan put on the face, one With the appearance of a vice bronze goblin, with a wave of his hand, the Qin team was carrying more than 20 people, dressed in Qin army armor. When they were walking, they walked towards the direction of the city gate. There were more than 20 defenders there. Saluting to him, only to see that Qin team was cutting down the officer who was saluting, other people also shot like electricity, instantly killed more than 20 Qin troops near the city gate on the spot, and rushed out of the night With countless Yan Guo killers, black blades, and crossbow arrows, there were more than a hundred Qin troops guarding the city gates. Within half a quarter of an hour, they were all killed near the city gates, and no one even had the time to issue an alarm .

Fu Hong's eyes widened in surprise ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is the first time he saw such a quick and efficient way of killing. He shook his head in disbelief: "It's terrible, these Yan Guo killers, how , Why is it so powerful? "

Liu Yu said with a sneer: "It's just some methods of assassination. It's hard to reach the elegant hall. On the battlefield, the hall is lined up. These assassins' short weapons have nothing to do. These movements have been counted through countless drills. In view of the movement of the defending army, it was a sneak attack, so it seemed very powerful. His Royal Highness, do n’t worry, as long as the main thief enters the city, discipline them to come and go! "

During the speech, Han Yan rushed up the tower, and the two men were dragging the bodies of two Qin Jun from an arrow tower. It was the little four and Liu Futong who had just spoken, both eyes wide open, and their faces were puzzled. Until now I still don't understand why comrades would kill themselves.

Han Yan didn't look at the two corpses at a glance, flew his feet, kicked the two corpses out of the city wall, crossed a parabola, and fell under the city, just like the corpses that were thrown like the raindrops at the head of the city , And he took a torch and shook it three times to the left and three times to the right, and finally threw down the city wall as a signal.

Outside Changan City, near the mass graves during the day, several wild dogs were digging through the pits. Suddenly surprised by something, they ran away quickly. I saw ants slowly crawling out of the grass nearby, like the tide. The army leaned on the ground and moved slowly.

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