Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 858: Caution is the boat

Chang'an, southeast of the city, urn city, Zhangcheng gate.

Liu Yu's eyes looked like a torch, watching every move in the city of the urn, the cavalry outside the Yan Army, the ranks of men, horses wrapped in hoofs, began to penetrate, but the figure of Murong Chong was still missing, and the sound of Fu Hong's heartbeat , Clearly audible, Liu Yu turned his head to look at him, smiled slightly, whispered: "Prince, what's wrong, can't you be nervous?"

Fuhong gritted his teeth and whispered: "I must kill Murongchong and Murongyong personally to avenge the dead soldiers."

There was a cold flash in Liu Yu's eyes. He turned his head and looked out of the city. He saw that he was standing in front of the city gate, less than fifty steps away. Murong Chong was hesitating about something, and his brow gradually wrinkled: "It's not like Murong Chong."

Murong Chong's brows were deeply locked, and he looked at the gate of the black hole. Beside him, the knights rushed in, and the torches were lit in the city. Whether it was a killer who entered the city or a cavalry who subsequently entered the city, he had begun to line up. When the gates of the inner city opened, they entered the city. Some people began to change the armor of the Qin army, and wrapped white tape around their arms to show the difference.

Gao Gai's voice rang in Murong Chong's ear: "His Royal Highness, General You said it rightly. The situation in the city is unknown. The minister always felt that this time it was a bit too smooth, and it was a bit incredible!"

Murong gritted his teeth and said: "I was grudge with Murong just now, but now I also feel that it is a bit too smooth. But now that the matter has come, if you dare not enter the city, it will make people laugh."

Gao Gai smiled slightly: "Be careful to drive the Wannian ship, as long as you lay Chang'an, you don't have to take the lead in entering the city in person. Besides, when you take control of the situation and take Miyagi, your Highness will kill Fu Jian personally. Enmity? "

Murong sighed: "That's not the same. We Xianbei advocate heroes and will only follow the powerful leader. Since the beginning of the army, I have taken the lead in every battle. This is why everyone is willing to follow me. If it is the most important thing here In the siege battle, I dared not go on myself. I was afraid that the future military power and prestige would be replaced by Murong Yong. "

Gao Gai frowned: "His Royal Highness, ministers and most tribal leaders are now only following you. Murong Yong's status is low, without royal blood, even if he has a little skill, he is not suitable for being a monarch."

Murong punched his teeth: "The bloodline was only spoken during the Taiping period. The royals are now in troubled times. Whoever has the ability to talk to them. Besides, killing Fujian is the same thing. Taking the jade seal is the orthodox inheritance of my Dayan. The point is not only for Murong Yong, but also for the future preparations to compete with Murong for the world. "

Gao Gai's face changed: "Yu Xi? Is it really so important?"

Murong Chong gnashed his teeth: "It's a pity that the first emperor's achievements were not completed, and he didn't even have time to appoint the heir. Now Wu Wang is the oldest and the strongest among the clan, who is above me. It can be used to revenge for the first emperor, slaughter Changan and temporarily stabilize the ministries, but what will happen after Changan is really down, how many people will still follow me? I am afraid that most of them will vote for King Wu. "

Gao Gai gritted his teeth: "Anyway, Gao is willing to always serve for His Royal Highness. But what His Royal Highness makes sense is now that Liu Yu and that Muronglan are in the city. In case the real city falls, Fu Jian can really take the jade seal. To them, that was the jade seal of our great Yan Kingdom, Fu Jian ’s pseudo-Qin once usurped the country, but we ca n’t lose it again this time. "

Murong nodded: "Yes, the jade seal is sacred. With it, I could sit firmly and order the Xianbei departments. Murong Yong feared that he also thought about it and wanted to take advantage of it. Liu Yu negotiated in private for a long time, hum, I am afraid it is also for this matter, so even if there is a devil ghost cave in front, I have to break into it. "

Gao Gaizheng said: "Your Highness must be careful, if the situation is wrong, you must withdraw immediately."

Murong rushed back to look at the Murong Sheng office that was coming in the distance and said, "This child is leading the army, I don't know whether it is to help or want to add chaos, noble book, you are a person I trust, I am divided into five hundred The elite is handed over to you, you must control the city gate, and in case of a change, I will count on you! "

Gao Gai smiled slightly: "Relax, let me breathe, Ding Bao His Highness is worry-free!"

Murong took a deep breath, pulled his legs between his legs, pulled down the face, and shouted, "The army, follow me into the city, grab money, grab food, kill people!"

The Xianbei ministry burst into cheers: "Grab money, grab food, kill people!"

When Murong Yongchi entered the gate of the city gate, he looked up at the gate above his head and suddenly thought of something. He stopped and whispered to the guard behind him: "Murong Qing, how long have I been with me ? "

This bodyguard named Murong Qing is similar in shape to Murong Yong, wearing almost exactly the same armor. He shouted: "My subordinates and His Royal Highness have known each other since childhood and have followed you for eleven years."

Murong nodded: "Very well, now it's time for you to repay me. Let's change horses and enter the city."

Murong Qing said quickly: "How can this be, you are His Royal Highness, his subordinates are just ..."

Murong Chong's eyes flashed coldly and he took off his face ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ put it on Murong Qing's face: "There is nothing wrong, today I will give you a chance to make you the king of Zhongshan Of course, only one night. Go ahead, do n’t talk, do n’t look back at me, let Han Yan direct the action. "

When Murong Qing rode the Murong Chong horse and pretended to ride into the city, Murong Chong quickly jumped off the horse and stood in the ranks of the infantry who started to enter the city. A sneer: "It's really a good thing to be a substitute. Murong Yong, you have the right words. Drive carefully for thousands of years!"

Fu Hong looked excited, watching a silver-clad person enter the city. Wherever he passed, although General Yan Yan could not cheer, he all raised his weapon and fought with his fist and pressed his chest to perform the military salute. Fu Hong looked at this person excitedly In his eyes, there was anger in his eyes: "It's him, it must be him. It looks like this is Murong Chong!"

Han Yan rushed to Murong Chong's mount and exchanged something with him. Fuhong bit his lip and whispered: "General Liu, what are you waiting for? Order an attack. Murong Yong doesn't seem to be coming , At least not from here, but as long as Murong Chong is killed, it is still a big victory! "

Liu Yu frowned deeply, and hesitated: "I don't think it's right. With Murong Chong's character, if he really wants to enter the city, he won't stay outside the city for so long. This person is wearing a face mask, maybe just a substitute, not him. Me. "

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