Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 861: The **** vendetta

Fu Hongxing walked down the city wall happily, with more than a dozen senior generals of Qin Jun, including Shi Shizi, Gou Jie, etc. Everywhere he passed, there were tears of joy on everyone's face. I don't know who started it. Gradually, the soldiers in the entire urn cried out loudly: "Prince is mighty, Prince is mighty."

Fu Hong couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and quickly ran to the center of the urn, near the most conspicuous corpse, Liu Yu and Murong Lan stood in front of the corpse, frowning deeply, saying nothing, and Fu Hong's laughter was more His people reached Liu Yu's ear earlier: "General Liu, the credit for Murong Chong's head should be given to you!"

Liu Yu turned around and looked at Fuhong who jumped up and down and shook his head gently: "His Royal Highness, you are too happy to be too early, this is not Murong Chong!"

Fu Hong's smile suddenly froze on his face, he rushed over with an arrow, and took down the mask on Murong Chong's face, only to see one face, at least three rockets were hit, his face was already burnt It was so dark that I could no longer recognize the original appearance.

Fuhong's heart began to sink, but he still held a glimmer of hope and shook his head: "Not necessarily, General Liu, this should clearly be Murong Chong. If he is not his, who can wear such a good armor, Ride his mount? "

Liu Yu sighed: "The last time I saw Murong Chong, he held the gold knife tightly around his waist whenever he was. That was the symbol of his identity and power that he could not lose, and this person had no gold knife. This must be just a stand-in, not Murong Chong himself! "

Fu Hong shook his head incredulously, and he just fell to the peak of joy, and began to fall quickly, but he still gritted his teeth: "No, no, come, come, send this body to the father There is a test by the king and by him personally! "

Liu Yu shook his head: "I don't think it's necessary anymore. Your Royal Highness, please see."

He said, kicking "Murong Chong" 's body with his toes, and then swinging a knife across his waist, the armor was cracked, and the two halves of the bare buttocks appeared in front of everyone.

Muronglan ’s pink face turned slightly red and turned aside, while Liu Yu continued to stretch his knife and opened the ditch between the two pieces of **** and egg, the fire was shining, and everyone saw it clearly. There are chrysanthemums of people.

Ju Shizi lost his voice: "Oh, this person's chrysanthemum is in good condition, obviously it hasn't been broken. Murong Chong was the king since childhood. Everyone knows this. It seems that this is really a fake."

Gou Jie also smiled: "Yeah, and that Murong Chong was born very white, like a lady, but this person's skin is a bit dark, and the skin is rough, it is not a person who looks good and looks good, it is really a fake. "

Su Shizi suddenly thought of something, and stomped suddenly: "Oh, the two swallows at the root of the wall just now seem to have one who is really wielding a gold sword. This Murong Chong looks like he is pretending to be himself. I am in the soldiers, everyone will go to search and find the gold knife for me! "

Liu Yu shook his head: "No need to look for it, they must have ran away at the moment, I have seen it here, and there is no body of Han Yan. With this cunning guy here, he will surely escape with Murong Chong, the secret here More than one, there must be something we do n’t know. "

While speaking, the voices of several soldiers came over: "There is a secret way here, Your Highness Prince, General Liu, they must have escaped from here!"

The muscles on Fuhong ’s face were beating, from the hero in everyone ’s eyes to a **** with great joy, he suddenly felt that everyone ’s eyes had changed, from the sincere worship and admiration just now , Turned into pity and contempt, leaving him almost faceless and standing here again.

Fu Hong looked up at the sky and shouted, "God, why don't you open your eyes, why let the most **** **** escape from birth?"

His voice was bleak, the words weeping blood, the listeners were all moved.

There was also a roaring sound outside the city: "Fuhong, Liu Yu, don't you want to kill me? Look at who is standing here?"

When Fu Hong's face changed, he turned and ran up against the city wall. Liu Yu and Murong Lan looked at each other, shook their heads, and slowly followed them into the city. I saw that it was already outside the city. Brightly lit, tens of thousands of Western Yan troops have stood at two miles outside the city, standing upright, and the Wuzhu in front of the army, right now read righteous thoughts and sang the spell of requiem.

Murongchong's whole body was covered with blood stains. There were feather arrows in two places, the helmet was gone, the hair was radiated, and the handsome face was full of blood stains and ugly faces. Which is the beautiful young man who fascinated the people? Living like a life-threatening evil spirit from the prefecture, he gritted his teeth and said: "You dog thieves, dare not fight decisively, only engage in such ambush, what a hero!"

Liu Yu said coldly, "Murong Chong, if you are a kind, you will attack the city brightly, instead of drilling small doors like a dog and climbing an underground tunnel, you are not allowed to use this shameless crypt warfare. Will others count? "

Murong rushed to attack his heart, his throat was sweet, but he spouted a sip of blood, and could no longer speak.

Murong Yong, who was standing on the side, looked dignified ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Liu Yu, who was looking at the city head, said in a deep voice: "Liu Yu, you are lucky to win today. This is just a common matter for military strategists. It's nothing. We have time and opportunity to fight. It ’s just the body of our army generals in the city. I also ask you to return it. Staying in the city will do you no good. It ’s nothing more than epidemic disease. ”

Liu Yu nodded and waited to speak. Fuhong on the other side suddenly shouted, "Murong Yong, do you still want the bodies of these dog thieves ?! Why didn't you talk about this set when you killed our generals in the daytime? Tell You, none of these bodies will be returned to you! "

Murongyong's face changed with a sneer: "Leaving in the city, the decay of the body will only spread the disease. Normal people will not do such detrimental things. Fuhong, if you are a little sensible, now return the body Our army, our army can also retreat for ten miles, so that you can take these pitted soldiers back for burial. Too many people have died today, there is no need to put hatred on the dead, right. "

Fu Hong suddenly burst out laughing: "Xianbei Dog, you taught me that even a corpse can be used as a weapon of war, which can make our army relieved and make the enemy army frightened. You kill the prisoners of war during the day, not just want Strike the morale of our army and enhance the confidence of my side? I am not the father, and I will not tell you any morals about the devil, because the **** enmity with your white prisoners will not stop even if you die! Come, Gather me all the swallow dog corpses, unload eight pieces, and lay them on the city wall!

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