Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 866: Night Party Huan Xuan On Short

Fu Jian waved his hand: "Anyway, it's the case to cheat me or not, anyway, even if I temporarily seek security by borrowing a soldier, my Daqin will become a vassal and a puppet from then on, that's not what I want. Liu Yu, you bring Shang Yuxi, leave quickly, remember me, if you can succeed in the Northern Expedition in the future, please be kind to the people of the world, be kind, and do n’t be as happy as I am.

Liu Yu stood up, picked up the jade seal, wrapped it in a parcel, put his right shoulder on his back, he stood up, saluted at Fu, and said, "Heaven takes care, before I leave, Excuse me, where does Xuan Xuan live? I want to see him. There are some things to discuss with him. "

Fu Jian looked at Liu Yu and said quietly: "Chengdong, Qingyunfang, the original house of Lu Zong, you'd better take him with you. Since Yuxi is not here, I don't think he has any need to stay, no need. Suffer with me here. "

Liu Yu turned and walked toward the outside of the palace with great strides: "I and this Huan Shizi should also have a good chat."

Half an hour later, Liu Yu dressed up as a common man, with a black scarf on his head, a burden on his right shoulder, and a left-handed iron sword, standing outside the Qingyun Square in the east of the city, on the street in front of Lu Zhai. In the night of Chang'an City, there were crowds of excited people running around, and many people were holding iron skewers in their hands. They were grilled on the barbecue. While weeping, they laughed and chewed on the streets without knowing where they came from. Yes, this made Liu Yu feel very uncomfortable. When he met, he would quickly walk away, but only this street in front of the Lu House was exceptionally deserted, there was no one, just Liu Yu superman On the battlefield, I know that in the corners, in the shadows, on the big trees, and on the eaves, there are a lot of capable killers. Without the protection of these people, I am afraid that the insidious and deep son of Huan would not dare to go into danger alone. Changan.

The door of Lu House was open, no one was on duty. It seemed that Liu Yu had long expected to come. Liu Yu raised his eyebrows and drove straight in. When he walked to the door, a fire came from the side, and only one body length was seen. Eight feet, a middle-aged strong man with a bear on his back, holding a torch, walked to Liu Yu, and a far-off salute: "Master Liu Jun, my protagonist has been waiting for a long time."

The person here is Lu Zongzhi. Compared with when he was a prisoner of war in Jiankang City, his appearance was much better, but at this time, instead of wearing armor, he wore a black strong suit, and the same black cloth wrapped his head, which looked extraordinarily. Being capable, Liu Yu nodded and smiled slightly: "General Lu, I haven't seen you in a long time. You have been promoted to the county guard, but I haven't had time to congratulate you yet."

Lu Zongzhi said with a blank expression: "Prisoners under the ranks were originally mortal. Fortunately, the hero did not give up. Not only did he pick up his life, but he also recognized his ancestors and became a prince of Nanyang. The protagonist will live and die with him. Today, the protagonist witnessed the heroic bravery of Liu Junzhu. It is expected that Liu Junzhu will leave Chang'an today. Therefore, his subordinates are specially here to wait. "

Liu Yu smiled and shook his head: "Your son is really a godsman. I don't think Fujian's Wang Guoshi is as good as him now. Well, please let General Lu lead the way quickly, and I can't wait to talk to him. Now. "

A quarter of an hour later, in a room in the backyard of the Lu Mansion, Liu Yu and Huan Xuan sat opposite each other. Huan Xuan had a good satin dress, a high crown of echinacea, and a hosta hairpin. A piece of hair was embedded above the headband The fine jade and jade, but his appearance is very good, his face is ruddy, not at all starving. Liu Yu looked at Huan Xuan and frowned slightly: "All the people in the city are starving. I also drank porridge for a few months. It's still a gift from Fu Jian. You don't seem to be hungry."

Huan Xuan smiled slightly: "Zongzhi had some reserves early in Changan for this kind of unforeseen need. Besides, I am a visitor from afar, not the people of Changan, so whether it is the person I brought or the one I saved Food and Fujian ca n’t be mixed, Liu Yu, you should come to me early so that you wo n’t be eaten without meat. ”

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "It's not too late to come to you now. I'm leaving Changan soon. I think you don't have to stay."

Huan Xuan hooked the corner of his mouth, glanced at the burden on Liu Yu's hand, and said calmly: "You wouldn't really think that I would come to Chang'an for a fake seal. Only Fujian, a fool, would believe this.". .

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Huan Huan is a wise man, Fu Jian is not stupid, but he is more honest, and he is easy to believe in others. His benevolence and trustworthiness are his strengths and his weaknesses. In this chaotic world with no limit, he will If you lose money, a man like your son Huan will be very useful. "

Huan Xuan laughed: "Well, Liu Yu, your mouth is just like your martial arts and handsome talents. It really makes people love and hate. Tell you the truth. This jade seal is only related to the power of the Xie family. We Huan The family did not have this interest. At the time, I bought Lu Zongzhi at a high price to make a relationship with the heroes of Guanzhong. At that time, my father failed to conquer Guanzhong. He only took more than 10,000 people, but he did not take away any handsome people. The Wizards missed it, and it was a regret for life. This time, I do n’t want to keep this regret anymore. I do n’t want this jade seal, but Guan Zhong ’s heroes, goalkeepers, strategists, and strangers, I ca n’t avoid making friends. It ’s over. As many of these people as I can take away.

Liu Yu frowned: "Are you here to grab talents? Is it that simple? If you just make talents ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You don't need to be in danger yourself."

A sly look flashed in Huan Xuan's eyes: "At that time Liu Bei went to Zhuge Liang, and he also looked at Cao Lu. Guan Zhong has always been a hero and talented person. If I just hid myself in Jingzhou and sent Lu Zong to me, it would obviously lack sincerity. Dacai, won't go with me. For example, Wang Jia, if it wasn't you Liu Jinu who went by himself, would he come to Chang'an with you? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Master Huan, it is better to be honest and honest between the two of us. Don't talk like that. You come to make friends. I'm afraid it's not just a Guanzhong hero. More is Yao Chang and Murong Chong. Qin Guo's Everyone can see the demise, and the one who can dominate Guanzhong in the future, the non-Xiyan is Yao Qiang, how to do a good relationship with them in the future, this is what you want, right? "

Huan Xuan's face turned slightly red, and he nodded: "That's right, that's why I stay here, and it's why I'm here to discuss with you today. Can you give me your jade seal?"

Liu Yu's heart sank sharply. He didn't expect that Huan Xuan really fell in love with this jade seal. He unconsciously touched the iron sword on his hand and said in a deep voice: "The son wants to react?"

Huan Xuan smiled and shook his head: "I didn't want it, I gave it as a gift. Do you understand?"

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