Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 868: Hebei Guanzhong is not good

Liu Yu said indifferently, "As long as the Xie family can really go northward, for the Dajin, and to recover the lost ground for our descendants of the Han family, it's not too late. Now the Xie family wants this jade seal, so that no one in Guanzhong can legally rule and wait for the solution. Hebei will naturally send troops out of the gate. Your Huan family cannot even consolidate in Jingzhou. Naturally, it is impossible to send troops independently to the Northern Expedition as before. By then, the Xie family became the hero of the Northern Expedition, and they have central authority. They will not necessarily usurp the throne, but they will certainly Take back your Huan's privileges in Jingzhou, this is where you are really afraid. "

The muscles on Huanxuan's face were all beating, and finally he roared uncontrollably. "Yeah, that's the case. We are the only family that can control a large state and contain the Xie family. The rest is in the center. The right, but this right, without the support of troops, is false. Once the Xie family took control of the military through the Great Expedition of the Northern Expedition, that, together with their political power, became Sima Yi during the period of Cao Wei. In a moment? Our Huns will become Zhuge Ke and others in their three conquests in Huainan, and when we local powers are all over, they will call the ghost if they do n’t change their dynasty! "

Liu Yu smiled slightly. "Those are the future. If you don't want Xie's family to do so, you can also send troops to the Northern Expedition as soon as possible. It's better than you spending time here, even thinking of giving the jade seal to Yao Chang and Murong Chong. Account practice! "

Huan Xuan gritted his teeth, "tell you the truth, Guan Zhong and Hebei are not the places we can seize now. After the battle of Fei Shui, Qin State collapsed, we can take advantage of the opportunity to reclaim the land of Bashu, Central Plains and Qilu. The large territory to the east and south of the Yellow River is already the limit of expansion. In Guanzhong, Hebei, the folk customs have long been not the farming area of ​​our Hans. The Han and Hu lived together for too long. It is not a problem that can be solved by military affairs overnight, and it needs more. Slowly merging and assimilating. Master Father did n’t step on the land of Hebei and Guanzhong, but in the end he could only return with a feather and even nearly lost his reputation for a lifetime. Why? Is n’t it because he could n’t get the hearts of these places? ”

Liu Yu sneered, "I have no intention of insulting your great father who has great merit, but his heart of usurping power and seizing power is well known in the world. His northern expedition is not sincere, but for his own military achievements. Wang Meng sees clearly, so he refuses to return with him. But the Xie family is different now. We are facing a completely collapsed and chaotic north this time. There is no unified government and lord, no Qin and Murong. Such strong enemies as Shi Yanguo, whether it is the tripartite forces here, or Muronghui and Fupi in Hebei, they do not have the ability to unify the north in a short period of time. The timing of the Northern Expedition is the best time in the past 100 years since Yongjia , I will not allow anyone, any force to destroy this Northern Expedition, it's that simple! "

Huan Xuan ’s eyes flashed coldly, “I did not stop this Northern Expedition for personal gain, but this Northern Expedition, destined not to succeed. You thought the family in Jiankang City would watch the Xie Family ’s Beifu Army sweep across Hebei and defeat them. Murong Chui, then waved his teacher across the Taihang Mountain, then crossed the Yellow River and charged Guanzhong? "

Liu Yu nodded confidently. "What's the point? Northern Expedition has great benefits for them, which means more land and population. They have already received these benefits in the recovery process of the Central Plains. Why can't they continue to support it?" ? "

Huan Xuan ha ha smiled, "Big mistake! You think the families of Jiankang now, because the auction of tens of thousands of prisoners of war for them after the last battle of Fei Shui, they will continue to go northward with joy? Pull it down! If nothing else, let ’s say that the Huaibei, Central Plains, and Qilu lands that were laid down this time, these noble families in the Jiankang city, did not get any benefits, and gave a lot of food, manpower, and taxes in vain! Those big and small families in Kangcheng complained one by one, everyone was cursing Xie An and Xie Xuan! "

Liu Yu's face changed and sneered, "I will not believe every provocative word from your mouth, because your motivation itself is problematic, just because I left Jianjian in the past two years Kang, can you just rumor? "

Huan Xuan smiled slightly, "If you don't believe it, you can take the jade seal to build Kangcheng by yourself, and look at the local situation. Your brothers and friends in the Beifu Army know a little bit about the wind, like your good fat man. Brother, his father-in-law is now Xie Xuan ’s long history, and he is his father-in-law ’s think tank, and he has also joined the army to join the army. The position of senior staff is higher than that of your little army leader now, but it is much higher. what."

Liu Yu laughed, "It's really him who is fat, but he has this ability. Now, when he is building merits, he needs someone with real talent. Xuanshuai is willing to reuse him, not because of his identity, but because of him. Or the Xie family does n’t reuse their nephew. ”

Speaking of which, he suddenly thought of Xie Yan's face distorted by anger at the Jiankang City auction, as if to represent his distorted, dark heart, before coming out this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xie Family The internal contradictions broke out to such an extent that in countless nights, he would involuntarily worry about whether this scourge of depression would affect the success or failure of the Northern Expedition, and this time he blurted out himself and regretted it all at once.

Huan Xuan also immediately noticed the subtle changes in Liu Yu ’s expression, sneeringly saying, “Since ancient times, no general has contributed to the outside, but the power struggle is fierce inside. The Xie family all have a lot of bad things, not to mention the delay of the tiger outside. To tell you the truth, in the newly conquered areas of Central Plains, Qilu, and Bashu, people ’s hearts are not stable, and no one knows whether they can give Dajin a stable control this time, or lose the same as before. "

"Therefore, hundreds of thousands of residents in Guanzhong would rather follow Fuhui ’s Luoyang garrison to return to the war-torn Guan instead of staying as Dajin people, and more people fled to Hebei, like Zhai ’s Dingling, almost The entire tribe moved to Hebei, and what Dajin conquered was nothing more than a land of old, weak, and sick people. "

"These places can neither recruit soldiers nor collect food, but also have to invest in military forces to maintain them. It is totally a hot toy. If the Xie family really cares about the country, then they should not think of continuing the northern expedition, but consolidating the occupied area. Immigrated to Tuntian and slowly operated the defense line along the Yellow River. Just like the ancestors of those years, he built cities, accumulated food, collected people's hearts, and when the time was ripe, he could naturally decide the world in one fell swoop! "


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