Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 881: Ma Mazuo also has consciousness

Meng Chang laughed: "I agree with this, but now they are not withdrawing the soldiers and horses? We can't always attack Shifu as we did last time."

Liu Yi's eyes flashed coldly: "It may not be necessary to attack, I said, I will give the Diao Brothers a condition that cannot be refused."

Three days later, at night, Jingkou and Shishifu.

Diao Kui was gloomy, sitting on a small couch in the secret room, and Diao Xie walked back and forth in the small room like an animal, he scolded in his mouth: "Grandma, Liu Yi, this bastard. , Actually, we used the plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain, so that we withdrew the troops of the villages and villages. They can take advantage of the opportunity to vigorously move in the countryside, connect together, brother, this time we have been fooled! "

Diao Kui's eyes slowly opened and sneered: "There is nothing to be fooled. I made it very clear that day, and it is still the same today. The official order of the court did not go down, and Liu Yi called the troops without permission. , As long as we go to Jingzhong to join him, even Xie An ca n’t eat it. Huh, now the relationship between the monarchs is like that. That day, the prince humiliated Xie An in public at the banquet that day. The right to go out of the town of Guangling in the capacity of general is obviously to go out and avoid disaster. At this time, he wanted to expedite north, but to divert his attention and avoid the power struggle of Chaotang. By the way, in the name of north expedition, he gave military power to Grab it in your hand. "

Diao Xie laughed: "It's still the eldest brother who sees clearly. That's it. Xie An is for self-protection. The next conscription order is nothing more than a show. If he really wants to go all out, why would he not even discuss the DPRK? Do? "

Diao Kui shook his head: "Xie An is not so stupid, Chaoyin will definitely be able to do it, but I am thinking now, this court official document has never been issued, is it because the king of Kuaiji and Wang Guobao are stubborn from it?"

Diao Xie's face changed, and he stopped and said to Diao Kui: "No, if they deal with the Xie family, then it's impossible not to inform us."

Diao Kui sneered: "Second brother, I have reminded you not to get too close to Wang Guobao's relationship. This person is greedy and doesn't care about his loyalty. I think I can buy everything with money. There is nothing wrong with it. It ’s betrayed. What our Diao family can do for him, besides accumulating money locally, is the kind of thing that offends people. Did n’t we let us be the pawns of the conflict that put us in these last days? ”

Diao Xie gritted his teeth: "Yeah, but even if his surname Wang is not credible, his status and power are much higher than ours, not to mention, he still has the support of King Kuiji in the back. We do n’t rely on him at this time. Who do you rely on? "

Diao Kui smiled and shook his head: "My good brother, if you can spend half of your thoughts about playing women and bullying poor ghosts in this affair, you won't say that. The most precious thing in the world. Things are power, and the fiercest competition is also this. When it comes to national warfare, mid-to-deep court conspiracy, down to Shengdou small people every day for the sake of survival, is it not for this? Those are for the irrigation of one acre and three points of land The villagers fighting with weapons are no different from the battles between Xie'an Wang Guobao and other nobles. "

"When I thought that Huan Wen was authoritarian, Xie An and Wang Guobao's father Wang Tanzhi were friends of my life that I knew in my childhood, my colleagues in the world, and I used my life to fight Huan Wen's close comrade-in-arms. Ann married all her daughters to Wang Guobao, but what about this? The son-in-law of the Xie family who has no talent but has ambitions, but has embarked on a road to fight for power with his ancestors. He is not satisfied to suppress the Xie family forever, so he takes the initiative I have found the Sima clan who has lost power since the founding of the country. Are you just the king of Kuaiji not satisfied with Xie's family? It's our Holy One who really wants to overthrow Xie's family! "

Diao Xie nodded: "Yeah, we all understand these truths. It is for this reason that we have to have a good relationship with Kuaiji and Wangpu shooters, and faithfully complete what they arranged. This is also the loyalty to the sage. We are now in the mouth of the gang with Qiu Badou (the word Qiu Ba has been popular since the Murong Chui was assassinated, because the Eastern Jin was used to use Qiu as an administrative unit for veterans. This term is even more popular than in the north, and it has also become a noble. The family's scorn for the new generation of Beifu soldiers who are gradually beginning to master the army), is it not the Xie family who fought for the holy power! "

Diao Kui sighed: "My good brother, do you know why his surname is Wang, Xie's, Yu's? Since the founding of the country, he has always been a top family, but our Diao family, the ancestors of the founding are also The heavy ministers and loyal ministers have gone through ups and downs and ups and downs, until our generation began to throw away those useless hypocrisy, dogma, and began to cling unscrupulously. After the search, there is a direction of revival. Why? "

Diao Xie said with a sneer: "It's not because we are too late to realize it! The ancestors all learned those four books and five classics ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's not easy to learn the brain, the kind used to deceive the common people, but instead Became the restraint that bound us. You see those top families, never talk about these, benevolence and morality on the mouth, but in the background are a belly of male robbers and female prostitutes. Through marriage, they attack the prince, and they will always hold power and official positions. Naturally, we can say something Pretty talk, fortunately our brother woke up, isn't it good now? "

Diao Kui said coldly, "It's good? What's the good? When a Wang Guobao dog was given to this place of Jingkou, he would fight with those Qiu Bamen on his behalf, and treat them as kings and Xie in the game. Chess piece, that's all right? Our family ancestors have some prime ministers, how can you be satisfied if you are a thorn history? "

Diao Xie ’s face turned slightly red: “Well, this one has to take its time, and a big minister ca n’t rise quickly in one generation. We do n’t lay the foundation for future generations, if we ’re not here with Qiu Badou. We are even less likely to restore the glory of our ancestors. Besides, let ’s not talk about our family, that is, the family who used to have the right to sway the world and cover the sky with one hand, are n’t they also being dogs for Wang Guobao, but they are not in Jingkou? . "

Diao Kui shook his head: "This is what I want to say. Although the Yu family is on the side of the Wang family, it will not really put their lives and family prospects on the Wang Guobao side, let alone the Xie family cannot be upset. The first hapless one was the little **** who was rushing in front. Even if the Xie family was knocked down, would the world be peaceful afterwards? "

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