Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 886: Going forward after breaking

Dawn, Jingkou, Pingru Village, Jiang Shenmiao.

Liu Yi is still wearing a black costume at night, standing with his hands down, looking at the statue without expression.

Meng Chang struck a shirt and a scribe dressed up, standing behind Liu Yi, silent.

A ray of morning light spilled into the ruined temple, Jiang Shen's fierce and evil face was reflected in a light, Liu Yi's eyes fell on the censer in front of Jiang Shen's statue, Yu Xiang curled, yesterday's incense ashes There are a few sparkling sparkles. Obviously, the incense here is very strong, which can also be confirmed from the fruits and fruits in the offering plate before the incense case.

Liu Yi ticked off the corner of his mouth, picked up a wild mountain peach before the Xiang case, chewed up, and said at the same time: "Yanda (Meng Chang's word), you said, why can you still have a temple like Jiang Ziwen, and What about the incense? "

Meng Chang's brows were slightly frowned: "I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. Jiang Ziwen is a bad guy both before and after death. When he is alive, he bullies men and women, and becomes a fierce **** after death. It ’s just for him, it ’s that simple. "

Speaking of this, Meng Chang sighed: "Here, if I were you, I would not touch Jiang Ziwen's tribute. For example, the Buddha does not account for this, but Jiang Ziwen does the opposite."

Liu Yi laughed and bit off half of the wild peach in one bite. The juice was flowing, making his beard full of: "You still believe that Jiang Ziwen has become a fierce god, what mana? Even if he has really become a ghost, I I did n’t take it seriously. This world is like this. Good people are afraid of evil people, and ghosts are also afraid of evil people. Jiang Ziwen can only bully those good people. He ca n’t be evil in front of me. "

Meng Chang smiled slightly: "Here, self-confidence is a good thing, but don't overdo it."

Liu Yi's eyes flashed coldly: "This is Jingkou, I am the Jade Emperor here, not to mention Jiang Ziwen, even a **** who is bigger than him, I am not afraid. If even the rotten wood of a dead ghost is afraid, let's not When the grandparents are here, what kind of dead blood on the battlefield, what terrible method of death, what cruel things have not seen? "

Meng Chang nodded: "Don't you care about this Jiang Ziwen, but is it necessary to treat Diao Kui like this? Killing the person beside him on his bed has offended Diao Kui and Sun Tai. Why bother?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "If you don't do this, why would Diao and Sun Tai produce gaps? You must know that they are both Wang Guobao and Kuaiji Wang's dog legs. If we work together, we will be in trouble at Jingkou. Only by letting them bite dogs can we do the right thing. "

Meng Chang shook his head: "But Diao's family can't make any money by opening casinos and brothels here. The people of Jingkou are simple in style, not rich in products, and people are relatively poor. If you do this, not only will you earn no money, but you will also ruin your reputation. , Broke the atmosphere here. "

Liu Yi sneered: "Anyway, Diao Kui's casino will not expose me, and I can gain Diao Kui's trust by taking advantage of this. Today I sneaked into his secret room and killed his bedside man to let him know that this is In my world, I can take his life at any time. If I want to do something here, I must cooperate with me. This goal has been achieved. As for making money, those are secondary. I do n’t expect this money to maintain my relationship with my brothers. . "

Meng Chang gritted his teeth: "But there is no airtight wall in the matter. This matter will leak out sooner or later. If you come together with Diao Kui, it means that the cooperation with Sun Tai will be broken. These demon ways are not easy to provoke. "

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "If you are changed, who are you willing to cooperate with? Yaodao or Diao Kui ?!"

Meng Chang sighed: "The demon power is strong, the ambition is big, and it is not easy to control. It is dangerous to cooperate with them, but if handled well, it will become a big help for them, and their five stones are scattered, whether on the battlefield or In the officialdom, it is very useful to us. "

"As for Diao Kui, it's just a wealthy man. If you don't make a big deal, cooperating with him can't do anything. Instead, it will cause trouble for your career and damage your reputation."

Liu Yi shook his head: "Cooperating with Diao Kui is because he is useless, not only useless, but also misjudges the situation. He will have ambitions that are not quite equal to his ability. Now he feels that cooperation with Wang Guobao may not be promising and has conversions. The meaning of Men Ting just happened to pull us into the water. Sun Tai was just the opposite. He wanted the 95th Five-Year Plan, not any money. The official position can be satisfied. He will be fattened now, and he will only be able to make a big deal in the future, so now use him For a moment, we won't need them when this Northern Expedition succeeds. "

Meng Chang's brows gradually eased, but his worries remained: "Are you really so confident in this Northern Expedition? When I was in Yecheng, I always felt that Murong did not do his best."

Liu Yi said with a smile: "You see Murong Chui too much. He used to defeat Huan Wen, not because of how powerful he was, but because Yan Guo's armor is powerful, but now the north is broken and it is impossible to provide him Large-scale armor riding equipment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the past two years, he has not even had cavalry. Murong Xianbei without cavalry, what qualifications can he become our enemy? "

Meng Chang sighed: "Be careful to make Wannian ship, I always feel that bundling the future with this Northern Expedition is not a good idea. Leave yourself a retreat, it is better than no way to retreat.

Liu Yi's eyes suddenly flashed coldly, and he turned his head and looked directly at Meng Chang: "How many times can life return! Yanda, this time, Liu Yu will not participate as the main force and vanguard, it is precisely that we can make a big contribution , More than his chance, gave up this time, I do not know if there is another time! "

"Do you know why Liu Yu can get out of his head? I am Liu Yi who is richer than him, more friends than him, and more literate than him, but why is he now mixed with Xie's son-in-law, I'm just a little Sima ? For this reason, have you thought about it ?! "

Meng Chang smiled slightly: "Probably because you have made friends with other families. The Xie family is not completely at ease with you. After all, Liu Yu is a simple and straightforward guy who can fight wars. They only need them."

Liu Yi shook his head: "This is not the main reason, the only main reason is that Liu Yu has been gambling his life. On the battlefield, he completely lives and dies outside the world. Instead, he has no selfish thoughts, so he can move forward and invincible . "

"And I am different from him. I have been betting on my future, not on my life, so I always look ahead and slow him down. Now I want to understand this reason. To win, you can only succeed if you move forward, without roundabouts, or even backwards.

Meng Chang nodded with a smile: "Xile Le sees, I am too late, the people have already gathered, it's time to go."

Liu Yi smiled and turned back to the statue of Jiang Ziwen: "Someday, I will replace him!"

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